This time of year is the best for mail. I did nearly all of my Christmas shopping online, so between the packages arriving daily and the real gems, receiving holiday cards from our friends and family, every day feels like Christmas! We haven't shipped out our cards yet--that's my goal this weekend!--but the cards have […]
1. Moroccan Oil. This is actually on my hair's wish list. But tomato, tomahto. $23.99 2. Eyelash extensions for your sister, mom, aunt, bff, and/or yourself). I just got them for the first time and I feel ready when I wake up in the morning (!!) for all the Christmas and New Year's parties on […]
Are we still decorating for Christmas?! Goodness. We are. Actually, it has proven to be a good thing we started decorating for Christmas when we did, because it has taken us weeks, on and off, to get things out and up. For instance, before leaving town for Thanksgiving, we put up our tree and decided […]
Last week, this happened: And I really didn't think I was ready for 18 inches of snow--but as it turns out, it wasn't so bad to bundle up and head out or drink cocoa and watch a Christmas classic, okay--Elf. And when the snow didn't stop after the first day, we thought, "This is it. […]
Well, this week isn't going exactly as I planned. I had hopes of adding a lot more paintings to our shop and sneaking in a few more blog posts while we celebrate our anniversary this week, but I have been down for the count. My body is not reacting the best to my new medication […]
Looking for our favorite things? A place to shop our home room by room, or just catch up on what Julia's wearing / loving right now? Browse the CLJ shop