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Well, we finally finished the Fauxdenza in the Dining Room!

An entire year ago, we hung a "fauxdenza" in the dining room as part of a video project for GM that actually never ended up seeing the light of day because Covid hit. We hung our first floating credenza ("fauxdenza") made from upper Ikea cabinets back in 2012--you can read about that right here--and to […]
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April 5, 2021


How We Built the Dining Room Fauxdenza (and Why It's Not Quite Done)

Back in March, we built a fauxdenza in the dining room and it has been a wonderful, budget-friendly way to get a lot of storage for not a lot of money. It's called a "fauxdenza" because although it looks like a credenza (or sideboard), it's actually made with upper kitchen cabinets! It's an easy DIY […]
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July 14, 2020


A Peek in the Credenza O' Toys

If you follow me on Instagram, you have witnessed I have been on an organizing spree lately. It started with our junk drawer that I couldn't take one more day of! And from there, we tackled our tool junk drawer (it's normal to have one of those, right?) and most recently the credenza, err fauxdenza […]
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February 3, 2015


Our Styled Credenza: Industrial-chic Meets Dia de los Muertos.

We're back, as promised, to share all of the final details that went into above and on our DIYed fauxdenza. Styling is always so fun.  Especially when it is a surface that can be styled and re-styled with changing seasons.  Last night, we got the base of the styling done.  The lamps installed (more on […]
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September 27, 2012


Fauxdenza Crendenza!

Two weeks ago, we shared part one of our new "fauxdenza" in the living room made of 3 Akrum wall cabinets from Ikea floating a few inches above the floor.  It was a great solution to a large credenza for hundreds (in some cases, thousands) less.   But the white cabinets alone, left a lot […]
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September 26, 2012


About Those Kitchen Cabinets We Bought

Can I just start by saying, thanks for all your feedback on our "his chair" post.  I spent some time rearranging things, swapping sides and eventually just put him and her next to each other with Chris's djembe in the middle to act as a little side table and I think we like this arrangement […]
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September 12, 2012
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