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In Celebration

September 17, 2013
Although I haven't been feeling the best, last night we went out and celebrated the sale of our first home--officially. Whew and Par-tay!

Selling a home is stressful even when it goes relatively smooth, but when things go wrong--you might just feel like the world is against you. We have learned that anything can go wrong.  In fact, the day before we were scheduled to close this time around, our basement flooded due to all the rain Utah was getting. What? No! It felt like a cruel joke.  Luckily, in the seller's disclosures we noted that this had happened before, so the buyer wasn't turned off, but we did end up offering her a little extra money at closing to ease her mind, cover any clean up and, really, to make sure she would go through with the sale.  It was worth it to us.

We won't close on our new house until next Monday since our lender needed 7 days after they locked in our new rate, but we're looking forward to getting started here. We had plans to tear up all the tile and carpet on (at least) the first floor and lay hardwood flooring right off the bat, but our plans have changed.  We are getting a little more back from our home sale than we previously determined and it is enough to redo the whole kitchen and get all new floors or pay off all of Chris's student loans--something we are really anxious to do.  Paying of the student loans really made more financial sense for us, so we'll continue tackling projects as we save for them and we'll be squirreling away hardwood flooring money to do that as soon as we can. The tile is already cold and it isn't even winter here yet, but at least Charly loves it.

In closing, thank you.  Thank you for rooting for us and allowing us to share this new adventure with you.  It definitely wasn't always pretty, but we made it through and Chris and I continuously talk about how wonderful it has been to have you all on the other side of the computer.  It's always motivating and we're celebrating with all of you. Cheers!

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  1. Selling a house is a very pleasant and the same time a very touching and sad event because a lot of different memories are connected with this house. I know it from my own experience! But still new house is the source of new memories!

  2. Congratulations! I don't blame you for choosing to pay off the student loans. I think if I had the choice between a remodel and paying off some looming debt I would go the same way. Luckily, I don't have any student loans but my husband does. I would love to get that off our plate. We also have two car loans and I would be happy getting rid of one or both of those. Thankfully we are getting close with my car loan. Can't wait to see what you start doing to the house once it is truly yours!

  3. Congrats on the sale AND retiring the student loans! I know we felt like a great weight was lifted once ours were gone. Get everyone some warm fuzzy slippers to celebrate, and those cold tile floors will be bearable for a bit longer. ;)

  4. Congrats on selling the house!!! Plus paying off student loans!!! I have actually been following you for a while (since your apartment days?!) I know i'm horrible for not commenting. But I am happy for all of you, and hope you get better quick! I've loved what you have done with your house, and neat to see everything you guys accomplished. Excited you'll get to save all that money to work on your new one! I was going to jump into school full time (with butt load of loans) to get my masters, but decided I won't. I'll go part time and pay as I go I think. Debt is no fun!

  5. Congratulations on your sale! I've been reading the ups and downs and dreading the day we sell our house (sometime in the next couple years). Also, totally understand on the student loans. That's what is keeping us from selling our house right now.

  6. a happy ending! so glad you shared your story...even though it was tough...such great lessons learned that can help anyone buying/selling a house. can't wait to see what you do with your new house now!

  7. I've been reading your blog for awhile now, and wanted to sincerely congratulate you both on this well-deserved great news! I hope more good things are in your future. And as someone who still owes more than I actually borrowed on my law school bar loan (boo interest!), I want to do a happy dance for you and the student loan payoff. Fantastic idea!

  8. WOOHOO! So glad to hear that things are moving in the right direction for you all. Really hoping you're feeling better soon Julia - I know DIY is no fun when you're feeling sick. Fingers crossed for lots more good news and great projects!

  9. Congrats on selling your first home!!! Me and my husband just went through that this year. We even had realtors and it still was a long hard process (even though we had an offer within the first 2 wks of it going on the market.) So excited about you paying off student loans, you will not regret it!

  10. Freedom from debt = Freedom to do what you want in life, rather than working to pay debt. Congrats on your puchase, and you will get your kitchen/floors eventually!

  11. Congrats on selling your house and closing that stressful chapter! Hope you start feeling better soon! And what an adorable family picture :)

  12. Way to go Chris and Julia!! Paying off students loans must be a wonderful feeling as well. I think I will be paying on mine well into my 50's.. Yikes!
    Best wishes and a fast recovery

  13. So thrilled for your family! You all have handled adversity with grace, courage and determination. Thank you for your example. Celebrate, rest, recuperate and move forward. We have a saying written on our chalkboard slate that I keep in full view in the dining room: "Step into what God has in store for you!" :-)

  14. Yay! So happy to hear your house struggles are wrapping up! Paying off student debt is definitely the best choice, I have to say I'm a little jealous :)!

    Keep up the good work and feel better!

  15. The heaviest burden we have is student loans and the ability to get rid of those forever is the smartest idea ever! I'm about to sell my eggs to pay off our loans. Lol. No but seriously. Ha ha.

    So proud of you guys! What a trip. I can't wait to see how this new home transforms. Starting with those mirrors that can't seem to budge?

  16. Congratulations on selling your home! I know it was horribly stressful and I'm glad it's over. That was a smart decision to pay off the student loans. You'll be saving a lot of money in the long run. It will be a wonderful feeling not having that debt hanging over you.

  17. Aww Yay! Congrats on selling and I hope you're feeling better. I love hearing bloggers talk about making smart financial decisions...I know that sounds weird but it's like a affirmation that lets me know we are working in the right direction as well. Congrats all around!

  18. I hope you're turning the corner and feeling better! Nothing like paying off some debt... good choice! It'll be great not to have the payment lingering over your head every month too.

    btw I love Greta's face there!

  19. Yay! You are getting there!! Celebrating is important :) In my book we have to make great celebratory memories to counteract memories of the stressful process! Also hope you feel better soon. It is no fun to be sick :( In other news, your eyebrows are truly fantastic. I bought my first eyebrow pencil recently to work on mine, inspired by you! *_*

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