Looks like we may have to come up with an award shelf somewhere in our home, because we are the recipents of our SECOND "Bloggie Award." That's right, two years in a row, our humble blog has won an award. But, we can actually skip the shelf display because there's no statue a la Oscar--but it's still a fun idea that my sister, Patty, has done annually via HER blog.
2009, we were holding our breath as we won the very last award:
And finally, the award for The Most Intriguing Blog goes to... : Julia Marcum
Julie blogs every once in a while. She's not an every day post-er. She doesn't blog about what her and the hubs had for dinner. She doesn't update us on every week of her pregnancy. She doesn't fill us in on date nights. But let me tell you, when she blogs- it is solid gold. I never know what it is going to be about but it. is. GOOD! They are thought out and really beautifully written. She writes in a simple and witty style. She jokes about herself and shares childhood memories. It's a real treat to go on and read it. I'd ask her to post more- but I think that would take away some of the specialness.
And for quite the opposite reason, we won in 2010:
Impressively Improved
Runner Up: Brett and Tiffany (Blogging a lot more, really letting that big personality get through, funny and friendly.)
Winner: Chris and Julia
Jules won an award last year and I feel like you will think there is some family narcissism here. There is not. I consider you all my family. Julie has really worked to find a niche of her own with her blog. And she's written like 20 billion more times that she did last year. She's added movies and downloaded pictures all for my entertainment. And your entertainment. And their entertainment. Jules updates every single day. (Vicky hates it when anyone says "every single") It's something I have come to look forward to and something I have come to envy. If only my internet was faster. If only.
Patty, we are so grateful for the recognition. High-five sisterhood. If you ever are wanting a good laugh, or the truth about life and motherhood, I would encourage you to stop by her blog. She is hilarious, and honest and sincere. And who knows, if you leave a comment to let her know you stopped by, she may just start reading your blog and start loving it and give you a Bloggie award to call your own.
Patsmo la Ratsmo and Jules-a-bug |
(Psst...Greta's blog is going private this Wednesday. Please comment with your email or address or send it to jmarcum1127 {at} gmail {dot} com if you would like to stay up-to-date on all-things-Greta.)
I would like to continue with my daily dose of Greta!
[email protected]
You could of photoshopped a little tan on me. That is like my LEAST favorite picture of us. You look stellar and I look... dead.
I want in on the secret Greta club. [email protected]
what a cute idea! love it! cute blog, keep posting! love love love it! :]
I would like to continue with my daily dose of Greta!
[email protected]