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before and after


The 9 Room Reveals we shared in 2023

This year, we didn't tackle all of the projects that hoped to (you can see our project predictions in this post), but we did manage to squeak out NINE reveals. Some of these were off-site. Some were small makeovers and some were larger scale. Let's dive in and see how many you remember, and maybe […]
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December 22, 2023


Reveal: The Powder Bath with Roman Clay walls and peel and stick flooring

We've done quite a bit this year, but we wanted to share one last project we completed before signing off for the year: the upstairs powder bath in the playroom! We finished it! The project started for a silly reason because I really wanted to try Roman Clay somewhere in our house and I really […]
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December 20, 2023

North Carolina Home

The Gradual Two-Year Transformation of the Living Room

Sometimes room renovations happen over the span of a few months, and sometimes they take time. Ever since painting the living room, we have been slowly making tweaks and adjustments to the layout and furnishings. The living room started off as a conglomeration of furniture and decor from our last house. But over the last […]
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May 18, 2023

Other Makeovers

Maximizing the Layout of a Small Deck in 5 Steps!

This post is sponsored by Article and was written by my lovely sister and brand manager, Victoria. Okay, I have to tell you something: Last year, I bought a dapper dining table on Facebook Marketplace and appointed it on my deck with promises of al fresco suppers, season after season. I weatherproofed it (obviously)(or so […]
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April 19, 2023

North Carolina Home

Reveal!!: Greta's Bathroom Renovation is Finished!

When I looked back at when we introduced our plans to renovate both the laundry room and Greta's bathroom, I realized that was 7 months ago! I can't believe how much time has passed! This bathroom and the still-unfinished laundry room (more on that another day) actually inspired the "10 Things That Can Derail a […]
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November 14, 2022


The 16 Before and Afters of 2021

At the end of every year we like to share before and afters of all the projects we got done within the year. I just looked back at 2020's end-of-year post, and giggled to myself because I was confident we would be staying in our last house for a very long time. Just goes to […]
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December 20, 2021


Before and NOW: The Bonus Room

I've been envisioning hanging out in a fully-finished bonus room over the holidays, and it's official–the bonus room is complete! Well, for now. I still want to do a big gallery wall coming up the stairs, but I think that's something that will happen over time. For now, I have to say--this room is everything […]
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December 17, 2021

Idaho Cottage

Our Exterior Reveal + Before and Afters (and the cost)!

Two years ago (almost to the day!), I took the before photos of the exterior of our home and today, I'm excited to share the very last reveal post of our Modern Cottage--the exterior. It was really finished sometime in the winter, but we wanted to wait for things to green up a bit. This […]
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May 26, 2021

Idaho Cottage

Before and After: The Balcony We Added Off Our Primary Suite!!

When we moved into this home, it had a (surprisingly dark) sun room, that we knew from the beginning needed to be a dining room. At the time we had no idea what would be involved in making that happen, but this is where we started: Of course, once we started tearing into the sun […]
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May 4, 2021


Before and after and in between: The Entry has been through it all! And is finished!!

  The entry is the one space in our home that has been under a constant renovation ever since we moved in. From updating the floors to the banister. The upstairs looks dramatically different thanks to a wall (that's our new closet!). It got a new (old) HUGE door that was originally on the back […]
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April 7, 2021


Before and After: Our Small changes, Big Impact Laundry Room Redo

When we decided that we were going to move, there were many spaces that weren't "done" in our house and we accepted they wouldn't be under our watch (we're definitely not moving for "content"). But most of the spaces in our home, we had at least done something to (I call these phase 1 makeovers) and our […]
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March 31, 2021


Polly's (Big Girl) Modern Cottage Bedroom Reveal

It's hard to believe we started Polly's bedroom makeover when she was transitioning out of her crib because that feels like so long ago. But now, 5 months later, we're calling Polly's modern cottage bedroom finished! Here's how it looked when we moved in (her room is about 10x10) And here's how it looks today! […]
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February 24, 2021


Our Modern Cottage Bathroom Reveal!

It's safe to say that when we demo'd our bathroom last June (say it ain't so!!), we were not expecting the renovation to take this long. But here we are, at the end of January with a new bathroom that we're over the moon to be sharing with you today. We moved shortly after finishing […]
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January 27, 2021


Before and After: Faye's Real Life Princess Room

This post is sponsored by Honey Faye's room is done and we're so excited to share a bunch of photos and a video with you today! I would say out of all the rooms in our home, we can feel this room's transformation the most. Although the bones were good to start with (see the […]
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January 7, 2021


The 24 Projects We Got Done in 2020!

At the beginning of the year, we laid out the projects we wanted to get done in 2020 and proclaimed we'd rather not be living through a renovation for 10 years (aka, we were putting the gas on this!). Some we didn't get to (the kitchen/pantry/mudroom), but everything else we checked off and then some--the […]
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December 21, 2020


The Evolution of our Living Room!

We finally got our living room to a point where it feels cozy and comfortable and like us. It didn't happen overnight. In fact, it took almost a year and a half so I thought it would be fun to share the different variations here, as well as where we are now! Here's what our living room […]
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November 23, 2020

Idaho Cottage

Before and After: The Girls' Office Reveal!

Over the last couple months, we've been working on the girls' office/homework/art room and we're excited to share some after photos with you today!! We get a lot of interesting comments when we say it's the "kids' office" because it's pretty grand of a space. But it's actually just the home office (very common in […]
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October 20, 2020


The Little Girls' Bathroom Phase 1 Reveal!

We generally don't do back to back reveals, but consider yourself spoiled, because TODAY we're showing you the phase 1 makeover we did in the little girls' bathroom!! (If you missed yesterday's playroom reveal, check it out here.) Last week, we put the pedal to the metal to focus on tying up a few project […]
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October 6, 2020

Idaho Cottage

The Playroom is Finished!

We have a lot of large projects going on that are kind of out of our control as we're depending on contractor's timelines. But! We also have a LOT of small projects in the works that we started and have complete control over and last week I said, "Let's tie all of these up!" The […]
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October 5, 2020


Before & After: The Pugmire Living Room with Article!

Chris Loves Julia readers will get a $50 discount off a purchase of $200 or more at Article. (Offer is valid until September 30, 2020). Discount will be automatically applied at checkout and will work for orders in both Canada and the United States. When our friends, the Pugmires, moved into their house six years […]
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August 24, 2020
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