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Plan A Gifting Scavenger Hunt


Plan A Gifting Scavenger Hunt

As you probably know by now, thanks to Tuesday's blog post and all of the birthday festivities captured on our Intstagram, this week I turned 27.  A few of you have asked what Chris got me for my birthday, but before we get into that--let me show you how he gave me my gifts.  Because […]
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November 30, 2012


A New Schedule Per Your Request


A New Schedule Per Your Request

Hey all!  We have a Greta big-girl room break down ready for you today, BUT after reviewing all of the responses to our recent poll (that you maxed out in a few short hours--you superstars you) we realized that there was an overwhelming number of our readers that requested we post earlier in the day. […]
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November 28, 2012


Hello, 27.


Hello, 27.

Today is my birthday. Chris hid presents all over the house and is sending me picture texts from work giving hints as to where I can find them.  So far I have hunted down three pairs of earrings and a dozen tubes of paint.  So, in addition to breakfast with friends, this morning has been […]
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November 27, 2012


Holiday Stackers

Chris Cooks

Holiday Stackers

I'm baa-aack. And before we get into the main chunk of the post, Happy Cyber Monday!  May the online shopping odds be ever in your favor.  Today and tomorrow (the 26th and 27th), take 35% off anything in our Etsy shop with promo code CYBERMONDAY.  That includes original paintings and prints.  Woot! We had such […]
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November 26, 2012


Holiday Happs and a Cheese and Crackers "World Record"


Holiday Happs and a Cheese and Crackers "World Record"

Yesterday, we made the trip north to be with our families for Thanksgiving and we are already diving into food and full-on relaxing.  We have so much to be thankful for and we wouldn't want to be anywhere else today.  Here's hoping you are with someone you love today, counting our blessings just like we […]
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November 22, 2012


Princess Panties


Princess Panties

I guess you can only say, "This is the last box of diapers we're buying" so many times before you find yourself with no diapers and no excuses to postpone the inevitable any longer.  It has been a trying couple of days, but potty training our girl, we are.  And to save Greta from any […]
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November 16, 2012


Magnetic Knife Strips--You Want 'em Strong.

Chris Cooks

Magnetic Knife Strips--You Want 'em Strong.

Back in September, we shared a photo of our new magnetic knife strip that we picked up at Ikea, and today I am back to tell you--it may not be the best choice.  The left side of ours has lost most of its magnetism, so we're left with just using the far right and crossing […]
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November 15, 2012


Christmas Budgets


Christmas Budgets

Well, this week isn't going exactly as I planned. I had hopes of adding a lot more paintings to our shop and sneaking in a few more blog posts while we celebrate our anniversary this week, but I have been down for the count.  My body is not reacting the best to my new medication […]
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November 7, 2012


Buzzes and Crashes. Happy Weekend!


Buzzes and Crashes. Happy Weekend!

What a 24 hours it has been!  Yesterday, after a month of multiple blood tests, and hitting our 2-year mark for infertility, I met with my doctor to go over all of my labs.  The problem jumped off the paper and I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism.  It explains more than just our inability to give […]
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November 2, 2012


Halloween Haystacks and Egging


Halloween Haystacks and Egging

Really, these haystacks have nothing to do with Halloween.  Except that I requested them for dinner last night--which we called "Devil's Night" growing up.  Chris is the cook around here and night after night he whips up the most amazing meals.  Last night, I had a hankering for something simple and comforting--Hawaiian haystacks.  And he […]
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October 31, 2012


Who Are You?!


Who Are You?!

This year, as our teeny blog grew to small blog status (parrttayyy!!!)--we've had to make some decisions about sponsors and giveaways and realized we're not on board with everything we thought we were when we started this blog.  So, like everything else, we'll continue adjusting/tweaking and ironing things out over time--that's just how we do. […]
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October 30, 2012


Costume Party 2012


Costume Party 2012

We had such a fabulous time at our costume party on Saturday and I'm back to share all of the deets, including our costumes.  I won't make you wait a second more for those: Chris and I were Waldo and Carmen Sandiego and Greta-the-great was Mowgli from Jungle book.  We had a hundred ideas of […]
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October 29, 2012


Some Pumpkin Carving Comic Relief


Some Pumpkin Carving Comic Relief

It is pumpkin carving season (!!!) and over the last few weeks--but even more so in the past week--I have been seeing all of these beautifully carved, gilded, painted, shaved pumpkins on my favorite blogs or plastered on Pinterest.  Spoiler alert--my pumpkin is no such beauty. Last weekend, we had some friends over for dinner […]
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October 26, 2012


When Family Trumps Projects

Health & Beauty

When Family Trumps Projects

Well, we tried to have a reveal for you today.  Kind of.  I spent the whole day yesterday sanding and painting our old vanity to bring it up to par with the rest of the room, but around 3 pm, the paint started acting weird and peeling and it wasn't looking the greatest.  Chris suggested […]
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October 19, 2012


What are YOU Being For Halloween?!


What are YOU Being For Halloween?!

We are halfway done getting the trim and baseboards installed in our laundry room and can't wait to show you the difference it has made. Yowza!  But today, in the spirit of the season (and because Chris and I have finally nailed down our costumes for this year) we are dying to talk costumes.  Halloween […]
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October 16, 2012


A Breath and A Break.


A Breath and A Break.

Maybe you noticed I didn't post yesterday.  (Maybe you didn't! Ha!) Some things have come up and I just need to take a deep breath and a break. So can we just make a date for Monday?  Same time, same place? I hope so. See you in a few days, friends.
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October 4, 2012


Truth Tuesday: How NOT to throw a Party.


Truth Tuesday: How NOT to throw a Party.

Last year we threw a costume party.  Our first.  While it was seriously a blast, there's a reason we don't run a party-planning blog.  We have been laughing (so we don't cry?) at our mistakes for over a year. Our guests (we had between 30-40 people there) were all so gracious and fun and dressed […]
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October 2, 2012


Weekend Teasers


Weekend Teasers

Over here, we had a goo-od weekend.  We worked on a few projects for the house and had an afternoon date that extended late into the evening on Saturday where we shopped and ate and just spent time together while Greta had the time of her life at a harvest festival with our neighbor, who […]
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September 24, 2012


Ear Ye. Ear Ye. And A Bucket List.

Health & Beauty

Ear Ye. Ear Ye. And A Bucket List.

We were up early, early this morning to take Greta to the hospital.  Our little girl has been hard of hearing for a long time.  We first discovered it when she was 18 months old.  Her pediatrician said that she had a lot of fluid in her ears, but it would clear up on its […]
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September 14, 2012


Truth Tuesday: A September Love Letter


Truth Tuesday: A September Love Letter

We recently decided to dedicate some Tuesdays (when I remember) to the idea of exposing our home and of our lives in a truer light.  Chris and I didn't have one of those whirlwind romances that resulted in an engagement 4 months later. We were friends for a long time.  Friends that went on a […]
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September 11, 2012
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We've been doing this since 2009 and we've posted a whopping 24145+ blog posts and counting. You might need a little help searching, huh?

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