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Some Holiday Highlights | 2015

January 9, 2015

I hope you don't mind if I step away from our usual talking points today to share with you some highlights from our holiday in a mostly picturesque way with some disjointed text thrown in for memories' sake.


It was Faye's first Christmas and she spent most of the morning just observing, as she normally does. About half way through opening presents, I pulled her highchair over and have her some munchies and her new remote (that she is obsessed with!) and she was completely happy and content until her 9 o'clock nap.


Greta was up around 7:30 and the whole day was magical. The whole season is magical with a 4 year old. She asked Santa for THREE Littlest Pet Shops. We, honestly, had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. (Oy!) She totally loves them, though. My favorite gift was a gold necklace from Chris with the girls' initials on it and Chris's favorite was a Himalayan Salt block I got him.

That night, we tried out the shadow book we got for Greta (straight from our gift guide!) and we were all very amused. I can't wait to get more in the series. It's become a nighttime staple.



My little sister lives in Mexico and she and her boyfriend came up for Christmas and one of my older sisters, Victoria, flew in from Pittsburgh where we're all from, so all 5 of us were all together for a good week for the holiday. We took turns entertaining and hosting. The 26th, we had everyone over our place for a night of homemade sushi (Chris made a few rolls and then taught everyone how to roll, too!) and karaoke. We hooked Chris's computer up to a projector and went to town searching for all the karaoke versions of all of our favorite songs on YouTube. Above you see Andi and her boyfriend breaking it down with Can't Fight This Feeling. The girl knows every song. Every song!

That same talented singer of a little sister is also pretty good behind the camera. She offered to take our family photo while she was here. It usually completely stresses me out, but doing it right in our own home in whatever we were wearing made it so nice and casual.

blog pic 2015

We had to crop it in to use it for our new blog photo, but I couldn't resist sharing the full version because a family picture wouldn't be complete without Charly snoring in it!


It snowed and snowed. Christmas eve the streets were dry and the lawns were brown. We woke up to at least a foot with more falling. It felt just like the movies.


One of our last gatherings was a formal adult-only dinner party my sister, Victoria, put on at my parents' house. She water-colored and inked all the place cards and menu. I am going to frame it, it is so pretty. And what a menu! She spent days prepping and all day cooking and it was one of the best meals I ever ate. Chris agrees. Andi even snapped a photo of each couple. It felt like a true schmancy night.


After my sisters left on their planes and before the missing-them set in, there was one last event before we could all get back to our every day jobs. My parents bought the house next door to us (with a little coaxing on our part ;) and we helped them pack up their old home across town...


And move into the new one!


Their new home is so nice and we are so excited for them and us! It is very literally the house right next to ours.


As good as that all was--and it was oh so good--the best part of the holiday was having Chris home for a few days. The girls (Charly included) were just glued to him. It was so cute to watch and nice to have some free hands for a few minutes, too. Thanks for letting me spill a few disjointed details here today. I hope your holidays were equally as wonderful. Favorite gift you received or gave?!

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  1. Our back yard and my parents back yard touch! It has been so nice to have them so close. I am so grateful for the relationship my children have had with their grandparents! We almost moved away but felt a strong prompting to stay, which I am so glad we did. A few months later my mom was diagnose with cancer! It was an insanely hard 8 months, but us being so close made it a little easier. Now with my mom gone, I am so glad that we can watch over my dad. Enjoy having your parents close! I would have changed anything about it! In fact we have outgrown our home and everything we look at must have space for my dad.

  2. I was delighted to read about your parents moving next door. I grew up across the alley from my great Aunt, next door to my maternal parents, across the street from my faternal grandmother and two doors down from her sister my great Aunt Edith. My parents loved it, but we loved it more. We never had a babysitter, other than my older brother or one of the relatives. My Aunt Edith and I were very close. My grandparents were always ready for sleep overs, a trip to a junk yard, thrift store (where we bought used National Geographics for 5 cents) or to a field to pick treasured flowers. I believe we were beyond lucky to have all those relatives so close and we felt so loved by everyone. In addition my parents could take weekend trips, without the kids and not worry. This was a (I dislike this term, but it fits) win win situation. All adults were happy and the kids beyond the moon. I have very fond memories of all our family get togethers and the love of family.

    Your children are very lucky and you will reap many benefits of your children having grandparents close, in their early years. They will learn things you, as a parent, just cannot teach them. My best to you and your parents - live, love, learn and best of all, be a loving family.

  3. My husband grew up next door to his grandparents and had such a wonderful relationship to them. I'm very happy for your family and hope the same closeness, love and support for your little girls.

  4. What a beautiful post. The shadow book is such a creative idea. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to your cute family!

  5. I love the family pic! (Your blog design refresh looks awesome, btw) My parents live in Idaho Falls, and we were at their home for Christmas this year....the snow was a Christmas Miracle! :) So beatufiul! Anyway, fun post; I love lifestyle posts, even on a home design blog. After all, it's the people that make the home, right? :)

  6. My favorite gift was having my husband back for the holidays {deployments stink}! As far as wrapable gifts- he got me a Bose SoundLink Color speaker and I love it! I stay at home with my daughter and we love having music on in the background. For him, I think his most enjoyed present is a Starbucks tumbler - I paid $30 for the travel mug and he brings it in and gets free coffee every single day in January. He loves going to get it on his way to work every morning or after a long shift.

  7. We bought my husband's childhood home, where his parents had built a new home next door to it. We LOVED having them right next door. When they decided to downsize and bought a condo in a nearby town, I was heartbroken. We still see them weekly, as they come up for church and sporting events, but I really miss seeing them every day.

    They talked us into buying the newer house, and we have some wonderful neighbors who bought the old house from us. It all worked out, but I still miss them!

    Your girls will absolutely love having them next door, and you will too! :)

    1. That's fantastic! Once, my brother in law gave Chris a shirt with a big wolf on it for Christmas a joke and we all laughed and laughed and he still actually wears it all the time.

  8. My favorite gift was from my husband. It was a book on how to raise chickens and it meant he was giving me the go ahead to get some chickens of my own. It's all I talked about all break. I didn't even really ask to have chickens but after a summer of buying local fresh eggs he could tell I would enjoy it.

    Love that shadow book! We got two!

  9. I received a second mixing bowl from my boyfriends mom. Since we exchanged gifts with them a little early it was heaven on earth to be able to use it to make desserts for my family get together the next day. SO. MUCH. EASIER.

    I also really loved getting a scroll saw from my mom. Havent put it to use yet, the garage is all of 5 degrees at the moment, but cannot wait to bust it out in the spring.

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