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Behind the Scenes Video of the Baltimore Kitchen AND Ep 35: Why Your Neighbors Might Hate You and Give Me More, Baltimore

April 11, 2017

Thanks for all the love with yesterday's big reveal of the Baltimore kitchen! Due to popular demand, I've added a very candid, behind the scenes video Jules took throughout the renovation to the bottom of this post. You'll see how each day played out, which is nerve-wrecking to re-watch, how much fun our team had together and the end also shows the reveal to the homeowners.

We've talked about it and talked about it, and now that it's actually done, we're going to talk about it even more in this week's podcast episode. We share some behind-the-scenes tidbits, and explain how this "weekend refresh" turned into a full-fledged renovation. We'll share details on where we saved, where we splurged, and how we got it all done in 3.5 days (including swollen ankles for Julia and a stretch of 40 hours no sleep for Chris). Julia also shares an "Ah-Hah" moment she experienced, concerning how most people, including the homeowners of this makeover, naturally respond to the renovation process.

Listen to the latest episodes on: iTunes, GooglePlayStitcher.

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Reader Question: Choosing A Color for Cabinets
• Consider the color of items that will be staying
• Complementary colors for things you want to bring out
• Refresh before a remodel to try something new
• When we painted our cabinets, here & here
• Light and Dark is not the same as White and Black
• Paints, Finishes, Durability

Choosing a Cabinet Color

Hot Topic: Are You A Renovator or a Bad Neighbor?
• Noise, mess & chaos from renovation
• Which parts of your renovation process spread to your neighbors?
• Gifts & communication
• Noise ordinances

Can't Get You Outta My Head

Julia: The MVP of the Baltimore Kitchen Makeover with Lowe's was something we refer to as "The Speech Ladder." (It also makes an appearance in the BTS video) Werner platform ladders come in a variety of sizes, they feel more stable than traditional A-frame ladders and were the most coveted item from all the members of our team. They can be purchased on or at your local Lowe's.

Preston: Podcasts are not a new thing, but there are still so many people who either don't know how to listen to them, or don't know what they are at all. Nearly every topic you could be interested in has a podcast, and the same is true for the things your friends are interested in. Tell your friends about your favorite podcasts, show them how to listen and get them interested.
Chris: Chris is aging, and that's evident in his ever-increasing willingness to sacrifice flavor for health factor. Jamba Juice makes a really OK-tasting smoothie, Green Up & Go. It's Chris's new go-to, and even though the flavor is just OK, it makes him feel great and he recommends it to anyone who is trying to make healthier decisions as well.
Please leave a rating and review for the podcast!
Have questions you'd like us to answer on the podcast? Email [email protected].
Theme song Headphones by Preston Pugmire
Hope you enjoy a peek behind the scenes of the renovation below!

Be sure to also check out Kim & Scott, of Yellow Brick Home's, take on the project here.

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  1. Are. you. kidding. me. right. now? Holy cow, it is better that I imagined when I was listening to the podcast. Strong work.

  2. Wondering about the 5K figure. Is this a feasible number for a DIY if a person were doing their own labor? Or is this a figure, after Lowe's donated cabinets, appliances, and materials? It's gorgeous, just wondering if it would be fairly possible to reproduce.


    1. The price includes all materials, appliances, cabinets, flooring... Everything down to the paint!! It, of course, didn't include labor because it is very DIYable.

  3. Its beautiful! But that range on the edge like that seems really someone walking by could burn themselves. Is that to code? I see gas stoves like that occasionally in kitchens either abutting a wall or empty space and I always wonder about it

  4. Great job on another pretty kitchen reno? Your paint discussion sent me down a rabbit hole regarding my own kitchen, which is north-facing with orangey wood floors. I re-listened to Episode One, and read a bunch about best undertones for dark rooms. Now I'm confused between choosing a green/gray to combat the orange floors or something with yellow/creamy undertones to combat the lack of sunlight. What if I did some of both - green/gray walls and creamy cabinets? How would that work with the floors? Any thoughts/advice?

  5. I think this was my favorite podcast episode yet :) So much good information. I am now convinced I need to paint my lower cabinets gray instead of white! We are totally in the sticky-hands-kid-phase and as much as I love the all white cabinet look I know I'd get over it really fast when it looked dirty all the time. Thank you for all your hard work on the podcast!

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