About 3 years ago I was in training at a previous job, making $11.50/hr. We had a new baby, lived in a new town, and were what could only be described as "dirt poor." We often look back and stand in awe at the self-control we had with our budget, and also all the great […]
Confession time. Sometimes, there are things I make that are so great, I just want to keep them to myself. I've always thought that every cook needs a few things under their belt that just blow people away, and everyone comes up to you and is like, "This is amazing! Can I have the recipe?!" […]
For Mother's Day dinner, Jules requested "a good salad in a big bowl." I like salad as much as the next guy (as long as that next guy doesn't really like salad), but salad just sounds so boring. So I walked up and down the produce section of our local grocery store and found a […]
Roasting potatoes is something that everyone needs to know how to do properly. They're so easy to make, as well as versatile, but some people don't like roasting potatoes because they often stick to the pan, have a gummy texture, or are too oily etc. etc.. Well I'm going to change all that for you […]
So... we started that whole "Julia Loves Chris" blog, and then realized it was kinda pointless to have two separate blogs. So I'll be posting my food stuff 3 times a week here instead. As promised, I'm gonna share my crispy pork belly and roasted potatoes recipe today, but I'm gonna do it in 2 […]
All right, quick rant. You know what drives me up the wall? When people talk about liking one ingredient, but not another, as though they're supposed to be interchangeable. Miracle Whip and Mayonnaise, for example. "I like Miracle Whip!" "Well I like Mayonnaise!" Um... they taste nothing alike. Let's see, what do they have in […]
Cinco de Mayo is this weekend. Now there's an obscure holiday. I have no idea why it's a holiday, and I'm not even interested enough to do a Google search. All I know is it's an excuse to make sweet pork barbacoa, so felicidades! I have a couple versions of pork barbacoa, but I think this […]
Sweet and sour chicken - a dish about as Asian as I am, but available at nearly every Chinese restaurant in America. I often wonder how certain dishes become labeled as part of a cuisine. Another example is pizza. Nobody really knows if it originated in Italy, but it's branded Italian, so let it be […]
A couple weeks ago, Jules and I were in Idaho visiting family. I made dinner one night - roasted potatoes and crispy pork belly- and I knew it was gonna sit pretty heavy. See, the difference between a "meh" meal and a great meal, is the way each course builds on each other, and how […]
So something about me - I love seafood. Like, it could possibly rival smoked barbecue ribs for my favorite thing to eat, ever. Unfortunately, I live in ol' land-locked Utah and fresh seafood is not only difficult to find, but abnormally expensive when you do find it. That's why I'm always looking for a "special […]
At the end of last year (you may remember from this post), I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and started drug therapy. My thyroid levels were "very bad" and we (us encouraged by the doctor, of course) are pretty sure that hypothyroidism has been the cause of my infertility for the past 2+ years. We aren't sure […]
Ahhh, Christmas. Don't you love this time of year? No matter what you do, simply follow it up with "It's the Holidays!" and people give you a pass. Did you eat an entire pumpkin pie by yourself in one sitting? It's the Holidays! Did you max out your $15K limit credit card? It's the Holidays? […]
Really, these haystacks have nothing to do with Halloween. Except that I requested them for dinner last night--which we called "Devil's Night" growing up. Chris is the cook around here and night after night he whips up the most amazing meals. Last night, I had a hankering for something simple and comforting--Hawaiian haystacks. And he […]
I ended yesterday's new-chandelier post proclaiming, "bring on the well-lit dinner parties!" and we wasted no time doing that. Last night, we had a couple good friends over for a shrimp boil--a low-key and out-of-this-world flavorful dinner that requires one pot and zero plates. Which I la-hove, because since Chris is the chef around here […]
It's no secret we are doers 'round here. Every day, in our list of things that needs to get done, we also have a slightly shorter list of projects that we would like to get done. Checking these things off has not only fed us with non-stop daily blogging material to feed your DIY eyes, […]
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