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My Formula for Mixing Patterns in our Home


My Formula for Mixing Patterns in our Home

Recently we had somebody make a comment on Instagram about how our home is feeling so cohesive, even though each room is so different - and how?? The truth is, none of this is by accident. We are very intentional about how we design our spaces, and even though yes, the rooms are entirely not […]
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February 16, 2021


5 Tips for Hanging a Collected Vintage Gallery Wall


5 Tips for Hanging a Collected Vintage Gallery Wall

You can find all of our bathroom sources here! One of the most asked questions is, "How do I put together an organic, vintage gallery wall?" We shared the family photo gallery wall we did in our hallway right here, but the gallery wall in our bathroom was different. Did you sense that, too? The […]
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February 1, 2021


4 Photoshop/Lightroom Tricks When Design Has You Stumped


4 Photoshop/Lightroom Tricks When Design Has You Stumped

Andrea Ahedo, our Visual Media producer, is back for another tip! (Check out how to make a mood board here!) If you ever wished you could have your house try something on--whether it be a paint color, wallpaper, light fixture, art!--this post is for you! She's sharing 4 of her tips and tricks to try […]
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January 21, 2021


How we layered stain to take a wood countertop from dark cherry to a white oak look!


How we layered stain to take a wood countertop from dark cherry to a white oak look!

We still have a few finishing touches to put on the girls' office (see all the plans here!), but over the last week we tackled a really fun DIY that transformed the dark cherry stained wood countertop that was there into a white oak looking one that matches our floor a little better. And today, we wanted to […]
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October 7, 2020


How To: Laying Peel and Stick Tile over the Bathroom Floor!


How To: Laying Peel and Stick Tile over the Bathroom Floor!

We have been doing a quick phase 1 renovation of the girls' bathroom (read more about the plans here!) over the last week and it's coming along so well! We painted the countertops last week using the same countertop paint (and color--Putty!) as we used in our kitchen in our first house nearly a decade […]
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September 28, 2020


Hanging Ceiling Mount Curtains in the Dining Room


Hanging Ceiling Mount Curtains in the Dining Room

I did something in the dining room and it kind of changed everything. A few weeks ago, we hung some art on either side of the arched door and it filled in the space fine, but it actually sparked a different idea--a better idea. Why don't we hang curtains on that wall?! And so we […]
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September 24, 2020


Are You Hanging Curtains Correctly?? (Plus, our favorite curtains and rods!)


Are You Hanging Curtains Correctly?? (Plus, our favorite curtains and rods!)

My friend Marco Polo'd me from her new house earlier this week. She walked me through room by room showing me everything they have done and wanted to do. When she got to her daughters' room, she stopped, "Look at the curtains--did we do them wrong? They are just huggggginnnggg the window and look weird." […]
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July 29, 2020


Would You Buy Something Refurbished? (I do...a LOT!)


Would You Buy Something Refurbished? (I do...a LOT!)

This post is sponsored by eBay. A few fun facts: I have purchased five vacuums (two for our home + three for gifts), a fancy blow dryer, three Frame TVs, two Bose speakers (with perfect sound!), countless kitchen gadgets and other electronics over the years from eBay — all of which were "Certified Refurbished." To […]
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June 25, 2020


The First Dinner Party in Our Dining Room & All My Tips!


The First Dinner Party in Our Dining Room & All My Tips!

Last week, Idaho moved to stage 4 of the reopening which allows gatherings up to 99 people. After months and months of social distancing, my family of 21 got together for the first time this year! It was also the first dinner party in our new dining room! We embraced the opportunity and dreams came […]
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June 18, 2020


How To: DIY Canvas Floater Frame


How To: DIY Canvas Floater Frame

Our oldest daughter, Greta (10 this month!) has a real passion for horses. She's taking riding lessons and learning so much that I have a feeling our pasture in the backyard won't be empty for too long. So when it came time to choose art for her room, horses were a natural choice. I went […]
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February 5, 2020


How to Put on a Duvet Cover In Under 3 Minutes (Without crawling inside!) So EASY!


How to Put on a Duvet Cover In Under 3 Minutes (Without crawling inside!) So EASY!

This post was created from a real life moment. We were getting our room ready to shoot an update last week and I asked Andi, our Visual Media Producer, to give me a hand putting the duvet cover on. To which she said, "Tell me I don't have to crawl inside. I ALWAYS crawl inside of mine." […]
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January 29, 2020


Laying Heated Flooring Under Tile


Laying Heated Flooring Under Tile

The harlequin tile floors (of our dreams!) are starting to get laid in the dining room today! It feels like it has been a long time coming. And in many ways it has, but it's strange once you reach a point you were waiting so long to reach, everything it took to get up to […]
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January 13, 2020


5 Go-To Resources for Making a Moodboard


5 Go-To Resources for Making a Moodboard

We share a mood board almost every week here and every time we do, I get asked, "How do you make these mood boards?!" I personally use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop together, but today we wanted to break down a few other standout options available. We invited our new Visual Media Producer (and my sister), […]
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September 24, 2019


How to Build a Simple, Built-in, Sturdy Shelf For Your Kitchen (or anywhere, really)


How to Build a Simple, Built-in, Sturdy Shelf For Your Kitchen (or anywhere, really)

We encourage all DIYers to know their own limits when they take on projects. This tutorial uses power tools that could cause serious harm if operated incorrectly, so please be safe, be smart, and hire a professional if needed.  After posting our kitchen phase 1 update, we've had so many requests to share how we […]
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August 21, 2019





This post is sponsored by Lowe's Our week-long phase 1 kitchen refresh is all but done now. The most dramatic change besides rearranging the cabinets (did you even know you could do that?) was painting the cabinets this past weekend. Everyone knows how transformative paint can be, but one of my favorite aspects is one […]
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August 13, 2019


4 Things I Bought on eBay this Month!


4 Things I Bought on eBay this Month!

This post is sponsored by eBay eBay has been my favorite place to hunt for deals for a long time. It's just so amazing to be able to find brand new, vintage antiques, trendy and formerly out-of-budget pieces all on the same site. I don't generally bid on items (although that's a great way to […]
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July 25, 2019


DIY Easy Wood-Stained Custom Floating Shelves


DIY Easy Wood-Stained Custom Floating Shelves

This post is sponsored by Minwax®.  The Fullmers really wanted some open shelving in their kitchen mixed with closed upper cabinets. This is a great solution for most people who don't necessarily want to worry about every dish looking beautiful all the time, but still want to add some decor and character to their kitchen. We DIYed […]
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June 20, 2019


Building a Custom, Tiled Cover for a Recirculating Range Hood

Custom cover for a recirculating range hood


Building a Custom, Tiled Cover for a Recirculating Range Hood

As we come to a close on the Fullmer's kitchen (aiming to finish tomorrow, with the exception of some stying and pantry organization etc.), we're so excited to pull together all of the little parts of this project to share. One of those parts we wanted to share today - building out their custom, tiled […]
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May 30, 2019


Everything You Need To Know about Using Semihandmade Fronts with Ikea Cabinets (And our Cove Line in the Fullmer Kitchen!)


Everything You Need To Know about Using Semihandmade Fronts with Ikea Cabinets (And our Cove Line in the Fullmer Kitchen!)

Earlier this year, we launched our own line of cabinet doors with Semihandmade that consists of three wood tones: A walnut tone called Saddle, A grayish brown tone called Dusk (we used that one at the cabin!) and a light oak looking option called Cove--that's the one we're using in the Fullmer kitchen and I'm […]
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May 22, 2019


Ambient, Task & Accent: How to Layer Lighting like a Pro + New Lighting in our bedroom!


Ambient, Task & Accent: How to Layer Lighting like a Pro + New Lighting in our bedroom!

This post is sponsored by Troy Lighting Our bedroom is the one room in our home that has been evolving for years and never really complete, but after this week, I think I'm cautiously calling it done. The cherry on top? Lighting, of course. For years, Chris has been rocking a floor lamp on his side […]
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April 18, 2019
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