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The Little Girls' Bathroom Phase 1 Plans!

The little girls' bathroom was not on our radar this year. Not because it didn't need attention, but because it's honestly the perfect size for our little girls (6 and 3) with an extra short countertop and toilet--even our 3 year old can reach the faucet! We knew, given our height and the height of […]
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September 21, 2020

Casual Friday

Casual Friday: Our Demo'd Bathroom!!!, Cottage Inspo, Exterior Paint Colors & More!

Demo on our bathroom happened this week and it was so shocking to see the space after it was completely cleared. I actually gasped. It seems to have grown 10x! My sister was so sure there must have been a wall cheated out somewhere. Our minds just couldn't get around the fact that this huge, open space […]
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July 24, 2020


The Order of Events leading up to a Renovation + Our Bathroom Mood Board!

A lot of projects in our home are tied together and stem from each other right now, so if it seems like we're bouncing from project to project — we kind of are, but only because they are connected. We also made a goal to finish renovating this home by the end of 2021 (you […]
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June 22, 2020

Casual Friday

Casual Friday: Flip House Hunting!, Hair Magic, & Kitchen Art

A little over a week ago, when we still felt pretty lost on what direction we wanted to go after the fire. When in our brains it felt like we could go any direction but my heart was still so fragile to commit to anything--someone suggested we needed a rebound. We needed a non-committal, just for fun, […]
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March 8, 2019


The One Surprising Thing We Would Change about our Bathroom

We've been using our newly remodeled master bathroom for 5 months now and it still feels like a dream. Almost every day, either Chris or I comment on how wonderful, beautiful, functional or worth it it was. All the painstaking planning really paid off. Even still, we often get asked (mostly by others gearing up for their […]
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October 16, 2018

Casual Friday

Casual Friday: October 12, 2018

Hardware | Fruit bowl | Cutting boards | Glass canister | Equivalents Print | Acrylic Frame | Pumpkin Toffee Candle | Green bowls | Salt Cellar | Pots & Pans • Idaho got really cold this week--30s and 40s most days. Those first brisk days are always fun (ask me again in January--ooof), but when we were getting […]
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October 12, 2018


Fixing A Toilet That Wouldn't Flush (Without Tearing up the Entire Bathroom)

It's been just about a year since we finished the girls' bathroom (see all the afters right here!), but while we were tackling our own bathroom renovation, there was a solid month that we thought we were going to have to tear it up and start over. It was a dark time and if it […]
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August 28, 2018


How much did the bathroom renovation cost? A full budget breakdown.

A few weeks ago, we revealed our master bathroom makeover (check out the post here if you haven't already!). We just tallied up all the invoices and expenses for our bathroom renovation and we wanted to share a full budget breakdown with you today! Well, to be honest, I don't know if we "wanted" to, […]
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August 13, 2018

Idaho Rambler

The Reveal: Our Primary Bathroom is Finished!

We've been dreaming of this day since we moved into our home 5 years ago. Our bathroom was the very last project we completed and it feels amazing to be done! While we have been anxiously waiting and saving to tackle this space for years, we've been putting plans in motion since last October and […]
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July 25, 2018

Idaho Rambler

Our Small, Floral Water Closet

We're still waiting for a few more things to arrive (and for me to get my butt into gear and paint the trim once and for all!) before the full bathroom reveal. But there are so many details that went into the water closet (a small room for a toilet) that I thought it deserved […]
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July 2, 2018


21 Fine Art Pieces For The Bathroom

You know what I love in a bathroom? Art. Hard pass on punny prints or bathroom reminders (wash your hands!)--but give me all the fine art. For some reason, it's unexpected and it can elevate the (likely) smallest room in your house so quickly. Our entire master bathroom was inspired by a vintage waterscape painting […]
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May 23, 2018


Our Master Bathroom Renovation, 2 Weeks In: On Plumbing and Choosing the Right Fixtures, Heights, Valves & Drains

This Master Bathroom project is a doozy! The beauty of DIY is, in many cases, you can figure things out as you go. You do the work when you have the time, or you order the materials as you get the money, or you take it step-by-step and eventually see it all come together. This […]
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April 18, 2018


The Master Bathroom Mood Board!

It feels like a big day around here. After so much planning and preparation and mulling over photos and looking at samples and making so many decisions (and going back and forth on those decision)--we finally have the mood board for the master bathroom! And 99% of of it has been ordered and is on […]
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March 7, 2018


The 6 Floating Vanities We Designed + Our Favorite Mirror Options!

We are at odds with the vanity design for the master bathroom. After we feel like we knew what we wanted (check out this post!), we read all of your comments and went to the actual drawing board to sketch out a few possibilities--6 to be exact. Before I get into the vanities, let's talk […]
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February 20, 2018


The Most DIY Friendly Bathroom Renovation We've Ever Done!

This project and post is sponsored by Lowe's Home Improvement. A couple months ago, we filmed a series of simple bathroom how-to videos for Lowe's Home Improvement (how to tile a floor, how to install a tub insert and surround, how to swap out a vanity, and how to hang a mirror and lighting) and […]
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January 25, 2018


The New (Tentative) Bathroom Layout

We are diving into our master bathroom remodel and want to be completely transparent and share all the details as we go for a few reasons; first, a bunch of you have reached out saying that you're tackling a remodel, too, and are looking to us for some guidance. Second, it's actually a very overwhelming […]
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January 10, 2018


Installing Pre-Painted Vertical Shiplap In The Bathroom

This post is sponsored by Metrie. We wrapped filming for the Lowe's Bathroom Makeover we're doing at our friends' home late last night. Although the four how-to videos are all done, we still have a few loose ends to tie up before the bathroom is completely finished--but, we are ecstatic about much we accomplished in […]
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November 21, 2017

Mood Boards

A Fast Bathroom Remodel--On Camera!

A month ago, we got a call from Lowe's that they would like to revamp the how-to videos on their YouTube channel. And by "revamp", they really mean--make them less showy. Isn't that funny? Awhile ago, they invested in a production company, actors, the works (!!!) to film tutorials on how to do basic bathroom projects like: […]
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November 16, 2017


Would You Rather: Tub vs. Shower vs. Tub and Shower

We've polled our readers before here when we were planning the deck (we went composite!), and here when we were considering taking our our 4th bathroom for a laundry room (we went for it!) and now that we're in the initial planning stages of our bathroom renovation, we got another one for ya! Our current […]
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October 25, 2017

Idaho Rambler

Before And After: The Girls' Bathroom is finished!

The bathroom downstairs, mostly belonging to our girls (but overnight guests will use it, too!) is finally finished! when we first started in February, we never anticipated it taking this long, but here we are 7 months later having just put the finishing touches on. Between pregnancy and having a baby, and several items being […]
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September 21, 2017
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