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gifts for kids

Gift Guides!

The Best Birthday Gifts for Kids Ages 1-18

I've had the idea for this post for — I'm not kidding — four years. I just wished there was a place that you could go when you needed a gift for a child of any age and get a recommendation. I don't want a hundred recommendations, I just want just a few really good […]
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May 22, 2024

Gift Guides!

2021 Gift Guide: For Kids

1. Bear Shearling Backpack (similar) $16 They've got a lot to carry! After you've ditched the diaper bag, get your kids something cute (and cuddly!) to tote around their own water, snacks, and coloring books. 2. Village Play Mat $76 They're already in their own little world. This mat is a perfect play land for […]
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November 2, 2021

Gift Guides!

Kids' Gift Guide 2020

Last year, we got our girls this train set and it's been the highlight of their days since setting up the tree in the dining room. I hope it's always one of those things that brings back Christmas memories. I'm sure there are lots of "sweet spots" when your kids are growing up, but I feel […]
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December 3, 2020

Gift Guides!

2019 CLJ Holiday Gift Guide: Gifts for Kids

We are starting into an interesting chapter of our lives where our oldest is becoming less interested in the toy aisle and asked for a water bottle and a video camera for Christmas (what?!). Our youngest is most happy with books and simple toys and our five year old will take one of everything, please! […]
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November 29, 2019

Gift Guides!


1. Sled Legs, wearable sleds so they can run and slide down the hill on their knees. First of all--it's about time! $48 2. Not available. Here is a similar sherpa jacket! (on sale for $22!) 3. Kid plates are really a present for you disguised as a present for them--this one suctions to just about anything […]
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December 3, 2018


CLJ Gift Guide: 15 Gifts for Kids!

  1. A well-built tandem sled with waterproof cushions, because they just don't make them like they used to. $249 2. Plus-Plus bricks that will keep their tiny hands busy building for hours (I know first hand). $19 3. MiP, the toy robot, who has an inquisitive and responsive personality, navigates his surroundings, follow hand […]
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November 26, 2017

Gift Guides!

CLJ Gift Guide: 18 Gifts for Babies

What do you get a baby for Christmas? Sure, they won't remember either way, but one's first Christmas should be celebrated with at least one painfully slow unwrapping session (or a speedy one if siblings are helping!) Here are a few ideas: 1. Duck Boot Crib Shoes because anything miniature because they are a winter […]
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November 22, 2017

Gift Guides!

CLJ Gift Guides: Gifts for Kids

There's probably been one thing that your child (or niece or nephew or grandchild, etc) has been asking for (for Greta, it's this robot kitty--since she's allergic to real kitties) but there is nothing better than seeing a child's face on Christmas morning when you produce the most unexpected, best presents they'll love forever. Here […]
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November 25, 2016
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