As I wrap up the art wall in Greta's big-girl room and track down some trim for the curtains and a few other final details, I can feel this room revamp coming to a close. Or at least all the big projects feel done. And then last night, right before I fell asleep--I whispered, we […]
We ended yesterday's post saying we decided to trim out the grasscloth wall. Luckily we were able to get most of it trimmed out on Saturday after we finished wallpapering, but I had to finish spackling holes and caulking before giving you the full reveal. Here she is: We used the same simple trim […]
The grasscloth is up. Hallefreakinlujah. You could say we were very naive going into the process. We figured it would take us about an hour and that would be that. Ha! We averaged about an hour per panel! Granted, this was our first time ever dealing with wallpaper--so there was a major learning curve--but we […]
Last Saturday was going to be the big day of wallpapering in Greta's room. Really, the most anticipated day for all of us--you included, right? ;) I tracked the grasscloth like a hawk and watched it make its way from Illinois to us in Utah. It was going to arrive on Friday--prime for its Saturday […]
Not too long ago (at all), we DIYed and upholstered a pelmet in the cutest little cub print fabric. I think it was described as "cheeky" among a reader or two. Unfortunately, as I mentioned earlier this week--there was an accident or rather an error on our novice upholsterers part? Thankfully the pelmet itself is […]
First things first. Greta's cub print pelmet box had a little accident and we are still deciding what to make of the situation. So, until we get that figured out (more details before the week's up!) forgive me for not posting full room shots, or at least full window shots. This disclaimer is especially important […]
This weekend, we finally FINALLY decided on a grasscloth for Greta's room and got it ordered (woot!). We realized it was so tough deciding because we were trying to coordinate all of these natural, warm-toned grasscloths with gray paint. Which is doable, I'm sure, but it was making my eyes crazy! The grasscloth samples were […]
We spent a portion of our new year's day doing something we have been itching to cross off our list. Hint. Big hint: We moved Greta's vintage twin bed from storage to her room and moved her crib-turned-toddler bed out. New Year. New bed. No more binky? One thing at a time! But let me […]
After we decided pelmets were for us, or at least Greta's window, we got right to work and busted it out in forty minutes---and then it took me about an hour to upholster it, and two days to find time when Greta wasn't occupying her room to hang it and another day for me to […]
We are plugging along in Greta's room. Because there are so many elements going into it--we really are stripping the room of almost everything--it is taking a lot longer than we had hoped. And then there's the fact that Greta-the-Great sleeps in there every night, which is when we tend to get the brunt of […]
Clearly I am just winging it around here because sometimes working in things like pelmet boxes to Greta's new room first requires me to Google "pelmet boxes." I am not an interior designer, but I know what I like. And when I came across this picture (found here) I said, "I want those!" For a […]
Thanks for excusing me for a few days while I gave my full attention to our little sicky. Truthfully, Greta is still sick with a bad and everlasting case of croup. I think we are on day 5 or 6 now, and it is just as heart-breaking today as it was the first day and […]
Truth be told, there was a time that I really loved the color we chose to paint Greta's room (which was Behr's Corn Husk Green). It felt fresh compared to the dingy walls we started with and since this was the very first room we painted in our very first house, I am not […]
After including a bed for Greta in her big-girl-room mood board that we found in the online classifieds, we were really holding our breaths that we would get it. We called and called and left messages with the seller with no response. At this point, we thought that we had definitely jumped the gun by […]
Chris and I have been going over plans for Greta's big-girl room for a few months now. That's the way we are. We plan and plan and plan and change our minds and plan some more. Heck, we have been planning our kitchen renovation since we moved in! But now that we have a sure […]
Before signing off for the weekend on Friday, I left you with the official inspiration picture (found here) for Greta's big-girl room. It's actually Gossip Girl's, Serena's room at Columbia and from the moment I laid eyes on (and fell in love with) it when Blair surprised her bff with the room--I've been putting together Greta's mood […]
Ahhh, kids' rooms. I love 'em. Since we recently transformed Greta's crib into a toddler bed, I have been collecting ideas for her pending room update. Her "big girl" room, if you will. It's time. Her current room has been all but stripped down of everything but her toddler bed and it just isn't as […]
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