I DIDN'T cut my bangs. I promise. In fact, this whispy "fringe" (I believe that's what they are calling it these days) is finally growing in from when I lost what felt like half of my hair after having Greta. It's usually sticking straight up if I don't wear my hair just right, but now that it is getting longer--almost bang-length--my hair-dos are limited. Wearing my hair down or in a low ponytail. It's the only way I can push these silly hairs to the side and people won't wonder "What in the world is that girl thinking? Are those supposed to be bangs?" No, they aren't. I am definitely not somebody who can, or even thinks she can, pull off bangs.
Today is (another) one of those days, where I am still in the t-shirt I wore last night to bed--I even went to the store in that shirt--and I am not really concerned WHAT people are wondering. I am worn out from packing and making my way through all of the boxes in our house. I am tired of pricing items for our moving sale in the morning, and I am already beat up from haggling with people who want to pay pennies for a flat screen television. We have already sold some big items and with every sale, a weight is lifted, so I am just hoping the weather can hold off in the morning and we can get a lot more stuff sold. I'll be flying through the air by the afternoon.
Every night, after Greta goes to bed, Chris and I have a huge list of things we should be doing and most nights this week, we have said, "Let's have one more night of just resting." And we get on our jammies and have dinner in bed and watch HGTV and Food Network, or maybe House and The Office (it was soooo good last night, right?). I am REALLY hoping we can have another one of those nights tonight, doubtful...but a girl can hope.
I know exactly what you are talking about. My hair sticks straight up in the front. Yesterday was the first day I was able to semi-tame the ones in front. Can't wait for them to grow as long as yours. Bangs would look much better than what I've got!
Oh I hear ya. I can't wear my hair up at all after having my baby. By the way...my baby is 2 1/2 and I am still rocking the weird wispy extra hair on my temples that likes to flip back and up Farrah Fawcett style. I didn't feel like I lost hair, but all of a sudden had this extra hair there. I can't get the bad boys to stay put with any hair product. And they don't really get any longer(they are a couple of inches long) so I guess I will not be sporting an updo anytime soon :(
I didn't really notice any weird hair changes after having Brinley. Besides my hair color CHANGING and trying to embrace the RED that is definitely here to stay. That was the worst thing. It started coming a few years ago, but it just got worse and worse when I was pregnant and after I had Brinley. I said, forget it. Lets embrace it. I like it, but I definitely miss my blonde highlights. NOT the up keep and $$$ to do it.
I seriously can't believe you guys are mOVING into a HOOOOOOOUSE! Like, you're real people now :-) so jealous, but SOO happy for you. I hope we can visit in the next couple years. We will nEED it after this road of school we're on.
Cute Julie! Definitely threw me for a loop!
That is crazy! But you really do look good with bangs :) Oh, and I totally had one of those days today...wearing the same shirt I wore to bed, and yes I went to the store as well, but I don't have the excuse of moving I was just lazy!