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Cranberry Ginger Brussels Sprouts with Pancetta

Chris Cooks

Cranberry Ginger Brussels Sprouts with Pancetta

You know I love a side dish that comes together fast. And while this one just misses my "5 minute side" designation, it's not far from at only 10 minutes and a whole bunch of delicious. Very "holiday" feeling, and easy peasy. White Baking Dish | Copper Candlesticks | Fluted Taper Candles Four ingredients, seasoned […]
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December 10, 2023
Panzanella Potato Salad | Chris Loves Julia

Chris Cooks

Panzanella Potato Salad - Grain & Dairy Free

I took an International Foods course in college where each week we would make a big feast of foods from a different region of the world. It was the biggest face-roll course I've ever taken (ie, could not have been easier and more enjoyable) and many of the dishes I learned to make are still […]
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June 4, 2023

Chris Cooks

16 Super Bowl Food Ideas

We're not exactly sports people, but we're big foodies, and where there's a Super Bowl party, there's food. And so, in honor of the biggest game day of the year, here are 16 Super Bowl food ideas that are sure to please any crowd. 1. Chicharron de Ribeye Tacos Try the recipe 2. Chicken Teriyaki […]
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February 5, 2023
Chilled Glass Noodles with Peanut Sauce

Chris Cooks

Chilled Glass Noodles with Peanut Sauce | Chris Cooks

In the world of grain-free eating, glass noodles are Heaven-sent. Not as a substitute, in my opinion. Meaning, I wouldn't necessarily suggest ladling a scoop of marinara over top with some Italian meatballs. But for the joy of eating a noodle, and an openness to try something new, this ingredients will quickly become a pantry […]
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January 15, 2023
Dairy & Grain-Free Creamy Mashed Potatoes & Gravy

Chris Cooks

Dairy & Grain-Free Creamy Mashed Potatoes & Gravy | Chris Cooks

Growing up eating mashed potatoes, I didn't really know what I was eating - just that I loved it. Once food restrictions enter the picture, it's kind of mind blowing just how much butter and cream go into making a classic, creamy mashed potato. Add gravy, and you're almost always talking about some kind of […]
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November 6, 2022
Fall-Spiced Blistered Shishito Peppers

Chris Cooks

5-minute Side: Fall-Spiced Blistered Shishito Peppers | Chris Cooks

Blistered shishito peppers are a great appetizer you can find at a lot of restaurants right now. If you're unfamiliar, shishito peppers are not spicy (maybe one out of a handful has a tiny kick to it), and their flesh is pretty thin. That means you can cook them at a super high heat, and […]
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October 23, 2022
Carrot Slaw with Honey & Dill

Chris Cooks

5 Minute Side - Carrot Slaw with Honey & Dill | Chris Cooks

I've shared a few of my 5-minute side dishes in the past - dishes that require no cooking, come together in about 5 minutes with minimal ingredients you probably have on hand. This carrot slaw is another one, and really is quite special. Task Lamp | Wood Bowl | Serving Platters | Cutting Board | […]
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August 28, 2022

Chris Cooks

Fire Roasted Salsa | Chris Cooks

Salsa has been tricky for me, which sounds silly. I've made several versions, and historically the best ones I've made have used canned tomatoes. As someone who is trying to move to "fresh" as much as I can, that's been frustrating. But it makes sense, because canned tomatoes usually contain additional things that make the […]
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June 5, 2022
Stir-fry Shaved Asparagus | Chris Loves Julia

Chris Cooks

Stir-fry Shaved Asparagus | Chris Cooks

I've been trying to get creative with how I cook my vegetables, so that I want to eat more vegetables. Hence the shaved asparagus! Not everyone is a fan of asparagus, but if you haven't tried them in this noodle-like form you might really like them! I prepared them with some of my favorite asian-inspired […]
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March 13, 2022

Chris Cooks

Roasted Beets You'll Wanna Eats | Chris Cooks

You probably won’t make this dish. It has beets in it, so why would you make this dish? Your mom used to make you eat beets, straight from the can, mushy and bright red. So, beets are gross. Right? Fluted Bowl | Ginger Jar | Honey Pot | Glass Carafe You probably won’t make this dish, […]
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February 6, 2022
3 Foil Packet Sides for Outdoor Cooking


5 Easy Dinner Dishes For Those Busy Nights

Our girls start school tomorrow, and whether you're home-schooling, the kids are actually in school, or a little of each, schedules will be tight and meal times can be stressful. So here are 5 dishes - mains, sides, and even a great dessert - cooked in foil packets or a dutch oven. They're all delicious, […]
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August 30, 2020
Grilled Sugar Snap Pease and Mushrooms


Grilled Sugar Snap Peas and Mushrooms

The flavors of summer are lemon, garlic, fresh herbs, and whatever the grill adds during cooking. This dish takes all of those and applies them to fresh peas and mushrooms, and it's a winner. Make this dish to go alongside any grilled protein, or eat by itself as a light lunch. It just works and […]
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July 12, 2020
Grilled Lemon & Rosemary Garlic Bread


Grilled Lemon & Rosemary Garlic Bread

I grew up helping my mom in the kitchen, and I still remember the very first thing my mom ever let me make all by myself for family dinner. Garlic bread. I sliced the bread into really crooked, misshapen pieces; spread way too much butter on each piece; poured garlic salt from the wrong end […]
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July 3, 2014
Panzanella - Tuscan Bread Salad


Bright and Fresh Panzanella (Tuscan Bread Salad)

A couple weeks ago, Jules called me up and gave me the news. "Well," she said, "my thyroid numbers are now completely in the opposite direction to where my doctor says I have HYPERthyroidism, instead of hypo." Being a husband who loves his wife, I immediately assumed this meant she was going to die and […]
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June 20, 2014
Potato, Kale and Bacon Tinfoil Dinners


Potato, Bacon & Kale Tinfoil Dinners + A New Approach

If you had similar childhood experiences to mine, "tinfoil dinners" probably evoke memories of potatoes, onions and ground beef, rolled up in tinfoil, cooked over a fire. Maybe you had some carrots, too. While I actually love these traditional tinfoil dinners and the camp side memories that accompany them, I've recently adopted a new approach, […]
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May 20, 2014
Grilled potato salad with honey mustard and dill dressing


Grilled Potato Salad with Honey Mustard and Dill Dressing

The recipe I want to share today is a quick one, easy to execute, but so complex in flavor you'll go crazy for it. See, I've never been a fan of potato salad. There was one potato salad I had while living in Louisiana that was made with mashed potatoes instead of cubed potatoes, and […]
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May 14, 2014


Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Kale and Prosciutto

Yo peeps! Hope all is well and we're all stickin' with those resolutions. To be honest I've felt myself slipping the past few days. So to combat that, I signed up for a marathon relay in August. Yeah, it's only 5 miles. Yeah, it's 7 months away. But running has always been rough for me, […]
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January 15, 2014


Buttery and Crusty Herb-Topped Dinner Rolls

My mom makes amazing rolls. It's actually my grandmother's recipe and they're famous in our family. Any time we get together, those rolls are always requested. They're buttery, fluffy, and a necessity at any of our Thanksgiving get-togethers. Unfortunately, the recipe I'm sharing is not her recipe. No, I'm afraid that recipe belongs to the […]
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November 14, 2013

Chris Cooks

Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Maple and Bacon Vinaigrette

I've never cared much for sweet potatoes, as historically prepared on Thanksgiving (marshmallows and all). I think my beef is that they are often overcooked to the point of mush, and lacking in the flavor department. And adding marshmallows, for me, only enhances the mushy mouthfeel. It's like I'm eating baby food, and I've always […]
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November 12, 2013

Chris Cooks

Dijon Country Gravy Made With Turkey Drippings

I'm gonna try to make this post as quick to read as it is to actually make the gravy recipe below. If you're not a fan of Dijon, you can take it out, but I really encourage you to keep it in. It's not an "in your face" mustard flavor, and Dijon goes so well […]
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November 7, 2013
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