Listen to the latest episodes on: iTunes, GooglePlay, Stitcher. Title: Ep 11: Make it Happen, Cap'n - Taking on Projects You've Never Done Before Hot Topic: Selling Your Home as a For Sale By Owner Show Notes: One thing we hear from people all the time is, "How do you guys know how to do all this stuff?" Usually followed […]
For our frequent readers, you may remember a few months ago when we added our new front door and trimmed it out. As a refresher: We opted out of the sidelight on the door and instead went with some heavier trim to fill the gaps. We still love this door and everything it has added to […]
JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content. It feels like we are in a renovating cyclone right now. While there aren't any huge projects going on, there are a lot of small things that we haven't finished up yet from past large projects. Some of these things I honestly […]
Our niece is getting married at the beginning of September and we're over the moon for her and the rest of the couples lining our calendar, prepping to tie the knot this summer/fall. It's officially wedding season and it's one of the most wonderful times of the year if you ask me. This year, makes […]
Thanks for all your opinions this morning about which art you like best. It gives us a lot to think about. To switch gears a little bit, we've been homeowners for over 5 years now, and have tackled a lot of big and small renovations. And while major before and afters are by far our most […]
I've been thinking for some time it might be nice to have a piece of art hanging on the range hood cover we DIYed last year. It's a large, 60" wide hood that we added some slim, pencil trim to, but other than that it's pretty simple. On one hand, I don't think everything needs […]
I mentioned last week that we'll be turning one of the downstairs bedrooms into a home office and today we're ready to share that blank-space-of-a-room that's about to get a whole lot of function for the first time since moving in to this home almost 3 years ago. It's a relatively small room, at just 10x11 and […]
Listen to the latest episodes on: iTunes, GooglePlay, Stitcher. Title: Ep 10: Buildin’ on a Budget Pt. 2 Show Notes: In this part two episode focused on budgeting in renovation, Julia and Chris discuss what a budget means to them, and how it has changed over time. They talk about their early days of DIY, and share one of their first […]
How do you wind down at night? Chris's favorite thing to do after a long day of work is to wash his feet in cold water and he's instantly relaxed and refreshed. I love nothing more than to shut my computer, hide my phone, put my hair up and watch a short 20-30 minute show on […]
Last week, we shared all the before and afters of the Pittsburgh kitchen we did with Frigidaire Professional right here. We also shared a fun, behind-the-scenes video (okay, I cried) of the 6-day renovation process right here. Since we shared those, we've gotten a lot of inquiries about how much did it all cost?! So, […]
Charly has been a member of our family for over three years now and we can't imagine this home without her. I'm not going to lie, having never had a dog before, it took me a couple weeks to get used to her and that hair and drool (I actually lost my appetite for 9 days […]
My nieces, Anna and Elsie ages 12 and 8, have shared a room their entire lives and a queen bed for the past 6 years. It works well for them and their family of 6 kids. But lately, although their room was nice, they have been expressing to their parents (and to cool Aunt Julia […]
Listen to the latest episodes on: iTunes, GooglePlay, Stitcher. Title: Ep 09: John & Sherry Petersik of Young House Love: Buildin’ on a Budget Pt. 1 Guests: John & Sherry Petersik from Show Notes: The first of two episodes focused on budgeting for renovation, we visit with John and Sherry Petersik, the creators of the wildly successful Young House Love blog […]
Chris comes from a large family (he's the youngest of 8 kids) and last weekend we had them all over for a BBQ. Everyone was there but one of his brothers who lives across the country and it was almost emotional for me to see our home and deck filled to the brim with family. It's […]
Oriental and Persian rugs are big right now, but the truth is, they'll always be in. They've been around for several hundreds of years and they'll be around that many more. They work across all styles--modern, traditional, farmhouse, bohemian, industrial--and add a great deal of interest, pattern, warmth and charm to a room. We have a few […]
Thanks for all of the love on yesterday'emi reveal of the Pittsburgh kitchen! We put so much time and effort into this project and we fell head over heels for the kitchen over the six days we worked on it, making it hard to even leave. A true labor of love. I always get a little anxiety […]
Listen to the latest episodes on: iTunes, GooglePlay, Stitcher. Title: Ep 08: Renovating, DIY, and Personal Relationships Show Notes: On this episode, we go behind the scenes on the complete kitchen renovation Chris and Julia did in Pittsburgh and hear some funny and also frustrating stories from them. We also talk about how renovating and doing DIY projects affects personal relationships. […]
My aunt and uncle's home in Pittsburgh is more than 90 years old and full of character, but the kitchen, like so many other kitchens, definitely had its fair share of challenges: the small 9x9 footprint, the outdated electrical, the radiator in the corner, no dishwasher, the in-swinging door that hindered so much usable space, the lack […]
S'mores basket | Small Firepit | Loveseat | Weber grill | Grill-top Pizza Oven A few weeks ago, like the day after the deck was done, we had grilled pizza and s'mores with some friends out back and it was a dream. Chris made the best pizza dough ever--with a good chewy bite to it--and we made it in […]
The outdoor sofas we ordered a few weeks ago arrived the day before we left for Pittsburgh. As much as I wanted to bust them out of their boxes and arrange them on the newly finished deck, I knew them sitting outside for 10 days, unused, didn't really make a ton of sense. So as […]
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