When we were on our weekend getaway--shopping, we stopped in Anthropologie. That was the first bad idea. There's nothing in there I don't love, but there's also hardly anything in there that I feel okay spending THAT MUCH on. You know what I mean. "Oh em gee, loooovvvvveeeee those mugs (or dress, or cardigan, or coat hooks) but whoa--I can't justify spending that on that." Then I came upon oversized zinc letters. These ones:

They weren't crafty looking, they were modern and I totally snapped a picture (second big mistake...I was getting hooked) and now the picture is nowhere to be found! I have checked our camera, and both of our phones. These puppies are BIG. 25" tall. Anthro had them laying on their side and standing like they were all hanging out and I SO wanted to be a part of the cool kids at that moment. So, I made my 3rd major mistake and picked up a letter. It was big and thick, but surprisingly still light. A "C" and a "J", perhaps laying on her side, would look so cozy propped
on a shelf above our bed in front of a painting. I was hooked. I had to haa..... $98!! Nooooooooooo! Okay, I wasn't that surprised, but I was
that hurt. Those letters have been haunting me ever since. Here's where my apology comes in:
Sorry Anthropologie, I'm makin' my own! Or, I'm trying to. I have been trying for over 24 hours now. After two failed attempts and now that carpal tunnel has set in my right hand/wrist--I'm giving it one, last valiant effort tonight. Third time's a charm, right? Stay tuned for all the failed glory details and (hopefully) the 25"-J-and-C-they-are-all-mine goodness, too.
Please post a pic! I want to see what they look like. I too love that store and love this kind of stuff!
Ryan goes, "I think Julia loves Anthro more than you. Is that possible??"
HAHAHAAAA! I LOOOOVE that he knows how much I love that store. DId I tell you he got me a rolling pin from Anthropologie?? LOVE it. Have't used it, but I dream about using it :-)
I have a think about BIG letters. I can't find a big enough B though. I want like...a HUUUUGE b.
I have one of the mugs but with an M on it and I LOVE it. It sits on my dresser and holds jewelry in it that I'm to lazy to put away :-)