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A Video Tribute to our A-frame + Paying it forward

February 21, 2019

The past few days, I got dressed and ate food and blow-dried my hair. I slept mostly without nightmares. In summary, we're all doing much better after the fire and loss of our cabin 10 days ago. There has been such an out-pouring of love and support over the past week and a half and it has lifted us up. My mom noted, "everyone is doing their thing, whatever they can, to show they love you." And it's so true. We've received so many comments, emails and DMs from you. We've had so many flowers, plants, and gift boxes delivered. Meals and treats dropped off. Texts coming in from friends we've known since we were 12! Friends and family took our kids and some dropped off toys for them, which sincerely helped brighten their day (our younger girls don't quite grasp what happened, but our oldest has struggled as a fire has been her worst nightmare for years.) My sister took over my email and sent notes to all of our sponsors that were lined up or provided product that was lost in the fire. Jordan, our nephew/videographer, put together this tribute video about the A-frame.

Note: The first few scenes are really raw and emotional. We didn't know Jordan was filming and although it was hard to watch at first, I'm grateful we have this to remind us of what was, what happened, and how it felt because it really has allowed us to deeply feel how lucky we are. The clips of us working together on the cabin and spending time together there as a family--don't. wait.--warm my broken heart. We have so many happy memories there (and thousands of photos!) that will live on and be cherished forever.

Understandably, the #1 question we're getting right now is if we're going to re-build. There's a lot to figure out before we can decide that for certain, (multiple fire investigators and insurance adjustors are on the case and it will likely take months) but we're working through all of that and are hopeful for the options we have ahead of us. We'll definitely share as we know more and decisions are made.

While I don't wish a tragedy like a house fire on anyone, and even though we lost our cabin completely, we're still one of the lucky ones. Earlier this week, a Syrian family in Canada lost their home and all seven of their children in a fire. That possibility is the reason I haven't been able to eat or sleep since our fire and it is their devastating reality. My mom's words about others doing whatever they can to show love and support to us has already come full circle. We made a donation to the GoFundMe set up for them and it's all I can do to pass it along to our community, you, who have mourned with us the past week and a half. If you have felt you wanted to do something for us during this difficult time, I encourage you to pay it forward to this family, whose pain I can't imagine.

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  1. Dear Julia,
    I pop in to your blog from time to time for inspiration. I love your color choices and decorating style! Today I thought I'd check out how the cabin was coming along and enjoy your beautiful second home vicariously. I'm sitting here laughing at myself for crying over a place I've never been and people I've never met. And then to have you pass along the gofundme page for the Syrian family in Nova Scotia... You are a good soul. Thank you for sharing such love and kindness. The world needs more good souls like you. You and your loved ones are in my prayers.

  2. My heart aches for you, I cannot imagine losing our beloved cabin. The video is beautiful and I hope it will always bring you some comfort. As my mom always says, "this too shall soon pass." I will miss the cabin updates, but I so look forward to whatever it is you have in store from here. Cause we all know it'll be good ;) xoxo

  3. I am so happy you are all alright. I'm sorry for the loss of your cabin. As a long time follower and reader of your blog, thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for using your platform to bring support to the Barho family and the unimaginable tragedy they are enduring. Absolutely gut wrenching. There really are no words. Only love. Thank you, so much Chris and Julia. Love and light.

  4. That Jordan, man, he sure knows how to produce a tearjerker! ???? It's crazy how you feel so connected to someone you only know through the Internet. I thought about you guys constantly for the few days after you announced the fire on IG and was telling everyone I knew about how sad it was. (They were like, who are Chris and Julia? ???? They're obviously not as cool as me.) I'm excited to see what's next for you, because I know, whatever you decide to do, it will be great.

  5. I’m so sorry for your loss! What a beautiful tribute to your cabin, I’m sure you will cherish the memories and all of the photos and videos. Your land is so stunning, truly idealic! I hope you are able to rebuild. We just purchased a lot at Bear lake in Idaho and have been working on our plans, I can’t imagine how I would feel to put all of our blood sweat and tears and lose it that way. My prayers will be with you that you will be comforted and led in the direction of where the lord wants you to be! Xo ~Jen

  6. I’m one of your younger followers at just 24. I have No kids of my own yet and have never owned my own home yet. However I pour Love and thought and design into every space I inhabit. I’m so in awe of mother’s like you who find the time to create such beauty for their families to enjoy and cherish. I basically sobbed as I watched this because I can only imagine how your hearts broke watching all of your hard work and such a special place go. But I want to tell you that you have taught me such an invaluable lesson about how to move through tragedy with a grateful heart. To be vulnerable with others instead of only sharing the perfect moments, and to really highlight what you do all of this for or better yet who. Your family is an incredible blessing and what you have accomplished is incredible. What I find more amazing is what you have in each other and no fire or tragedy could burn away that love. I feel honored to have found such a beautiful example.

  7. The video is such a bittersweet treasure to have. Its wonderful you have it to cherish. Its ok to cry at the loss and its ok to cry happy tears of the joy you had with your family being there. At least you have family to have joy with???? My side of the family is non existant.

  8. I cried and cried. I’m so very sorry for this immense loss. You haven’t been far from my mind since the day of the fire and your announcement on IG. Much love to you and yours as you navigate the days ahead.

  9. I have been afraid of house fires for as long as I can remember because of a kitchen fire in my childhood home when I was a little. My heart sank when I saw this news. I am so very sorry. The trauma is real. Will you share the cause of the fire when you find out? It will help others to know the reason.. so they can take caution in their homes. I am so sorry this happened to you. Wishing you peace.

  10. What a beautiful tribute! I find myself checking your blog every day just to check in and see how you and the children are handling this devastating loss. I have been following your blog for a couple of years now and your posts have sometimes brightened my days. So I hope this one will brighten yours. I am happy that you are all safe and that you are beginning to heal. I pray that you find some solace in the memories of the special times you spent at the Cabin. May your family continue to be blessed and surrounded with love. Thank you for sharing your special memories with us. Always in my prayers and thoughts!

  11. My parents had a fire in their home ceiling of a ranch home they were actually watching a football game and it happened very fast. They had a lot of damage to their home and lost belongings but we all were so glad they got out ok and they were ok. It disrupted their lives for over a year rebuilding the roof line and dealing with insurance companies but the house was fixed and they moved back in. I hope you will be able to rebuild and enjoy your beautiful land and views. I am so sorry and the Syrian family I heard about right away it’s devastating what those parents are going through. You and your children are safe and sound that’s all you can focus on and out of the ashes a new home will rise.

  12. So very sorry to hear of your tragedy. I understand how a home can become like a family member. The love you and your family have for one another will get you through anything! I have donated to the Syrian family so thank you for sharing that information.

  13. found this post from emily henderson--it really resonated with me as i'm coming on the three year anniversary of an apartment fire where my roommates and I lost all of our belongings. we had luckily left the apartment less than an hour before the fire started (electrical fire in the ceiling) and no one was hurt. the thoughts of what wouldve happened had we been home or sleeping when this started haunted me for a while (as the fire was in the room with the only fire escape and next to the only exit to the apartment). being homeless and possession-less in a city that was not home (my family lives ~3 hours away) was really eye opening in helping me remember what is truly important in life. It made me so thankful for my friends who offered up spare beds/couches to stay at and lending clothes to wear in the weeks after while trying to find a new apartment and get back to a normal life.

  14. Thank you for using your platform to turn this awful situation into awareness for a family who has experienced such devastation. I'm praying for your family during this difficult time. Even though it's hard I know you guys will be stronger as a result!

  15. Loss from a fire is truly devastating, and the emptiness and grief are hard for people to fully comprehend unless they have gone through something similar. This video was beautiful, but the silent snow coming down and blanketing everything, it was like the heavens were offering you some sort of a gentle hug. My thoughts are prayers are with you. This too shall pass.

  16. Twenty-one years ago I lost my home to a house fire. Thankfully, none of us were home, but our little Westie was & she died in the fire. I've been through many difficult times in my life, but this was the most devastating. Like you, we had so much love & support from family & friends, even strangers. I honestly didn't think that I would come through it, but I did & I'm stronger for it. I understand everything that you are going through & only wish that I could stop by & give you a hug. You will get through this; there will be a lot of tears & yes, even some laughs as you remember so many of the happy times that you spent in your home with family & friends. I promise that there are better days ahead. My love, thoughts & prayers go out to all of you. The most important thing is that you still have your family. As difficult as it may seem now, everything else can be replaced, but your family never can be.

    1. Awww Rachel. I am so sorry for the loss of you pup. That must have been so hard to endure...but my awe in your strength and words of wisdom.

  17. How can something be so heart wrenching and beautiful at the same time? One of the mysteries of life. Thanking God that you weren't there, that you have the beautiful memories that will live on and asking him for comfort for the family who lost their children. Jordan did an exceptional job of putting this together. It's possible that I missed some of it because I was crying the whole time. I just kept thinking about how you must have felt seeing all of your beautiful and hard work go up in flames. Praying that you can put this behind you soon and move on. You are special people to think of others at this time. God bless you.

  18. I’m so incredibly sorry to hear about your loss. I just recently discovered and started listening through your old podcast episodes and made my way over to the blog. I hope your family can find peace in this awful time.

  19. This was SUCH a beautiful tribute movie. Jordan is a master-- this was seriously so so well done. I was crying throughout most of it but the moment when he showed Greta sliding down the hill on the exam same tube we saw you pulling away from the cabin after the fire REALLY got to me... it's like that's what you're taking away with you, not all the stuff but the memories of so much joy. The images of how much care you put into the cabin really drove home the loss. I love the idea of a "don't wait" shirt, and maybe donating a portion of the proceeds to victims of fires could be another way to pay it forward.

  20. That was a beautiful and heartbreaking video. I am so so sorry for your loss.
    Thank you for the information about the family in Canada and the link to the GoFundMe. I can't imagine the pain the parents must be feeling.

  21. What a precious tribute and my heart goes out to you and your family. I can't imagine how difficult this is, but y'all are safe and that is a blessing. I have always been fascinated with A-frames and have watched this transformation with awe. My hubby laughs when I say our home has a soul, but it takes work to bring the soul to life. You and your family created a beautiful soul and I hope it will always live in your family's heart and soon bring smiles rather than tears. I am always inspired by your work and now I'm inspired by your strength. Take care.

    1. I'm actually having an issue with the entire right side of my body right now. I'm on nerve stabilizing medication until the atrophy calms down.

  22. Chris, Julia and the girls: I just want you to know that you are some of my favourite people and I've never met you! I've loved you guys for the past several years, and feel like I got to know you through your blog and your podcast. When I opened my Instagram the day you announced the loss of the cabin, the photo took a few seconds to load and I had a sick feeling. I cried for you then and am bawling watching this very vulnerable video you've put together. As sad as this is, you have been SO right all along: don't wait to make memories, enjoy every moment of the home around you. It's evident in everything you guys do and I love following your journey.

    Also, I nearly fell off my chair when you called out the Syrian family because they live 10 kilometres from me and our entire region has been reeling in their loss. Thank you THANK YOU for using your platform to help them.

    In Christ,
    Renee from Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

  23. This video. It’s all so beautiful and heartbreaking and amazingly well done.

    The prayer in the car... The way Chris is holding your hand and hugging you tight to comfort you... The way your face is never shown - and doesn’t need to be to depict the tragedy you’re experiencing. The way you’re pulling the inner tube down the hill; like it was the one tangible remnant left in all the rubble. I can only speculate that was to bring home to your grieving daughter, and that’s the part that gets me each time I watch this. ???? It’s so moving — it’s tragic and redemptive and heartbreaking all at once.

    Better than anyone else I follow, you are more than home decor DIY’ers. You are both such talented storytellers. It’s what makes your projects and content come alive through the squares and 15-second clips of instagram. You let us readers come alongside you in such a unique and beautiful way that makes us feel like, in some small way, we’re participating in your renovation journey. So thank you so much, for sharing this part of the story with us, too. I know you didn’t have to, and I’m guessing it was hard to do. In true CLJ fashion, you told the story so, so well.

    Thinking of you guys as you continue to grieve. Sending all my love to your beautiful family.

  24. I haven't found the right words to say about how much you and Chris have meant to me. For the last three years I've been following along, gathering as much info as possible, and using it to make our new home warmer. You have touched and influenced my life so much, and the fire was no exception.

    It showed me how a loving couple handles tragedy with grace, and I only hope that my husband (also a Chris) and I can be just as resilient. I also hope we can look to God and praise him the same way you did.

    Thank you for letting us all into your life and home.

    PS - Over the weekend I wore my "Indoosy" sweat shirt while repainting a chest of drawers. I think of you guys and get the courage to do home-work whenever I wear it.

  25. I didn't know that Syrian family, but they had moved into my Halifax neighbourhood recently and their tragic situation has been haunting me. You donating and sharing their story has brought me to tears. Thank you.

  26. I've been reading your blog for years now, never commenting until now. I'm from the Maritimes, about 2 hours away from Halifax. That fire was absolutely tragic. Thanks for mentioning the tragedy from Nova Scotia.

    This story happened in December 2017, much like the Syrian family, but a much happier outcome. They were also refugees but managed to get out alive, although with some broken bones and the father suffered burns.

    Sometimes people are lucky enough to not be home when a house fire occurs, like your family. Sometimes family member manage to escape, but with broken bones and burns. Sometimes a tragedy happens like what happened to the Syrian family, and the loss is unimaginable.

    It takes something like a tragic house fire to put everything into perspective: to be thankful for what you have, and to know that people will fight so hard to live and to persevere and come together for each other when tragedy hits.

    Again, so sorry to hear about the loss that you and your family are going through, and for the other families going through similar losses, and for those who weren't as lucky.

  27. Thank you for pointing me to the GoFundMe for the Nova Scotia family. I"m Canadian Maritimer by marriage :-) and it feels good to help in some small way. Big love to you and your family as you move forward.

  28. I have followed each step along the way, witnessed your progress, excitement and your sadness, gratitude and humbleness. Then comes the peace in knowing that your incredible family, each one of you, have been protected by our Heavenly Father. What a blessing it is that you preserved so many precious memories along the way. Know that I pray that the calm will happen...and that your genuine joy can return. Thinking of you!

  29. The tribute video is heartbreaking and beautiful. So many wonderful memories in the A frame. You brought new, beautiful life to her. I have been playing this song by Jon Reddick and thought of you all. I hope it encourages you. We have hope because of Christ.

  30. Very sad, broke my heart. It was a beautiful cabin. I am so happy you were not there at the time. Things can be replaced. Let me know if you ever have any questions.

  31. What a tribute to your sweet family, the A-frame and the life that you all built there. I pray for you to continue building those memories and moments! That video is both heartbreaking and inspiring. Blessings for your and your family. I wish I could reach out and hug you.

  32. Haven't stopped thinking about you since you first shared. I've been following your family for almost a decade...since infant Greta days. Even though we don't know each other, I feel like you are dear friends and I just hate that you have had this happen. My husband and I also live in an A-frame full-time, so it has been especially enjoyable in the last year, watching you pour so much love and care into your beautiful cabin. Jordan's video just cut me wide open...I can't imagine all that you've been feeling in the last 10. Sending you all of the love, and praying for a beautiful outcome, whatever that looks like. I'm so glad your family is safe and sound.

  33. The video is both heartbreaking and so beautiful. I can't help but think about all of the wonderful memories that you guys had there and hope that you are able to rebuild CLJ Cabin and for it to continue to a place that brings joy and love to your family. We are all praying for you guys and will be right here to cheer you on!

  34. When I read your title it briefly took me back to the shock, fear and despair I felt last year when the coroner came to my door to tell me my Maddie, my almost 22 year old daughter was dead.
    Of course a house and a daughter are clearly not the same but I've learned pain is relative. Before the loss of my most precious, we hadany hardships, death of my only sisbling, father and catastrophic stroke of my mother. My husband got downsized fromhis Jo, our home we were remodeling contractors stole our money, damaged the home and now we have a broken mess of a house with nooney to fix it. I was hit by a semi truck and souch more. All along, devastation after devastation I kept thinking how horrible, couldn't get worse, then it did. The ultrasound worse,,,losing my Maddie.
    So I literally can FEEL your pain. And I CAN FEEL your gratitude that you didn't also lose your "Maddie" in the midst. Love, support to you and your family and to all of us who endure. Love remains even when all else leaves us.

  35. Your A-frame was located in a truly beautiful setting, and it was great watching you guys make the A-frame as gorgeous as the world around it. I so admire your perspective on this tremendous loss, and that you are encouraging others to pay it forward. I’m cheering your family on, wherever the path forward leads you. xo

  36. You and your family have been in my prayers since you posted on the fire. I pray for God to comfort you and help you to find peace. The video is quite touching and I so loved Chris praying with you at the beginning. Your faith will help you through this-you are blessed with such faith!

  37. I am beyond the words to express my grief for you and your family, but also my admiration and love for your words and how you use them in this community. Thank you for sharing your grief, your joy, your gratitude with us all. Paying it forward is just another reason why you and this community you've inspired is so beautiful.

  38. I watched the moving and beautiful video tribute and was deeply touched. Jordan did a fantastic job. As did you both, making the cabin her most beautiful self.

    I just wish I could have seen the upstairs bathroom afterwards. That chic tile. The black baseboard. Unfinished dreams …

  39. I've only recently started following you -- and I'm so sorry for your family's loss. But I feel compelled to comment herr: THANK YOU for paying it forward in this way. I haven't been able to read too much about the Syrian family's tragedy, because it totally guts me. So thank you.

  40. Chris and Julia - that was a very touching and emotional video. As always thank you for sharing you lives with us.

    Sending thanks for highlighting there family in Canada who lost everything. thank you for using your platform.

  41. Such a powerful message. I have long loved your voice in this online space and your creativity is inspiring beyond words. Your family has weighed on my heart and my mind these last days. I am from the community in Nova Scotia, Canada that you speak of. Words are beyond everyone right now for the devastation, but you taking the time to use your platform to raise awareness and support for the family gives such hope. You guys really are the best xxx

  42. Ugh, I cried with you. I've been following you guys for years, first time ever commenting. Beautiful video. So sorry for your lose.
    There's so much to take away from this experience - more to come, but the blessing is that no one was home. I completely understand thinking of those objects as living things... there was so much love in that home. Ugh, gutted for you.

  43. Julia - thank you, thank you, thank you. As a long-time reader and mother of a young family living in Halifax, Nova Scotia, I want to share our gratitude for your support of a family in our community who has suffered a profound and incomprehensible loss at the hands of a recent and devastating house fire. Now, even more than ever, I look forward to seeing what amazing things are to come for you and your beautiful family.

  44. There are truly no words. Sharing in your sorrow A for what’s lost, hope for what’s next, and gratitude for the memories you made there.
    Thank you, too, for using this platform to call attention to the other family who is suffering unthinkable loss.
    Sending love from Missouri.

  45. Thank you for your words on the devastating Halifax fire. To be honest, I thought of both of you incidents this week each occurring at around the same time, each with, as you say, differing results. Thankful that you and your family are safe, frustrated for all your time spent on making the place the perfect home, and profoundly grateful that you can see beyond your own situation to that of another family. I wish you the best in rebuilding or relocating or whatever project you see fit to put your talents to.

  46. It is important, though, to instill fire safety in kids, even if it makes them aware of a previously unthought of danger...has she been afraid of fires since your June 2, 2016 post?

  47. Thank you for taking your own terrible experience and thinking of another family who suffered such incomprehensible loss this week in their own house fire.

  48. I think we ALLLL need a ProperTee "A-Frame of Mind" to remind us to not wait to enjoy what is in front of us. Make the memories now! The A Frame lives on through your memories, the lessons it has taught, and the design insipirations that are scattered throughout the world! I know there is a piece of it in our home in Dallas {BEAMS inspo!}. Moving here from Idaho Falls it has a special place in my heart because I knew first hand just how magical that area is! However, I think that is part of the magic of the A-frame~ it connected to so many people on so many different don't have to be from there to fall in love with it...{but man does it help ????}! Sending you continued hugs from Texas!

  49. Hold on to those beautiful memories. Stay positive and hopefully in the end you will rebuild as the beauty of the mountain will last forever.
    The family that lost 7 children is also in my community which has been devastating for them as well as the firefighters. Thank you for paying it forward.

  50. I feel for your dear Greta...a fire was my worst fear as a child and now my daughters fear it. I can't imagine what you all are going through. I pray she can come out stronger because of it. And your tribute at the end. Just heart breaking. Dear dear family. Im so sorry. Continued prayers.

  51. Ironically, I've been waiting to comment until I could find the perfect words to let you know much my heart breaks for you, your family, your friends, and your community (both online and IRL), but of course, there are no perfect words when something so devastating happens to us. I'm so thankful you didn't wait until the cabin was perfect (although honestly, it looked perfect all along...perfect for you) to make all the beautiful memories of your beloved cabin that you'll have forever. So thankful you have so many photos and videos to help remind you of those precious moments in the dark days. So thankful no one was hurt. And, incredibly thankful to you sharing the information on the family in Canada so we can help. Thank you, Julia & Chris for sharing so much of your lives with us, in good times and in bad. And for reminding us not to wait. Sending you all so much love and light.

  52. What a beautiful tribute to your cabin. I'm so sorry for the pain you are going through right now, it can't be easy at all.
    Thank you for paying it forward and sharing the link to the GoFundMe for the Barho family. I live in Halifax and the entire city is reeling from such a devastating loss so close to home. As a mom to young kids, I just haven't been able to stop thinking of that poor mother, and how will she possibly find the strength to go on...their loss is unimaginable. So thank you for mentioning them in your own time of grief, and I'm so glad your kids are safe.

  53. God Bless you all, still speechless, incapable of finding words. Sending love to your family from Colorado.
    Your family is a constant check in for me, from cooking with Chris, to decorating ideas, weekly finds. Its interesting to me how I've become so invested in your family simply through feeling "connected", through your blog and Instagram.
    Even though the video was just a glimpse of what happened within the devastation of losing the cabin, the overall
    feeling of joy and family was the heart of it all. Your family is blessed with love, connection, laughter, Willow and the list goes on. . I am deeply sorry for your pain, and pray for your family.

  54. I cried so hard watching this... I lost my brother and father to illness both in the past couple of years. Watching this... all of those feelings, the shock, the how, the why, the disbelief... they all came back. These things remind us of the fragility of life and how it can be gone in an instant. How very blessed you are to have been spared, but I know the pain must still be very deep. Bless you all at this time as your emotions heal, which is a process. Be kind to yourselves.

  55. I have been so so sad for your family. The memories you shared in this video are so special and I am so glad you are all safe and will continue to make memories like this. This tragedy has pushed me and my husband to look closely at our fire alarms, make a plan and do everything possible to protect our family. Thank you so much for sharing this journey.

  56. I so appreciate you sharing the touching video, what a beautiful farewell. I know you will both create something beautiful from this tragedy, and will follow along as I have for years! The tragic loss experienced by the Barho Family this week is unimaginable. Although there is nothing we can do to ease the extreme devastation that family is experiencing, they will know there is a community behind them. As a Canadian and Nova Scotian, I appreciate you taking the time to include their story and help keep the memory of those sweet children alive.

  57. I have been thinking about your family often. I am so sorry to hear that Greta is having such a hard time. I’m scared of fires as an adult so I can’t imagine the fear she holds now. The stuffed animals on the beds in the loft really hit me. Thank you so much for sharing with us a piece of what that day and the past week has been like for you and using it as an opportunity to help another family. For what it’s worth I am proud of the grace you have shown in handling this situation. Can’t wait to see what good you make of this.

  58. I have always felt that no matter how big our problems feel, there is always someone with heart sank when I first read about the fire of your beloved cabin. I've been following along, taking all of your remodeling advice to heart as I prepare to start my own projects. I am so happy your family wasn't there when it happened, and pray you'll find the answers to whether or not to rebuild. What so many of us have taken away from this are your poignant words, "Don't wait"...truly words to live by in this one precious life. Hoping your wonderful memories will help your family heal and carry on making many more memories. Sending love and saying prayers for that poor Canadian family's devastating loss.

  59. “It is a strange feeling to be morning the loss of a place you never been to, a family you never met and to fear the “what ifs” for people you don’t even know.” I agree 100% with that comment from Melissa. My heart breaks for the loss of the cabin but rejoices in knowing your sweet family is safe!

  60. Such a sweet video! My 7 year old son just asked if we could travel to Idaho from our home in North Carolina to help you rebuild. ♥️ Our hearts and prayers are with you.

  61. Gosh I’m such a crying mess after this! You know what struck me watching this video, though? How much you’re together in this: every captured moment you are hugging, comforting each other, holding hands looking at what’s left of that beautiful cabin. I hate not ever seeing this cabin all done up, but the most important thing is none of you got hurt, and you are sharing (and spreading) this wonderful love of yours.????❤️

  62. Oh Julia. I have been following you for a while. And the morning I read about the fire, just broke my heart. You and your family have been on my mind and in my prayers. The video is a beautiful tribute. And I cried all the way trough it. Yes. Don’t wait. I live by these words. I am so so grateful that your family was not at the cabin during fire. When I was 12, I was in a home fire that killed half of my family (both of my parents, my two sisters and brother). After such tragedies in life, we tend to value life more, feel for those who are hurting. It changes you, you are never the same person. Thank you for sharing about the family in Canada, so very tragic.
    I don’t know you personally, but wanted to thank you for sharing with us your story, your joy, your pain and hurt.

  63. Typing through floods of tears after watching the video. My heart is just broken for you and your family. Like many of your readers, I have so enjoyed following along as you poured your love and time into making your cabin your own. The memories you made during your time there will help you to heal and your kindness in paying it forward to this family who truly lost everything is beyond words. I am from the same province as the Barho family. The devastating loss of those seven beautiful children and the road ahead for their mother is unfathomable. Thank you for using your platform to share this story and pay it forward. I've always admired your work, but now I admire your compassion and kindness even more. Wishing you you comfort and sending you love.

  64. Jordan is the underappreciated side of Chris Loves Julia. Beautiful beautiful editing. The footage is raw, the shock hit us in the video just as it did you in your real life, but the shots of friends and family show all your readers your hope, resilience and the joy and love that surrounds you at this time. Again, so sorry for your loss.

  65. Dear Chris and Julia,

    As I watched the video I just kept thinking “oh those sweet wonderful people. I’m so glad they have each other to lean on”. I think people have a tendency to keep their thoughts and compliments inside until something bad happens. If there’s one good upside about bad things, I hope it’s that it causes us all to reach out to each other. And so I wanted to tell you thanks for the fantastic content and uplifting reading and delicious recipes from someone who reads your site and follows your Instagram and just really likes you both even though we’ve never met. I am so sorry for your loss and have had your family in my thoughts and prayers. And I’m so completely impressed by your grace and thoughtfulness and this post. The world needs more people like you. I hope your family finds strength and happiness as you work through this awful loss!

  66. So much joy was experienced there, and we got to share it vicariously. I'm praying for peace upon your family and healing from this trauma. The future will be bright - IS bright - and we're right here with you. xoxo from Spokane.

  67. The mother that lost her 7 children in a house fire is from my city. It has rocked us all to the core. I was seeing your instagram stories at the same time I was hearing about the local tragedy. I kept thinking about the fact that these stories happened at similar times. Thank you for mentioning them, even through your own loss. Hug your babies tight. ❤️ ❤️

  68. It is a strange feeling to be morning the loss of a place you never been to, a family you never met and to fear the “what ifs” for people you don’t even know. I have thought about your family so often and have been brought to tears, and my heart breaks for all of you. This video is beautiful, and I hope it is a start of healing. Bless your heart for caring about others when you are dealing with your own morning. “A man’s character is not judged after he celebrates victory, but by what he does when his backs against the wall”, and you have proven to be one of the bests.

  69. I can't even. When,my son's apartment caught fire on March 1 2012, I will never ever forget those words...."your son did not survive". The burnt smell will live with me forever. You have an amazing gift of gratitude and thankfulness. It is not easy. It has taken me 7 years to get to a place of gratitude for the 24 years I had my son in my,life. Praying for that family. I cannot imagine their pain.

    God please be with these families during this sad time. We know your love surrounds us. We know you are crying with us.

    Hugs and love,
    Diane Taylor,mom of Jonathan Paul Daily

    1. Beautiful, bittersweet words, Diane. Thank you for reminding us how precious and precarious life can be. Embrace every day and always tell your beloveds how much you love them.

  70. Julia and Chris I am so sorry for your lost. The day you posted on Instagram I was speech less and wishing you all of the love in the world.

    Thank you so much for posting about the family who lost their children. They are in my city and everyone is in shock being so close to home. It's been amazing to see everyone come together in many different ways to show their support.

  71. That video is so unbelievably beautiful, Jordan did such a great job. So thankful for all the beautiful memories your family has made in the cabin and shared with us. Praying that you all can heal and find strength through this tragedy. <3

  72. I've been waiting for this post. I imagined how you'd share your pain with us. And this was so beautiful and powerful. To pay it forward at the end just shows what wonderful people you are too. I just made a donation in support and in your honor.

  73. SUCH a great video. I started watching with tears in my eyes but by the end I was smiling seeing all the great memories your family made there. Much love to you all! Missed ya ;)

  74. Your grace under immense grief is inspiring. May you continue to comfort yourselves with memories of the past and dreams of the future.

  75. My heart mourns with you all over this terrible loss. I cannot imagine, and although I don't know you in person, I feel like I've gotten to journey along with you through this process. Thank you for your openness, for sharing your home with us, and for using this tragedy to help others in need. Praying for your family right now.

  76. You have all been on my mind so much. I again am so thankful for your safety and how beautiful of you to share a way for helping the family that lost their children. Unimaginable. I loved seeing Chris lead you both in prayer and know that putting your trust, tears and fears in His hands will be what gets you through this.

  77. I have thought about you constantly for the past week and sobbed more than once. And after the video, I am crying again.

    But this time, there are also happy tears. I can see how much joy the time spent at the cabin brought you. Not just the cabin itself, but the people who spent time there, loving on each other and creating precious memories. Thank you for allowing us the sneak peak into that world. All I could think while watching people sled, tube, and laugh was "Thank you God that nobody in the video was hurt." (And nobody else, for that matter.)

    I don't know what the future holds for you, but God does. Wherever this leads you, I'll be watching along with thousands of others, cheering you on.

  78. I just love that you're bringing awareness to that poor family. How tragic. Like you said so perfectly, everything does not happen for a reason, but something good can come out of everything. Praying for your comfort and strength.

  79. Through tears I watched the video and read your words. The pain I feel for you and those who are suffering with heartache and tragedy is heavy. I feel comfort that you and your sweet family are getting up each day and putting one foot in front of the other, following the path that is before you. You don't need to know where it is going but rather have faith in what is guiding you from behind. Much love to you and your family.

  80. This is heartwrenching....praying for the best for you. You are a strong couple and family and you will get thru this and make many more happy memories!

  81. Seeing the remains of the cabin felt something like going to a viewing at a funeral to me - you think you don't want to go, but it helps bring you out of denial and process your loss, and somehow comforts you to be with what is physically left of the person you loved. As a reader, this helped me appreciate a small part of what losing the cabin must have been like for you and internalize your message of not waiting to make memories. So sorry that you have had to go through this and so proud of your perspective and strength.


  82. As a Canadian, I can tell you that our entire country has been mourning for this poor family. Thank you for turning your tragedy into an opportunity to pay it forward. I hope that your Greta continues to improve, and that your nightmares continue to subside. xo

  83. I'm just shattered for you. I'm crying at my desk at work after watching the video.

    But you are right: you're lucky that you're all ok, and the memories you have can never be taken away. Hold on to that! "Remember everything, when only memories remain." You got this.

    Sending love and calming, soothing feelings your way. Take care of yourselves. <3

  84. Wow, tear jerker. What a beautiful tribute, just beautiful. Still thinking about you all and hope you're doing ok.

  85. I just can't imagine moving on in life after losing one child. How do you possibly go on after losing 7? I'm so incredibly sad to hear about that poor family. Thank you for sharing so we can donate.

    That video was both beautiful and heartbreaking.

  86. I think that's a really admirable way to pay it forward. You guys are so so very lucky. Thanks for linking to the gofundme for that poor family.

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