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Burg(h) Art in the Living Room.

April 30, 2013
A few weeks ago, our DIYed wainscoting (or paneling--whichever!) was featured on Apartment Therapy and one of the commenters mentioned that maybe the grid of pictures competes with the wainscoting wall too much and that it might just be too much geometry.
Of course we don't read every suggestion and change our house accordingly.  That would be insane, and ultimately we live here and we make design choices that suits our family and makes us happy.  But that one stuck with me because, maybe it was just a little grid happy in the living room? I sat with it for awhile. And then over the weekend, I switched things up and added two large photographs instead.

My sister took these photos of Rexburg, Idaho (where Chris grew up) and Pittsburgh (where I grew up) respectively and seeing them next to each other--a juxtaposition of our rural and city worlds coming together is as cool as it is symbolic.

Update--Here are the actual photos:

I am glad I had them printed in color.  I was teetering. Black and white is so classic and kind of goes with everything, but the colors in these photographs were too good to desaturate out. Not to mention, the room could use some color.

As far as hanging, we used two of the largest Ribba frames Ikea sells (in dark brown)--which are great because they are huge and still mega cheap ($24 a pop), but I sorta hate trying to level out two of these frames with the wire hanging mechanism on the back.  But as you now know--cotton ball to the rescue!

Next time, I'll totally pull a Dana and jump in the picture because the new presence of these photos aren't being relayed--not even a fraction--in these pictures.  They feel grand towering over my 6' self and colorful and personal.  Pretty much everything we hoped this art would be. Any home-proud art in your home?

(Yinzers represent!)

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  1. I LOVE the new art!!! I have been quietly following your blog for awhile and you have done amazing things with your house!!! I love how the two big art pieces totally pop against the walls!

  2. Just seeing this now and they are looking gooood! I should never have an excuse for bare walls in my home!
    I'll share this link on my DoublClik page

  3. Love the new look. It makes the room pop. Did you find a place for the grid picture display? Btw,I love your blog. I like your style and how you and Chris seem to enjoy doing projects together. And Greta sure is a pretty little girl. Did you ever get the paint out of her carpet or replace it? I now add your blog to my other two faithfuls,YHL and Bower Power. Keep up the good work!

    1. Aw, thanks so much. We moved the grid frames up to the hallway. I'll have to post that update soon. As for the carpet. Sigh. No. The paint hasn't come completely out and the pink tinge reminds me every day. We are not sure WHAT weren't going to do about it but we'll definitely keep you posted when we figure it out. :/

  4. This is great - I love the pop of colour it brings. And I especially love how close you've hung them to the credenza. It's a different little detail, but it looks sooo good!

  5. I love the photos and the story behind them. We are map/place people so I would love to do something like this. What size are the photos?

    1. oooh, I have a frame that size (the Virserum) hiding behind a door, waiting to be filled. Good to know it has the potential to look so awesome. :)

  6. Julia, I love the change. I've often thought about doing a wall of photos that are representative of key locations for my husband and I. First house, first date location, etc.

  7. Bravo! These look awesome! Jenn and I have a love for Pittsburgh that borders on obsession... and we love to collect art, so we've got a few walls paying tribute. Jenn gave me a really beautiful line drawing of Pittsburgh from above for Christmas, and, at the top of our stairs, we have a huge print of the Cathedral of Learning. For our first Christmas together, Jenn gave me a print she took in Lawrenceville, and I gave her one from East Liberty, where you can see the trains going into the city. Represent!

  8. i love how unafraid you are to make changes even after a room is complete. this was a GREAT change and i love the photos your sister took. great city representations.

  9. hahaha - Yinzers! I went to school at IUP and it's been too long since I've heard anyone say yinz. I love that you printed these in color - thanks for the reminder that even a black and white "theme"needs something to brighten it up!

  10. I love hanging my own art. Just seeing my gallery wall of my own photos of places I've been makes me smile. I never would have thought of it as being too geometric like the AT reader, but I love the new look of two large pictures instead.

  11. I love the new pictures (as well as the symbolism behind them). And the color is so good. It's so nice when art and photographs in a home have a special meaning and a story -- it makes it that much more dimensional, you know?

    Any recommendations on where to print photos that large?

    1. I use my local printer (Print DPS if you are local) and I love them. It's a little family shop. I found them after using a larger printer for about a year and although they were good, I never felt like my business was important to them. And I mean, it probably wasn't--but the customer should never FEEL like that. I would suggest calling around to a lot of places. Check prices and turn around time and go with what fits you best. These actually only cost around $30 to print because I had them printed on poster paper--which reduces costs significantly!

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