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reading room


DIY Solid Wood Wall-to-Wall Shelves

Last night we hung the shelves in the reading room and the design that has been in our minds finally came to fruition. From this: To this: We really wanted wall-to-wall thicker solid wood shelves that maybe looked like they were floating, but not necessarily are--since you can't very easily achieve that with solid wood. […]
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December 20, 2013


Staining our Douglas Fir Shelves--A Different Ballgame!

We actually expected to have these shelves hung and posted about today, but we really wanted to make sure we were 100% happy with our stain and we just weren't on our initial test piece. So we have tried and tried and tried again until we found a method that worked and we were happy […]
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December 18, 2013


Cedar & Moss in the Reading Room

The last time we visited "project shelving," this is where we left off: In a whirlwind weekend plus a few late nights, we built a wall to house some library lights for what we're calling the reading room. The whole thing involved lots of trips to the small attic to run the electrical, drywall, texturizing […]
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December 9, 2013


Project Shelving: A Wall for The Sconces

Our reading room shelving project has officially taken off and has changed a little bit since the last time we talked about it. We discovered a legit lumber yard down the road a few miles that made it too hard to turn down wood shelves instead of painting them white. But before we even get […]
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November 27, 2013


Project Book Shelving: The Plans

We mentioned after we painted the reading room, that we wanted to revisit it soon. Our books are still boxed up in the garage and we are anxious to give them a more permanent home. Now that our costume party is over and the bathroom is done-zo, we're ready to build some shelving in here. […]
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November 11, 2013


Reading Room Green

When you first enter our house, there's a small room to the immediate right that has 5 great windows.  We had no initial plans for this room since there was so much other space to tackle first, but when we (Greta, Charly and I) started spending a lot of time in here usually sitting on […]
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October 14, 2013
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