What does the inside of your fridge look like? We are the type of household that try to get the main part of our fridge as empty as possible every week. This system started shortly after we finished the kitchen renovation last year. We felt inspired to get our refrigerator super organized and I can't […]
Ever since we finished our kitchen a couple months ago, I have been surprised how many of you have requested to see inside all of the cabinets! It made me laugh at first, because I didn't realize that was a thing. But then I noticed our friends and family poking around when they would come […]
If you follow me on Instagram, you have witnessed I have been on an organizing spree lately. It started with our junk drawer that I couldn't take one more day of! And from there, we tackled our tool junk drawer (it's normal to have one of those, right?) and most recently the credenza, err fauxdenza […]
We'd really like to get to a point where we can sell our shed and downsize to a smaller one, or be rid of one all together. Ours takes up so much of our yard (it's huge!), that we are starting to think the extra storage space is just not worth it. That has lead […]
It's been a busy year, full of projects and...boxes, apparently. Last month, my mom and I tackled our garage that has been holding a lot of evidence of the past few months--all of which had been haunting me. It only took a few hours, if you can believe that!, and the next day, my dad […]
A couple of you asked about the chalkboard labels on the extra storage baskets when we showed you Faye's nursery last week. I added the labels to help me identify what's in them (naturally) but also to bring a cohesiveness to the mismatched baskets. Also, the truth is, they aren't chalkboards at all and they […]
When I posted this photo a few days ago, when I was discussing our incoming tile, I got a few questions about those jars hanging out under the cabinet on the left. Those are Chris's most used, favorite spices. The cabinet above them holds the rest--he has a lot of spices. We originally had a […]
Greta's closet is complete (!!) and we're stoked to share with you the outcome with lots and lots of pictures today. That's the same closet. That's the sa-ame closet! I'm going to say we helped it rise to its full potential. I'm also going to say that "before" photo is embarrassing. I am hanging my […]
The last time we visited Greta's closet, it was just after we painted it a bold pink--Benjamin Moore's Peony. While it certainly looked good, Greta's clothes have been hanging out in our closet and we were ready to get some function back in place. And this weekend, with an Easy Closets closet system we did. […]
Remember this mess that was Greta's closet? Of course that was taken before the paint job (nice color choice, guys!): Although tearing everything out and painting it really helped the aesthetic, the whole point of this closet revamp was to make it more functional. Well, it took us a few weeks to get it figured […]
There is one question--maybe even a concern--that we have been getting a lot of lately: Where are all of Greta's toys?! Sometimes it is out of genuine curiosity and sometimes it is a little condescending, but either way it shows up in some form (my inbox, facebook, a comment, instgram, etc.) at least once a […]
As I wrap up the art wall in Greta's big-girl room and track down some trim for the curtains and a few other final details, I can feel this room revamp coming to a close. Or at least all the big projects feel done. And then last night, right before I fell asleep--I whispered, we […]
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