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gifts for empty nesters

Gift Guides!

Gift Guide For Parents & In-Laws

I have full blown conversations with my girlfriends and sisters that solely revolve around the question "What are you getting for your parents?!" It's one of my favorite gift guides to put together because I just love thinking of things that would bring a smile to my parents' face. And if you want more ideas, […]
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November 27, 2020

Gift Guides!

2019 CLJ Holiday Gift Guide: Gifts for Empty-Nesters

Ah, Empty-Nesters. Mom and Dad. Grandma and Grandpa. They're famously tough to shop for, and yet — it seems they need so many new things! (How old is dad's robe? When's the last time mom updated her luggage?) Show them all of the love this Christmas with gifts that will make them feel so seen […]
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November 28, 2019

Gift Guides!

CLJ GIFT GUIDE: 13 Gifts for the Empty-Nesters (Your parents, In-laws, Grandparents, etc.)

1. A leather "brag book" that's small enough to fit in their pocket, wallet or purse and holds photos of their children/grandchildren to whip out at a moment's notice. $25 2. A painting of the house you grew up in, to put a tear in all of your eyes. $105 3. Similar! An heirloom chess […]
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December 3, 2017

Gift Guides!

CLJ Gift Guides: Gifts for the Empty Nesters

"What are we going to get our parents" is a topic of conversation between Chris and I and all of our friends during the holiday season. Because they always just want something like...a letter. (It's true, my mom always asks for a letter.) And while I love writing her a nice long card every year, it's also […]
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November 28, 2016
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