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Named Best Renovation Blog by Domino Magazine!

December 14, 2017

A few weeks ago, we were named Best Renovation Blog by Domino Magazine!!! Thank you for everyone who nominated and voted for us. And especially for enduring all the rough pictures knowing there is always an after coming for the last 9 years! That’s at the core of what we do and what we love to do and what we have centered Chris Loves Julia around. We’re not a before and after blog. We’re a process blog. We’re a messy, dusty, paint-in-the-hair, always course-correcting blog. It’s good to know that there’s still room for that in the world and on the web. That not everything has to be a shiny, new, staged after photo. That “Best Renovation Blog” is even a category says, "Hey! We're here for improving!" And what a beautiful mindset that is.

I spent this week in New York with the Domino Magazine team and the other Design Blog Award Winners. Jules, Polly and I were all supposed to go, but Polly came down with croup and Julia developed a kidney infection, so I ended up going alone. If you’re not familiar with or a follower of Domino, you definitely should be. They are all class, and it was such a pleasure visiting with them.

Chris Loves Julia - 2017 Domino Design Blog Awards

So many publications are desperately trying to reconcile traditional print with the unstoppable move to online. But Domino is fully on board, and leading the charge in a lot of ways. They make great content that is honest and focused on providing benefit to their readers. I was just so impressed by everything their team is doing, and it’s such an honor to have been selected as a winner in their first ever Design Blog Awards.

Chris Loves Julia - 2017 Domino Design Blog Awards

When you tell someone that you blog about renovating for a living, it’s funny the range of responses you get. Everything from, “Wow that’s my dream!” to “You can make money doing that?” Relatively speaking, blogging is a young profession and even Jules and I are blown away at all the opportunities that have come as a result of making this our career. And while it’s still pretty fragmented and there’s a lot of mystery around it all, making connections with all of you really does keep us going. It feels like a big ol' painting party every day.

Chris Loves Julia - 2017 Domino Design Blog Awards

Thank you, truly, for being part of all of this with us. For inspiring us, for sharing your own lives with us, and allowing us to share ours with you. Take some time and check out our House Tour tab and the projects tag to see a lot of before and afters and project to inspire you! We’re so excited for 2018 and everything we have planned (BIG stuff! Lots of dust coming your way!), and can’t wait to share it all with you along the way. You can check out all of the other winners through the links below. After visiting with them all, I can tell you confidently that they are doing it right and you'll love what they have to share, as well.

Best Small Space Living Blog: Reading My Tea Leaves
Best Interior Design Blog: Amber Interiors
Best Renovation Blog: Chris Loves Julia
Best DIY Blog: Sugar and Cloth
Best Lifestyle Blog: Room for Tuesday
Best International Design Blog: My Scandinavian Home
Best New Design Blog: Anita Yokota
Pinners Choice Award: Grillo Designs
Editor's Pick: SG Style




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  1. Congrats! I'm a long-time reader/listener/follower and you two totally deserve this award! Thanks for sharing links to the other winners as well. Merry Christmas!

  2. Congratulations! I just love you guys - you're great! I check your blog every morning for new content - I have you bookmarked :) Coffee and CLJ complete my morning. Thank you Chris for sending my son Carson a postcard - his class is in first place! I hope Polly and Julia are feeling better soon. - the croup is no joke. Your home is beautiful and I appreciate all that you do to allow us readers to see your projects from start to finish. Merry Christmas to you both, Angie

  3. Congrats! A well deserved award.

    Would your aunt and uncle let us take another peak at that Philadelphia kitchen to see how it's wearing? I love the counters and floors and I'd love to know how it's holding up!

  4. The table and food looks so interesting ... as a foodie and chef you must have really enjoyed that. Love your blog (and podcast now). Keep doing what you're doing as long as you love it. I'll keep being here reading and listening and being inspired by you both.

  5. Yay! You guys absolutely deserve it. I've been reading design blogs for, well, pretty much as long as they've existed, and you guys are my favorite. We just listed our home for sale (by owner!) and every single homebuyer, agent, neighbor & friend who has seen it has commented on how much they love my style and I even had a few friends ask me to help them decorate their homes! I never would have thought of myself as being good enough for that, but I guess I have learned a LOT from watching you (and other bloggers) over the years! Thank you so much for what you do, and for giving people like me the confidence and inspiration to love our homes.

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