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our house


First Ever--Exterior Home Tour.

Although we have done five house tours since moving in just over two years ago, we have never done an exterior one.  And, yes, I am regretting it.  Although we haven't done a ton (pulled out some plants, got rid of the dog kennel, and got a new front door), plants are always growing (or […]
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June 11, 2013


5 Things You're Currently Curious About--Answered!

We mostly try to respond to comments and questions as they pop up in email, the comments section, on Facebook and even Instagram, but there are always a few that get asked so many times that we feel like we should make an official declaration.  And lately, I'd say in the last month or so, […]
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May 28, 2013


Two Year Houseiversary

Two years ago, today, we moved into this house--our very first after looking at over 90 homes and putting an offer on two others.  But when we walked into this one--our eyes were big. This was it.  Our hands were eager with paintbrushes...and cleaning supplies. The first year, from 2011 to 2012, was a major […]
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April 2, 2013


Our House In 3ish Minutes.

I have this cough that is no joke right now.  It is giving me a serious ab workout and I sound like a barking dog.  It's nuts.  And my throat is so raw.  But, I kinda think a cough, especially one not accompanied by a runny nose or any other sickly symptoms, is the way […]
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January 15, 2013


A Pelmet And Her Cub (Or, The Pelmet is Done!!)

After we decided pelmets were for us, or at least Greta's window, we got right to work and busted it out in forty minutes---and then it took me about an hour to upholster it, and two days to find time when Greta wasn't occupying her room to hang it and another day for me to […]
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December 20, 2012


Laundry Room/Half Bath Before and Afters

I'm glad we took the weekend to finish up the laundry room.  That plumbing took Chris a little while to figure out--but he did it (!!) and having a new sink and faucet and all around easier-on-the-eyes room has made such a difference.  Like every other before and after, it is fun to look at […]
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October 22, 2012


Woot! Video Tour Time!

This house tour is long overdue.  Our last video tour was in January.  January!  You can check out that tour here and our very first house tour here, taken 17 months ago.  In the nine months since our previous house tour, a lot has changed.  In fact I dare say, it is the most dramatic […]
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September 13, 2012
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