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project shelving


The Reading Room Shelves: Fully Loaded

Friday, we left you with our finished and hung shelves: Which was lightyears away from where we started: But over the weekend, we got them loaded up and the room feels so much more complete. My entire family flew in for an early Christmas this weekend, and we were hosting dinner and games on Saturday […]
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December 23, 2013


DIY Solid Wood Wall-to-Wall Shelves

Last night we hung the shelves in the reading room and the design that has been in our minds finally came to fruition. From this: To this: We really wanted wall-to-wall thicker solid wood shelves that maybe looked like they were floating, but not necessarily are--since you can't very easily achieve that with solid wood. […]
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December 20, 2013


Staining our Douglas Fir Shelves--A Different Ballgame!

We actually expected to have these shelves hung and posted about today, but we really wanted to make sure we were 100% happy with our stain and we just weren't on our initial test piece. So we have tried and tried and tried again until we found a method that worked and we were happy […]
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December 18, 2013
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