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Chris Loves Julia, The Podcast!

May 2, 2016

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We've been sitting on this project for so long, it's exciting to finally announce we're launching Chris Loves Julia, the podcast! We love listening to podcasts, and felt there was a gap in the DIY/Home Design podcast space that we could fill. The first 3 episodes will be live a week from today, May 9th, and we'll put out a new one every Monday from then out.

The podcast will be hosted by Preston Pugmire, our favorite friend whom you've all come to know from the blog (he helped us with our concrete countertops here, we showed off their kitchen here, their laundry room here, and above we're sitting in his gorgeous studio!). He's an avid DIYer, an incredible musician and performer and we're so ecstatic that he's taking this next venture by the horns with us.

What can you expect? First, you should know, this will not be re-hashing the blog. Each episode will be 30 minutes of behind the scenes stories chronicling our successful and failed projects, answering reader emails, design and DIY tips. We'll be calling other bloggers and notable people in the industry for advice and features. We're even handing out homework that will help you find your own style or nail down the perfect paint color. Overall, it's going to be fun, informative and entertaining.

Have a question you'd like answered? Send it to [email protected]. While some questions, we can answer quickly, some we may just make the theme of an entire show. Excited to hear from you!


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  1. I'm dying for that chevron wall! Can you tell me more about it? It looks textured. Is it paint? Wallpaper? Other? It's so dramatic!

    1. That's in Preston's studio! It is fabric over top buffers or sound clouds and then he did a stained wood wall treatment over it for interest. Really cool!

  2. Did I miss the link to the podcast? I feel like I have been stalking your blog today but I can't seem to find it. Any update? (I am happy to wait I am just also in the dark ages so I am afraid I am missing it because I am so untech savvy.). Ps- loved your shout out for YBH. I found them a while ago through you and cant believe they had under 10k?! They are awesome.

    1. Beret! Thanks so much for checking in and your enthusiasm. We had a bad wind storm last night and just barely got our power back, so it felt too late to launch. Stay tuned!

      1. Sorry to hear about your weather. You guys are not having good luck lately. I hope today is beautiful and sunny for you.

  3. Excellent news! I have been binging on "Lore" and finished my last available episode while priming our windows. Thank heavens I have something to listen to now for the second coat!

  4. Hi! I think I must live in the dark ages. I keep reading or hearing about podcasts, but I have no idea where to go to listen to a podcast. I'm sure I am probably not alone in this, so if you could let people know where to find a listen to the podcast that would be great! Thanks!

    1. I'm sure you're not alone, Nicki! We'll make sure to give extensive instructions on all the ways you can tune in. But you can listen to our podcast for FREE starting Monday from the iTunes store on your desktop or phone. I'll be sure to link it for you!

  5. Echoing the open concept comment above - I'd love more ideas for decorating these types of spaces. I need each space to be functional for its purpose but they can quickly become crowded-looking with furniture, stuff on the walls, etc.

  6. YAY! Super excited - so much so that I misread the start date and was scrolling back to find where to listen now - haha.

  7. I am so excited to listen!! I have been looking for a good diy podcast for a long time. Congrats, guys!

  8. Glad I upgraded my phone recently so I have the storage for more podcasts. Looking forward to the first episode!

    Paints colors are currently driving me crazy so I would love to hear that discussed. I'm a lover of saturated color and jewel tones so picking a more neutral color for an open floor plan has me floored! I'm leaning toward a warmer neutral but there are so many to choose from.

  9. Oh, yay! I've recently gotten into listening to podcasts at work - so excited to have another one to add to the list!

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