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Chris Cooks

Chris's Cookbooks are Back!

Happy Spring! It always seems like Spring hits Idaho very last, but yesterday was a perfect welcoming in the 50s. Chris fired up the grill and made his Cilantro Lime Chicken Wings, aka the best wings of my life! We talked about our deck plans we're putting into play next month. Greta rode her bike […]
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March 21, 2016


Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Hey e'rbody! Jules and I are busy busy over here, trying to keep this kitchen moving along. I wanted to share a food post today but between work, spending time with the girls and working on the kitchen every night from the time the girls go to bed until Jules and I are on the […]
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September 4, 2015

Chris Cooks

eCookbook Launch: Thank You's and Photos

What a day it's been. Thank you all so much for your support and interest in these books. It really has been overwhelming and I'm excited to see the food you make (#cljcookbooks and show us!). I wanted to end this truly awesome day with a few more photos from the books, and something that […]
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June 30, 2015
Cilantro Lime Chicken Wings


The eBooks are Here!!! Plus, A Chris Loves Wings Cilantro Lime Chicken Wings Recipe

Here it is, friends. The 3rd and final preview recipe for our newly-launched eCookbooks, Chris Loves Burgers, Chris Loves Tacos, and Chris Loves Wings. And it's a lovely one, I'll tell you that. To be honest, the Wing book is my personal favorite of the three (though I love them all). I think it really dives into the versatility […]
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June 30, 2015
Al Pastor Recipe


The eBooks are Here!! Plus, a Chris Loves Tacos Al Pastor Recipe

We're back, and totally still celebrating the launch of my 3 eCookbooks, Chris Loves Burgers, Chris Loves Tacos, and  Chris Loves Wings. This time, instead of sharing a full on taco recipe, I'm going to share my recipe for al pastor, which is a classic meat for tacos. My version has a couple modern twists, but I […]
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June 30, 2015
The Reuben Burger


Chris Loves Burgers eCookbook Preview: The Reuben Burger

It's finally here! Can y'all believe it? This is a huge day for me and I honestly couldn't be more excited, because the cookbooks I've been working on for almost 6 months are finally live and available to all of you! Each one is designed to give you the techniques and context you need to […]
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June 30, 2015
Chris Loves Julia Cooking eBook Covers

Chris Cooks

Reader's Choice: Cookbook Covers!

All right everyone, so today is kind of a big day for me and I'm excited to share a couple things with you about the cookbooks we've been working on--including what they'll actually be about! I've been really researching, testing and fine-tuning everything going into these books because I want them to be valuable for […]
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June 12, 2015

Chris Cooks


It's been over a month since we spilled the news that Chris will be writing 3 cookbooks and we figured we owed you an update. At the beginning of the month, we flew my sister Andrea up from her home in Monterrey, Mexico to shoot all the photography for the books. It was a hefty, […]
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May 19, 2015
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