If you follow me on Instagram, the secret is out! We've been asked to participate in the One Room Challenge this season! If you aren't familiar with the One Room Challenge it is where 20 design bloggers tackle a room from start to finish in 6 weeks, sharing the progress every Wednesday during the challenge. We'll be sharing what room we're doing and our plans for it when the challenge kicks off next Wednesday, October 5th. For the past 4 weeks, since we committed to the challenge, we've been making plans and gathering inspiration but have decided to do the project in real time. I'm so anxious to get started and take you all along for the journey? rollercoaster? walk in the park? (time will tell) starting next week. Chris and I decided to take this weekend and get away before it all starts. I really love to gather as much inspiration as possible, plan plan plan, and then take some time to breathe before starting a project.
My favorite things from this week!
Pictured above, one of my favorite designers Katie Hackworth, looks effortlessly perfect. I want to be wearing those jeans and blouse and these black oxfords (or these for half the price) on that olive green sectional she custom designed. Because of course she did. But I'd settle for a room with that color scheme. #inspirationiseverywhere
Chris could have written this article about knives in dishwashers. It pains him so.
I've long admired Bryan Nash Gill's work, but especially his ever popular tree stump relief prints that have been everywhere pretty much for the last 10 years. When I was choosing work for the large wall in the living room, I immediately knew I wanted something organic that I'd love for a long time. Unfortunately, even the largest one was not quite big enough and pretty steep at $1500. I searched high and low and found this Tree Rings print by Mackenzie Darrach on Minted in every size under the sun. I ordered the largest size at 60x44 for $220 (a steal!) and it arrived yesterday. It really took my breath away. I dropped it off at a local framer, where I picked out a really simple natural wood frame and can barely wait to get it back.
"A Smile Is The Prettiest Thing You Can Wear" print for the closet or bathroom would be so cute.
We got word that we could have our new stair railing as early as next week. After 6 months of being so sure we were going with vertical spindles, this photo completely changed my mind. We went horizontal. Eeee!
Our favorite bleeding candles for Halloween (and quite possibly the worst costume maybe ever?)
Hope you have a great October weekend.
Hi there!
I was looking for your post on your recent Tree Rings print framing issues but couldn't find it. I was wondering if you could share why you decided to go to a separate framer instead of sticking with the framing option with Minted? Was it the due to lack of options provided or cost, etc. ? I am considering on purchasing a larger print to go over a credenza or piano but the cost of framing is making me think twice.
Also, thank you for finding this print. It's gorgeous.
Hi Linda, I only went with a different framing company (a local one) because I ordered the largest print size and Minted doesn't offer framing for that particular size. However, we've had a lot of other prints framed through Minted in the past with excellent results.
We're going to install horizontal railing on our deck next spring when we finally get around to finishing the exterior in our new (old) house. I can't wait to see how your staircase will turn out!
Also excited to see your transformation for ORC! I'm joining as a guest participant – hopefully the timeline will help motivate me to finally buy some furniture, because I haven't decorated a single room since we've moved in (too daunting!).
Ohh! I want that print too! So pretty and such a steal !
And I'm so glad you went with the horizontal railing, it's gonna be real pretty for sure !
I can't wait to see your railing! I feel like the horizontal railing is going to look amazing in your house. I'm also excited to follow as you complete the ORC!
That bubble wrap is ridiculous.
I agree with the majority - I'm obsessed with horizontal railings!! It's already part of my design plan for our next house ;) I can't wait to see it!
The horizontal railings will be perfect! I cannot wait to see them in place.
I wasn't aware of Katie Hackworth - thank you for introducing her - I'm drooling over her work. I wonder if she influenced your kitchen? I showed your September video to my husband and informed him our next kitchen would look like this. I think he's on board!
They have definitely influenced a lot of our choices. Aspects of the family room. Our kitchen. A lot of our color schemes. What would H2DesignandBuild Do is constantly running through my head. :)
I am loving these candles!! https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/457207844/bleeding-skull-candle?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=bleeding%20skull%20candle&ref=sr_gallery_3
Just ordered several for Halloween hostess gifts!
Can't wait to re-do my house, I am totally putting those railing in my house!! Love them. I cant wait to see your Room Challenge- I am predicting that you are going to do the girls bathroom!
Horizontal totally fits you and your home style, so happy to see you do something different! Can't wait!
Horizontal railing is the perfect choice! Can't wait to see it!