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Leather Chairs for Every Budget + A new one in the Living Room!

March 10, 2015

A few months after we finished the reading room, we inherited a very beautiful piano passed down from Chris's great grandmother. So the reading room went from this:


To this:

reading room sept 2014

And it's been like that ever since, while our cream Lily couch shuffled into the living room. Lots of shuffling. The problem with the set up above is 1. we actually enjoyed having a couch in this room and used it daily and 2. The piano and shelves are competing. A few weeks ago, we set out a plan to rework the room, fitting the piano onto the far wall with bookshelves surrounding it--feeling very inspired by this photo. We'll move the couch back in the reading room and the plan was to get a couple of leather chairs for the living room. Well, the whole process has kind of been quickened because over the weekend we found this guy:


We were browsing a name-brand furniture outlet store (Downeast Home for all you locals) and I spotted it from across the room. It was deep and had that expensive worn leather look. Chris sat in it and got the biggest smile on his face. One of the rules of the store is, I guess, they can't tell you where the furniture is originally from. They are usually floor models from big names though and having been looking at leather chairs for months now, I had my money on either the Restoration Hardware Maxwell or the Pottery Barn Turner. Either way, it was marked at $750--a steal for this size of chair and quality of leather. We immediately grabbed a sales associate to see if they had two, but unfortunately this was the only one they had. We bought it on the spot hoping we could find its match. They wrapped it up for us and when we got it home, we turned it every which way and discovered a Pottery Barn label underneath. It WAS the Turner! Specifically in the Crackled Walnut Leather finish. It was one of the chairs I had pinned and had my heart set on.

The leather is so deep and rich--you can see some of that warm leather color and the wear on the back. We plan on conditioning it a bit, but actually embracing those imperfections, too. When we saw the chair is $1700 new, we cringed a bit because we the living room is begging for two, but we're also thankful we got one for so cheap because at least it put this chair around our budget now.


Our original budget was $2000 for BOTH chairs, but $2400 for two of these doesn't sting too bad. If $1700 leather chairs aren't in your budget, I've rounded up a few of my favorites in a wide range of prices:


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Something for everyone, I hope! One thing to remember is usually, but especially for leather, you get what you pay for. Leather comes in a variety of ranges from faux to bi-cast to top grain, which not only factors into how they feel and look, but how they wear as well.


We're squirreling away money here and there for a match to our find, but couldn't be more thrilled with the way the living room is shaping up with the new, cozy leather and the addition of the window! We finished up trimming and painting and caulking and dressing that over the weekend and will share all of those details tomorrow!

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  1. Hi! So, I would love your honest opinion on how you're liking the Turner chair after owning it for awhile? My husband and I are seriously considering buying a pair, but we haven't been able to sit in them since they're not on display at our local store. Would love to hear your thoughts! I want something cozy we can slouch into and read a book/have a cup of coffee and relax.

    Thank you!

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  4. Too funny! We just bought the same chair and I conditioned it with something I found on Amazon called Leather Honey. It had really good reviews and made the new chair look even better -- really soft and almost worn in in the best way. Enjoy! I'm loving ours.

  5. Lucky find! I remember you had said that the lounge sofa would be moved downstairs, have your thoughts changed? I love it in that space.

  6. Where do you live? My husband is the manager of the DownEast Home store in Orem, Utah and he told me that pretty often he can locate furniture for people (so in other words, he could check at the warehouse and also ask the other stores if any of them have another of those chairs). Just an option!

      1. He says to give him a call and he's pretty sure he could locate one for you that's in good condition. His name is John and the number to the store is (801) 434-4866. :)

  7. We have Restoration Hardware Maxwell furniture and this is the BEST stuff for conditioning the leather. Recommended to us by the Restoration Hardware salesperson.

    Our chair is so similar and it's the coziest corner in the house. Even our 80lb "lap" dog curls up in it with me! Only time it wasn't so good was at the end of my pregnancy - took some serious effort to get out of because it was so deep :)

    Great find!

  8. I love the look of leather furniture! And they literally last forever. My parents bought a leather couch in 1995 and I still have it and it still looks AMAZING. So just think, some day you can give this to one of your kids!

  9. Our current claim to fame is being the place where the bachelor took his lady loves when he wanted to show them a good time! LOL

  10. Jennifer I am in Dubuque, Iowa! I do know the company comes to High Point (NC I believe) and does the usual furniture shows. They do their photography in show houses around that area too.

  11. I am fortunate that I live in a town where a major furniture manufacture has their corporate head quarters/design center. Two times a year they hold a MAJOR warehouse sale where all their furniture is selling for much less than their price tag. (They are traditionally more expensive than Pottery Barn)! I bought a leather sofa years ago for $250 dollars when it retails for over $3000 and a leather wing back recliner for $100! Even when I am not in the market for furniture I go to their sale just to look to see what they have!

      1. It is the only advantage we have living in this town! It doesn't have any good shopping, we have to travel at least 3 hours for a PB, Ikea, C&B etc., so at least we have this one thing twice a year!

    1. Kates - just curious, can you share the location? I'm in NC and in Hickory, there's a huge market for furniture there if you wouldn't mind sharing the info!

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