Every year, I find myself trying another wellness thing. I love habit stacking (pairing a new habit I want to create with a good one I have already established) but I like to take it easy and only add one or two new things a year and really focus on them so they can stick […]
I'm a side and back sleeper and have always had the hardest time finding a pillow. So many are not supportive enough, and you wake up with a literal pain in the neck. Last year I ordered this queen-sized cervical neck pillow from Amazon on a whim. Let me just tell you, it has changed […]
The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is here and it's my favorite time to stock up on everything from clothes, to luggage, to home decor. I'm sharing my wish list with you here so you can load up your cart and save big! Apparel - Tops Apparel - Bottoms (A few other options) Accessories Beauty (A few […]
I feel like I've been wearing the same lip colors for years! Someone once told me that if pull down your lip, that color is a good direction for color that will look good with your skin tone. When selecting lip colors, I tend to choose one pretty close to my skin tone — or […]
There's been a lot of talk about resolutions this month, and I'm here for it. One of my sisters has a goal this year to "romanticize her life at home," and I love this. She's all about unlocking new ways to love where she lives and how she lives there. We had some girl talk […]
For Chris's birthday, I got him a cold plunge tub. We've both been reading up on all of the health benefits of cold water immersion, and Chris has even been dabbling in some cryotherapy (my personal form of torture). So, after knowing it's been on his wishlist, I took the plunge and surprised him with […]
We all grew up twisting our hair up into a large towel, only to have it unravel 5 minutes later. Gone are the days of using the same towel you dry your body off with to dry your hair. Your hair deserves better than that! A few years back, I started using an Aquis hair […]
Over the years, I've gone on a journey with my skincare. I do a lot to keep my Hashimoto's at bay, but in 2019 my skin took a turn for the worst. It was partly due to the thyroid medication I have to take and also the fact that I have really dry skin. The […]
With the end of summer quickly approaching, this month there were two major themes around here. Namely, the backyard finally wrapping up and the upstairs bathroom slowly getting pulled together. Just so we're on the same page - lets get all caught up on the most recent updates this month. Tile on Tile: An Upstairs […]
Something I'm working on this year (besides having more fun), is dialing in on my routines! I've learned that any time I want to start implementing a new habit or resolution in my life, it's most likely to succeed if I attach it to my already successful routine! Routines over resolutions! Years ago, I started […]
If I'm being honest, one thing I was dreading with moving was finding a new hair person... Little did I know that I would quickly fall in love with the first hair person I went to (found her on Instagramthe first hair person I went to (found her on Instagram)! Combine that with the humidity […]
I get asked almost every day about an item of makeup I'm wearing. I'm definitely a creature of habit and wear the same thing nearly EVERY DAY, day or night. It's shifted a little bit since the last time I shared back in 2019, so I figured it was time for an update. Here's what […]
The majority of July we spent in sweats or swimming in hotels, but those sweats (and swimsuit!) happen to have made the list of my favorites in July so I think we're calling it a win all around! Keep reading to see what else made this list! 1. Hera Chain Necklace $68 My bff, […]
I still haven't sent our Christmas cards out--partly, okay mostly, because they haven't arrived yet--and half of our house is currently covered in plastic because the painters showed up YESTERDAY to paint the entry and Faye's room and the hallway and Polly's room and our ceilings, finally. We're still short a shower door and even […]
SOURCES: Art | Bench | Rug | Jeans | Sandals | Tee I'm continually getting the same question in my inbox that makes me feel so cared for --How are you feeling now that the mold is gone? First, wow, thank you so much for the concern. If you are just now catching up, a […]
Even though I have worked from home for the last 11 years, my daily/weekly schedule has changed drastically with the rest of the world's over the last month. I'm deeply missing the hour to myself at the gym every morning and the 20 minutes before and after where I got caught up with friends on […]
We're all exercising extreme caution around here in the wake of Coronavirus, disinfecting all of our surfaces and devices and staying home as much as we can. We know we're lucky to work from home, and we know so many of you don't. Our hearts are hurting for the too-many who are sick and for […]
It’s been awhile since I updated you one my daily skincare/makeup routine so I thought today’s Casual Friday post would be a great time to chat about that! You know when you’re an adult when your skincare regimen starts taking longer than your makeup routine, but here we are. Welcome to 34, Julia. I didn’t […]
After 2.5 months, we finally slept in our own bed in our own room last night. Halloween we moved into Faye's room (and Faye moved into the spare bed in Greta's room) and we were told it would be a couple weeks to take out the tray ceiling. But then there was no use in […]
I got diagnosed with Hashimoto's over 6 years ago and what started as a strict gluten free diet has gradually morphed into something more restrictive as the years have passed, as I have had more children and as my condition has advanced. This is not an opportunity for medical advice (I'm under the care of […]
Looking for our favorite things? A place to shop our home room by room, or just catch up on what Julia's wearing / loving right now? Browse the CLJ shop