At the doctor's office this morning |
Greta had her 9 month appointment this morning--about a week and a half early. She hasn't been taking any naps, or very short ones and I was getting worried/exhausted. Her doctor told me that she really needs to be taking 2 naps a day and gave me some advice on how to make that happen. It sounded a lot easier than it is going to be, I'm sure. She doesn't want to miss anything (i.e. me doing dishes, laundry, diy projects, etc.), but the poor girl needs her sleep. Other than that, she is doing SUPERB. The statistical rundown:
Length 29 3/4"
Weight 19 lbs 9oz
Head Circ 43 cm
"She's the tallest 9 month old in Utah County," her doctor proclaimed. He LOVES Greta, and she was real flirtatious with him. She is above the 97% for her height, but her weight is tapering off due to all of her activity (read: chasing Mom around). She is at such a cute age and I wish I could pause time.
After her appointment, we took a trip to Ikea and then Chris surprised us and came home early!!! He has been working 14+ hour days getting ready for his conference next week, so we have really been missing him. We all went to dinner at Wingers and Greta sat in a high chair at a restaurant for the first time! It...was....messy. Haha. The whole floor under her chair was covered with Cheerios and puffs. Eh well, she really liked being in the action. I got the Sticky Finger Pizza? Never heard of it. It was terrible, but it was SO WONDERFUL to have Chris around.
Sticky Finger Pizza eh? Winger's has gone down the crap shoot. Love the picture of Greta, I wish I could be around to squeeze her at this age!
Where did you get that adorable headband?? :-)
Greta, you are SO cute. She is already the tallest girl in her class. GEEZ. I was NEVEr the tallest girl in my class. I am closer to being legally a midget than to your height. Awesome....
Just you wait, Greta is going to grow up even faster now. months 9-right now FLEW byyyyyyyyyyyy and now Brin can't stop walking.
Ya, get that napping in order. you'll feel MUCH better.