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great room


Finding the Perfect Lamp for the Living Room and FINALLY Tackling the Honey Oak Game Cupboard at the Bottom of the Stairs.

This post is sponsored by Rejuvenation We are hosting a Friendsgiving this weekend and a bunch of family for Christmas next month and while I'm overall pleased, content, comfortable, happy (!!) with the state of our home now, finally, after 5 years of renovating--there were a couple small things that I wanted to add/do before […]
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November 14, 2018

Casual Friday

Casual Friday: October 26, 2018

Chris and I are celebrating our 10 year anniversary next month (Nov. 8th) and are headed to Bora Bora next week to celebrate. Years ago we put a pin in the destination for our 10 year, and I can't believe it's almost here! We don't have much scheduled besides a couple's massage, lounging in our […]
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October 26, 2018


Our $5 Living Room Make-Under

I've been really craving a lightness in our home lately. I pulled up the Persian rug in the kitchen. I purged half the toy room. I tucked away a lot of baskets of throws and magazines. I took down a few pictures that were hanging on walls. I told Chris, "I just feel like I […]
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June 21, 2018


New Low Back, Modern Spindle Chairs for the Dining Room!

We got new dining chairs! We had our last beige eiffel chairs (I put a picture near the bottom of the post for you!) for three years and still loved them for how easy they are to wipe down, but were itching for a change. Over Thanksgiving, we hosted 30 Marcums and had to pull […]
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December 5, 2017

Idaho Rambler

How We Got Here: The Great Room

I love sharing before and after transformations of an area of our home under the hashtag #cljtransformations on Instagram (The new swipe feature has made the them even more fun), but rarely do here for some reason. This weekend, I pulled out my camera, referred to our before photos so I could match angles, and […]
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March 21, 2017


Living Room Refresh, and A Lighting Hack!

Shortly after we added the darker plank wall to the living room, I started craving something lighter on the floor. Although we still really LOVE our indigo Baxter rug, we rolled it up and put it in storage for now (maybe it will be a fall/winter thing? We'll see.) and unrolled this beautiful, moroccan-inspired, budget-friendly rug […]
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February 20, 2017


Well, I guess it's time to address the wall.

There's this wall that I crop out of almost every photo I take of the great room. It's awkward in and of itself, slightly recessed, large and blank and right in the middle of the living room. It's that far one that the fauxdenza used to be on: I say used to because over the weekend we moved the […]
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March 14, 2016


Pros and Cons of Open Concept Living

I grew up in Pittsburgh in a very colonial style home where each room was its own room, and there were doorways--wide doorways, but doorways--leading into the living room and dining room and even the kitchen had its own doorway. It always felt charming and intimate to me, but I never knew anything else until […]
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December 14, 2015
CLJ Living Room


Living Room Update + Sources!

We've been making a few little updates around the house over the past couple months in preparation for two big, exciting things coming up in the beginning of next year. The spaces that were almost there, but not quite--like the living room--got a few finishing touches. Like, our first ever actual coffee table. And new pillows after […]
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December 11, 2015


A New Table + The Dining Room Before & Afters!

We got ourselves a new dining room table! When we shared the before and afters of our kitchen renovation, so many of you wanted to see how the rest of the great room worked into the new kitchen, specifically the dining room since they are so close in proximity. At the time, we were in […]
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October 28, 2015


Our Fully Dressed (New) Windows + $100 West Elm Giveaway

Since our very first walk through of this house we are slowly making home, "There should be a big window to the left there" we said. It's the kind of comment that perked our realtor's ears up. He knew we were looking for a house in a good neighborhood that needed fixed up. Us already […]
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March 11, 2015


The New Window Is In!

Earlier this week, I shared the installation of our new window in the living room in real time on Instagram, but I am here to report some more details on the window itself and some progress photos, too! Here's how the wall looked beforehand: And here's how it looks now! The thing I wish I […]
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March 4, 2015


A New Addition (err subtraction?) In the Great Room

Some of you may remember (but I bet most of you won't, because who would want to!) this is what our great room looked like when we moved in almost a year and a half ago.   I am pulling this picture out of the archives because it was during this walk through that we […]
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January 20, 2015


Perfectly Putty Paint

We got the great room and entry painted (again) last week and I'm back to show you photos! I made myself sick trying to pick the perfect paint color. I really wanted something warm and muddy. I test 5 different grays (you saw those last week) and ended up at the last minute going with […]
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November 24, 2014


(Re)painting the Great Room + Tips on working with Swatches

Several weeks ago, we posted a photo over on Instagram of a few swatches painted on our great room walls. We stared at them for a while, probably too long because we ran out of time to actually paint the walls before our Halloween party. Now the project has resurfaced again and with Thanksgiving next […]
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November 19, 2014


A Little Living Room Refresh

Remember this post when I told you I was going on a purging spree. Oh boy did I ever. We were left with bare floors, bare couches and nearly bare closets. And then there was this post when I professed how bad I was at spending money on accessories when there were so many larger […]
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October 28, 2014


Our Barn-Style Door Part 2 | It's hung!

To catch you up, we found 2 of these large (two!) solid oak doors next to the dumpster--you can read the rest right here. We hung up our barn door this week and have a slew of photos to show you and probably too many words about the process, too! We never really wanted a […]
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September 12, 2014


Our Barn-Style Door (Part 1)

After deciding we wanted a sliding modern barn door leading from the kitchen to the future laundry room/mudroom, the search was on! We kept our eyes on Craigslist. We went to a ton of thrift stores and the ReStore. We hunted and hunted and nada. Nothing even close. So, we decided to not waste any […]
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August 28, 2014


Do You Have TV?

Back in May, when we rearranged a few things, we moved our only television to this wall in the living room. The only problem was, that wall didn't have a cable hook-up. The plan was to move a cable line there and/or look into wireless cable. Here we are, 3 months later and, turns out, […]
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August 25, 2014


Martha & Ash Drapes

The large window in our great room has been bare for almost a year now. All of the curtains in our last house were sold with the house, so we arrived here empty-handed in the window dressing department. We have (obviously) taken our time searching for just the right ones. In fact, the only other […]
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June 23, 2014
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