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We're Having A...!

March 3, 2017

Dress sold out (similar

I snapped this photo on Sunday afternoon, the day before we went in for our ultrasound. Besides my little bump, you can also see our house on a normal day, with little dolls strewn about and a jacket wearing the furniture. I was feeling very anxious that day. Even though we were 18 weeks into "our lives changing forever" by adding a third child, we were about to know how they were going to change forever. If we'd finish our family with another little miss or man? If there would suddenly be more cars in the midst of Littlest Pet Shops. If our "girls" bathroom downstairs would eventually be a girls and boy bathroom? The next morning we learned we're expecting another sweet GIRL!!!

Custom Print | Shoes | Mouse 

This entire pregnancy, we felt like it was a boy, despite being just as sick as my other pregnancies, because of different food aversions among a few other things that have been, just...different this time around. But the entire time, I couldn't get out of my head a dream I had 8 years ago. When I was pregnant with our first daughter, Greta, I had a dream that we had three little girls. They were running in front of Chris and I, giggling away. It was brief, but the most real dream I have ever had. I knew we were having a girl before the doctor told us Greta was a girl, or that Faye was a girl. It had to be. On Sunday, before I took that picture above, we talked about my dream again. I was feeling foolish for holding it as a concrete peek into our future for so long. I even said, "maybe it was actually a boy with long hair that I dreamed of. But the next morning, when we clearly saw I was carrying a girl on the ultrasound screen, it was a heart-warming and emotional moment for me and Chris beamed with pride. Our family feels complete in every way. We can't wait to welcome our third child and watch all three of our daughters grow up together, running around, laughing through life.

The print above is, indeed, our little babe! A friend of mind recently opened an Etsy shop called Baby Blueprint, where she and her husband make those tiny, black and white, fading ultrasounds into art prints in a ton of different colors (and more coming!). We immediately scanned a photo of our ultrasound (I used the free Cam Scanner app on my phone, but you can just take a picture, too!) and sent a .jpg her way with the note, "I'm gonna need a pink one." She screamed. I screamed. And a couple days later I got a beautiful print of our tiniest girl in their "Rose" color. Order one for you (or a friend!) here.

I'm tracking down Greta and Faye's ultrasounds to make prints of them, per their request. They are so excited to have another baby sister--we all are.  Happy 18 weeks little baby girl and happy weekend to all of you!

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  1. So excited for your family! This post has me all sorts of emotional. I only have 1 daughter now but we are planning on more. I too had a crazy vivid dream years ago where I had a little girl and a baby boy. It was so vivid and I woke up crying tears of happiness and being full of longing since then for my precious babies to come. So glad your dream is literally coming true! Also, your whole family is gorgeous :D can't wait to see what you do in the nursery and what name you pick!

  2. CONGRATS! Welcome to the three daughters club! I have three girls and it is so magical!!! I love how happy the girls were with having a baby sister vs a brother but they love it.

    I love that they get a long so well for being 8, 5, and 18 months! Congrats again!

  3. Congrats! I also just had a third girl, it's the best. And I need those little shoes, but when I press the link it goes to the ultrasound pics. Could you let me know where they're from? Thanks ????

  4. Congratulations to all of you! Three sweet girls - what a blessing! Very cool that you dreamed it too!

    Side note: I sat and stared at your living room for so long. I'm so confused as to why that dark blue wall is on the left of your kitchen instead of the right. I'm sure it has something to do with the mirror and camera, but it looks so off, it's really tripping me out.

    1. I think it does have something to do with taking a picture in a mirror, but the dark paneled wall is on the same side of the kitchen as the laundry room/pantry/fridge, which is the walkway from the hall bathroom to the front door into the kitchen, if that helps set things straight!

  5. You are going to LOVE having three girls. We have three girls as well and they are 13, 11, and 8 now. I thought my third was a boy too-- i felt completely different and was MUCH sicker! I am a sucker for a good surprise so we decided not to find out the gender and wait to be surprised at the birth for each one and i was especially shocked when our last was a girl but SO excited too. It is definitely how it was meant to be! Also, I feel like the toy control was much easier because we never had to dive into the dinosaurs, cars, and MineCraft! (Unless our girls wanted to, but they didn't!)

  6. Congrats on the more girly than ever family!

    I must have one of those prints! Thanks for sharing. What luck your friends just opened their shop.

  7. Congrats!! I'm one of three girls and I wouldn't change it for the world. You're daughters are so lucky to have each other. So happy for you!

  8. Somehow I missed you are preggers!! Congrats on little miss #3! We sure love having 3 girlies. I'm 100% with you on the dream thing. I had a dream about Milo before I was pregnant with Hailey. 8 yrs later, holding my angel, I knew it was him. Love you guys! Congrats again!

  9. So excited for your sweet family! We have three girls, and it is a beautiful whirlwind of glitter (and a fair amount of drama).

    Also, thank you so much for sharing the information about the ultrasound prints. Five years ago I gave birth to stillborn twins, and we called "now I lay me down to sleep," which is the photography service for parents who lose babies. But the photographer Never came, and I have always wished we had something to display to include our sweet boys in our family's every day. I don't know why, but I never thought about using the ultrasound. Those prints are perfect! Thank you so much!

  10. Awe congrats!!!! The 3rd is unique
    With finding out the gender when you have two of the same at home. I have one more week until my c section and we are having our 3rd boy!
    I am one of 3 girls growing up, and I know you have sisters too! Ha get ready for all the arguments about stealing clothes that you laugh about
    In your 20s lol. Now that we are all grown it's wonderful having sisters to share life with and I'm so very excited for y'all! And btw that dress!!!! ????????????

  11. Congratulations! How many sisters do you have, Julia? This is kind of like history repeating itself, no?

    On an unrelated and superficial note, please provide a link to your maxi dress if you can - I love it!

    Best of luck to your sweet family!

    1. I have 4 sisters! No brothers. :) It's the best. Chris has 6 brothers and 1 sister. Hahaha. But he loves having daughters. Also, I linked to my dress under the photo.

  12. Yay! Congrats! We're having a girl as well even after thinking it was a boy for the first few months. My mom always told me that sisters are the best friends you'll ever have. :)

  13. Girls! Love them! Congratulations to your whole family. Your Greta and Faye will make great big sisters.

  14. Congrats! Such a blessing. We started with 3 girls (then added 2 boys ????). They are good friends now (with a few fights mixed in)! ????

  15. Girl!! Oh I can't wait to meet her! You look stunning as always and I can't even get over that PINK ultrasound print! Too perfect!

  16. What a wonderful post! Congrats on three daughters. I'm the oldest of three girls and my sisters and the bonds are so strong and beautiful (as I am sure you are with your sisters!). Have a wonderful weekend.

  17. Yay, congratulations! So exciting!!! I love love love the story about your dream.

    That would be so cute to have all 3 of their ultrasound blue prints in the nursery.

  18. Congratulations! I have 3 girls (2 years apart for each) and it is really wonderful. :)
    Also, thank you for the photo with the dolls & jackets. :) It is so good to know that other people's homes don't always look the way they do in the staged photos! lol

  19. I always knew you were lovely from the family profile picture on the CLJ home page. But until seeing this photo of you today in all your pregnancy glory, I now see one of the many reasons Chris loves Julia ... you are absolutely gorgeous !
    So happy for more GIRL POWER ! As a mom-of-three-girls-myself, it is a privilege. a blessing and a holy calling from God.

  20. Huge congratulations! I put a lot of stock in those kinds of dreams. They proved correct in this house too. ❤ Glad you have a healthy little one in there.

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