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How to Build a Tiered Garden Bed


How to Build a Tiered Garden Planter Box

This Spring has been such a tease. Every time it felt like we were turning a corner, BOOM, more snow. Or just cold rain. And don't get me wrong, we live in a major potato farming community (classic Idaho, amirite?) and I'm happy that the farmers will have plenty of water this year, but sometimes I […]
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May 9, 2017


Six Things to do this Spring from the Archives

It's always fun to see when the seasons change, our readers start digging deep into the archives, or coming across one of our projects on Pinterest that is relevant to the warmer weather. And since there are hundreds of thousands more of you now than there was when most of these posts hit the blog […]
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May 12, 2016


Sprout It--Backyard Takeover Contest!

As you know, we have been really focusing on our exterior the last couple months, specifically getting our very first garden going.  We built the garden boxes, we removed all the sod and this is where we kind of freeze because although both of us grew up with gardens, growing your own in a new-to-you […]
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June 25, 2013


Dirty Jobs: Sod Removal

We've been living with our raised garden beds (still empty) in their tentative places for a couple weeks to be sure that's where we want them and also to figure out if we should remove the grass or...what.  We're happy to report, we have things figured out.  This is, in fact, where we want them […]
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June 21, 2013


Our DIY Raised Garden Beds

Last week, we took a couple hours and finally tackled a project we've been meaning to for years--  Raised garden beds!!  Chris and I both grew up in homes with gardens, and we're happy to be on our way to one of our own.  This article from BHG goes into a lot of the perks […]
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May 13, 2013
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