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house tour


What We're Doing with IGTV!

Have you heard about Instagram's new IGTV platform? We have never gotten super into YouTube, although we have been uploading all of our videos there for years, but our community has never been super active on that platform. When Instagram announced that they were launching a platform that you could upload videos up to an hour to […]
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June 26, 2018


Fall 2016 Video House Tour!

Once or twice a year, we like to film a video house tour. It started out as something for us, to keep a moving record of our progress--nothing is more fun/depressing than watching the first one. But sharing it with all of you has become equally rewarding. You get to see how the rooms in […]
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September 8, 2016


Our Home 2 years In: Video Tour!

We love to do a video tour every so often so we can compare it to our last tour and see how far we've come, but it's also nice for you readers to get an idea of how everything flows together. I was surprised to look back and see we haven't done a video for […]
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January 4, 2016


Video Tour! | Winter 2014

Hey, we have a video tour for you today! In the past month we have been asked to do a tour several times (welcome to all of our new readers!) and I finally had a few minutes with the house to myself yesterday when Chris took the the girls to lunch. The downside is it […]
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December 5, 2014


One Year House-iversary! | Progress Photos

Today is our one year house-iversary! This day, one year ago, after our fair share of drama, we closed on this home. It was such an amazing feeling. It has been a year of growth in so many ways and we feel so blessed to be able to live where we live. Even though this […]
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September 23, 2014


Idaho Video Tour | Take Two

The last time we did a video tour of this home was last September when we moved in. I wish I knew how to do a split-screen because, wow. We love taking videos every so often so we can look back and watch our progress. You can see the first video here. Chris took the girls for […]
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July 17, 2014


The Idaho House: 7 Months In

We bought this home in Idaho 7.5 months ago and I still have yet to get our "Idaho House" tour tab filled. So this weekend, I finally buckled down and snapped some in-progress photos of where we are to fill up that tab this week. Every once in awhile I like posting these photos here […]
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May 5, 2014


First House Tour: Second House

Over the weekend we realized we hadn't done a house tour video of our new home yet. In our last house, we did a new video every 6 months or so and loved watching our home evolve. In that spirit, and in preparations for our first projects (details to come), we thought we better get […]
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September 4, 2013


Idaho House Tour: Lower Level

Here's where we left off yesterday: Down these stairs, is another 1700 square feet, and a cute little girl. To the left, there are four doorways, three bedrooms and a bathroom. The room to the immediate left will be the guest room.  It doesn't share a wall with all other room and the closet has […]
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August 2, 2013


Idaho House Tour: Main Level

Whatta day.  Whatta month!  We're feeling very exhausted--mentally and physically--but are happy to be where we are.  Monday we closed on our Utah home and signed it over to its new owners, and yesterday we made the 4.5 hour drive to our new town and moved all of our stuff into our new home, with […]
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August 1, 2013


Our House: Where we Started and Now.

We moved into our very first home April 2, 2011, and we're moving out officially on Wednesday (although we're loading everything up tonight--different post for a different day). Although we didn't "finish" the house, we thought it would be fun to go back through and look at before and afters of the spaces we did […]
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July 29, 2013


Two Year Houseiversary

Two years ago, today, we moved into this house--our very first after looking at over 90 homes and putting an offer on two others.  But when we walked into this one--our eyes were big. This was it.  Our hands were eager with paintbrushes...and cleaning supplies. The first year, from 2011 to 2012, was a major […]
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April 2, 2013


Our House In 3ish Minutes.

I have this cough that is no joke right now.  It is giving me a serious ab workout and I sound like a barking dog.  It's nuts.  And my throat is so raw.  But, I kinda think a cough, especially one not accompanied by a runny nose or any other sickly symptoms, is the way […]
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January 15, 2013
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