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My Favorite Photo & Video Editing Apps

I preach it often--the best, most well-received photos across platforms are going to come from your actual camera. (I use this camera, and just upgraded to this lens (it's ridiculously good)--but used the stock lens that came with it and a 50 mm lens for YEARS and did just fine. This wireless SD card is also […]
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December 13, 2017


Our Reading Room Refresh + 3D Family Doll Tutorial and a VIDEO!

We've wrapped up so many campaigns over the last couple months and it's fun to finally be able to spill some of the projects we've been working on. Before Polly was born, we were asked to be a part of a video campaign with HP to launch their new photo printer. A blog post was […]
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October 4, 2017


Behind the Scenes Video of the Baltimore Kitchen AND Ep 35: Why Your Neighbors Might Hate You and Give Me More, Baltimore

Thanks for all the love with yesterday's big reveal of the Baltimore kitchen! Due to popular demand, I've added a very candid, behind the scenes video Jules took throughout the renovation to the bottom of this post. You'll see how each day played out, which is nerve-wrecking to re-watch, how much fun our team had together and […]
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April 11, 2017


Fall 2016 Video House Tour!

Once or twice a year, we like to film a video house tour. It started out as something for us, to keep a moving record of our progress--nothing is more fun/depressing than watching the first one. But sharing it with all of you has become equally rewarding. You get to see how the rooms in […]
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September 8, 2016


Revealing the Pittsburgh Kitchen to the Family

Remember that kitchen in Pittsburgh we renovated in June? Well, renovating a kitchen in 6 days was only half the fun, keeping it hidden from the homeowners (my aunt and uncle and their three children) was my favorite part. Today we're so excited to share with you a fun video from Frigidaire Professional of when we were finally […]
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August 3, 2016


The Renovation Realities behind the Pittsburgh Kitchen

Thanks for all of the love on yesterday'emi reveal of the Pittsburgh kitchen! We put so much time and effort into this project and we fell head over heels for the kitchen over the six days we worked on it, making it hard to even leave. A true labor of love. I always get a little anxiety […]
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June 21, 2016


Our Home 2 years In: Video Tour!

We love to do a video tour every so often so we can compare it to our last tour and see how far we've come, but it's also nice for you readers to get an idea of how everything flows together. I was surprised to look back and see we haven't done a video for […]
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January 4, 2016



Today we are so excited to finally share with you a little more about the Frigidaire Professional appliances we chose for the kitchen. We couldn't be more in love with how they transformed the way our kitchen looks, but more importantly, the way it functions and works for us. Along with a bunch of fresh photos and […]
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September 30, 2015

Chris Cooks


It's been over a month since we spilled the news that Chris will be writing 3 cookbooks and we figured we owed you an update. At the beginning of the month, we flew my sister Andrea up from her home in Monterrey, Mexico to shoot all the photography for the books. It was a hefty, […]
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May 19, 2015


Video Tour! | Winter 2014

Hey, we have a video tour for you today! In the past month we have been asked to do a tour several times (welcome to all of our new readers!) and I finally had a few minutes with the house to myself yesterday when Chris took the the girls to lunch. The downside is it […]
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December 5, 2014


Video! | Our Favorite Things: BOXED edition

Chris and I have been wanting to add some more of us into this blog. And while we have no intention of becoming vloggers, we thought a once-a-month video of us chatting about our favorite things (tools, paint supplies, baby gear maybe?) would be a fun way to inject our personalities right here. Me laughing at all […]
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September 29, 2014


A Decor Interview with Greta

We are getting ready to renovate Greta's room and I can't help but feel, didn't we just do this?! Kind of. We had finished her last room shortly before we moved here. Her new room is a little dark, made darker by the current paint color. Made more depressing by the lack of anything. We are in the […]
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August 5, 2014


Idaho Video Tour | Take Two

The last time we did a video tour of this home was last September when we moved in. I wish I knew how to do a split-screen because, wow. We love taking videos every so often so we can look back and watch our progress. You can see the first video here. Chris took the girls for […]
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July 17, 2014


First House Tour: Second House

Over the weekend we realized we hadn't done a house tour video of our new home yet. In our last house, we did a new video every 6 months or so and loved watching our home evolve. In that spirit, and in preparations for our first projects (details to come), we thought we better get […]
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September 4, 2013


First Ever--Exterior Home Tour.

Although we have done five house tours since moving in just over two years ago, we have never done an exterior one.  And, yes, I am regretting it.  Although we haven't done a ton (pulled out some plants, got rid of the dog kennel, and got a new front door), plants are always growing (or […]
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June 11, 2013


An Easy Closet for Greta--Part II

The last time we visited Greta's closet, it was just after we painted it a bold pink--Benjamin Moore's Peony. While it certainly looked good, Greta's clothes have been hanging out in our closet and we were ready to get some function back in place. And this weekend, with an Easy Closets closet system we did. […]
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March 11, 2013


Our House In 3ish Minutes.

I have this cough that is no joke right now.  It is giving me a serious ab workout and I sound like a barking dog.  It's nuts.  And my throat is so raw.  But, I kinda think a cough, especially one not accompanied by a runny nose or any other sickly symptoms, is the way […]
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January 15, 2013


Woot! Video Tour Time!

This house tour is long overdue.  Our last video tour was in January.  January!  You can check out that tour here and our very first house tour here, taken 17 months ago.  In the nine months since our previous house tour, a lot has changed.  In fact I dare say, it is the most dramatic […]
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September 13, 2012
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