Are you singing the very end of Blackstreet's No Diggity? "Nicky in full effect. Tomeka in full effect." Classic. Gotta love the 90s. Speaking of:
Okay, total confession here-- I have never seen "Billy Madison" all the way through. When I was growing up, we rented it one night for family movie night and my dad turned it off before the opening credits played through. But I have somehow managed to gather over the years that there is a penguin and this is about a penguin. We're hoping penguins don't start showing up everywhere for us. We'll be happy just keeping
our Mr. Poppin in the hallway.
Oh yeah....and then I painted the shelf white. :)
Major violation, you haven't seen the funniest movie of my childhood?? Unreal, everyone our age must have seen Billy Madison, dumb and number and tommy boy or they are definitely bot human. I can see why George would turn it off due to the granny mags at the beginning but other than those 3 seconds of gross fest this movie gets two thumbs and two big toes up! John and I watched it 10 times the first time we brought it home from blockbuster, must see.
Bahahaha, thats a knee slapper
Meg totally stole my comment. Remember when dad told us to turn off Drop Dead Gorgeous because he heard them say "suck." He was like 3 rooms away.