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Mood Boards

Our Bedroom Fireplace Make-under + A Mood Board!

July 3, 2019

I mentioned Monday (when we shared a bunch of great high-low bed options) that we were starting on our bedroom makeover this week, but it actually started with a make under. The fireplace in our bedroom was a little intense when you walked into the space, but I knew that if we just took off the mantle and removed the hanging pendants--it would look a lot better!

In this week's VLOG episode we show you exactly how we did it. Demo, for us, has rarely if ever been about knocking the guts out of something until it's gone. We took a couple minutes to inspect the mantle to see how it was installed and were able to remove it to donate it in perfect condition! Plus, there were no marks left behind on the stone!

Watch the full VLOG below or on our channel here.

Here's how the fireplace looks now! I do wish the stone went all the way up to the ceiling, but this is the same rock they used on the fireplace in our living room so we may see when we demo that in the coming weeks if we can somehow add it here and remove the crown molding.

I like it so much more now and it feels a lot less in your face--it was the perfect kickoff for a phase 1 makeover.

While we're picking paint colors, we're also ordering furnishings and decor for the room because, wow, it echos in here. I've ordered almost everything but the bed. And I have two, pretty different ones as finalists.

I'm in love with the nightstands, dresser, rug and lamps we chose and I think they lend well to either option. The first is a sage green velvet platform bed with an extra tall headboard and aged brass legs that feels more modern.


  Nightstand | Lamp | Area Rug | Dresser | Bed



Nightstand | Lamp | Area Rug | Dresser | Bed

The second is a slipcovered bed that feels more classic and casual next to some of the other furnishings.

I really, really actually love both. Part of me thinks that the second option has a little more longevity, but green has been my favorite color since I was 9 sooooo.... I ordered fabric swatches for both beds and I'm waiting for them to arrive before I make my final decision, but we ordered everything else! I still need to decide on window coverings--I think I'll just do an inset roman shade--and bedding and a lot of other little things, but it feels so good to get this ball rolling!

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  1. Hi Julia where did you get the bed your using now and does it have drawers I need one like it
    thanks Im enjoy following your progress so much so I ordered a dining table like yours Love Love !!!!

  2. I really like the slipcovered bed! Just wondering what color of bedding you would you use with this option?

  3. I love this rug! But when I looked into ordering a smaller size for our bathroom, it says it is printed. I actually just returned one that was printed because it looked it — fake. What’s your thought on the pros vs cons of a printed rug?

  4. Oh, I love the green bed! The white one is nice, but the green one is just stunning and also it's unique! Plus, I think it will look great with the fireplace.

  5. The green one seems so different than your previous bed, and when I change something I like to completely change it from what I’ve done previously. Your previous bed was light, so maybe now you should go dark. :)

  6. I like both but definitely go with the green velvet. Not only is it different and gorgeous, but I find a higher headboard is so much more comfortable to lean against in bed. The slipcovered one looks similar to the height of mine and it’s really too low. I wish everyday that I went for the taller version.

  7. I like the slipcovered one better, but all I can think of is all the dog hair that would collect on the bottom slip cover and I would be cleaning daily :)

  8. Could you get both, use one fr your bedroom and the other as a guest bed? Then you can switch them whenever you fele like a change? Or is that too much work?

  9. How do you commit and move forward? We bought a big house that needs a lot of furnishing, but I am stuck!! I make a mood board and love it, but then cannot commit, because I find something else I love! ???? And, how do you keep it cohesive without being matchy? Are there things you commit to and you stick with it throughout the process?

    1. Here's what I've learned. If you like something and you can visualize it with other pieces in the space (a mood board really works well for this)--commit! There is not one perfect piece of furniture out there. You're going to like a lot. And that will only confuse you more. If it fits in your budget and you like the way it looks and it looks good with other pieces for the space--what more could you want?

      1. Oh my gosh, thank you so much for this! I can never commit because I always worry something more 'perfect' might be out there.

  10. I like the fireplace now and I love the idea of can lights. I was thinking it would be a great place to install them when Chris discovered they originally were.

    I'm not voting on the beds because I think the samples in hand in the room will tell you everything you need to know.

  11. Both are beautiful, but my vote is green! And if I had my way, I’d vote blush with that floor, rug, and furniture. Can’t wait to see what you choose! <3

  12. How did you pick that rug from Wayfair vs. Studio McGee? They have the exact same one but of course they call it something different. Would love a post on how you actually find these pieces for a mood board. Is it really endless scrolling and Googling?

    1. Amazon also has it and a bunch of other places!! I usually do a reverse Google image search and get the one with the best price in the size I need

      1. Emily, this is a Loloi rug if you are specifically interested in this one. I work in the furniture industry, and we have to change names at the request of the manufacturer due to territory rights. It sucks and definitely makes it more confusing for the customer, but it's not something we have control over.

  13. Can’t wait to see either one! I know you’ve been struggling with not feeling settled yet, but this part has got to be so much fun.

  14. Green team all the way!! I am in love with that bed. The other feels safe, but also more meh. The green would make me smile everyone I walked into the bedroom

  15. Hi! I just discovered your blog and am enjoying your posts. I just have a small critique, because it drives me crazy when I see this...if you're running a home decorating type blog, you should know to spell mantel with an el, not an le on the end. Those two spellings mean very different things.

  16. Whatever you do will be super beautiful as always! I love the green but can speak to your comment on the longevity of the linen- we have a similar, taller headboard style but nearly identical linen bed from RH. I bought it three years ago and still look at it everyday as lovingly as the first day I bought it. It just doesn’t lose its elegance in our otherwise pretty contemporary house. I think that green is so beautiful and it looks like previously you commented about doing light walls- what if you did green Roman shades and pulled it all together with the bed pillows?

    Can’t wait to see what you chose!

  17. A green Edlyn bed has been my dream for a while now! It keeps get bumped as other priorities pop up, but I’m determined to make it happen by the end of the year. My husband is trying to convert me to navy, but I just FEEL the green. If we went blue it would just be out of fear. Anyway - I’m excited to see where you end up!!

  18. I love the green but I feel like maybe with the leggy (gorgeous) bedside tables it might look better to have the more anchored cream bed, which is also beautiful. Can’t wait to follow along!

  19. I'm not an expert, but the way I understand using materials like that stone for the fireplace is it's meant to *look* plausible/real. And the way fireplaces "work" is by the chimney extending up and through the ceiling, to prevent ones house from burning down (I get that this fireplace is more modern and likely vents another way) -- so it just looks soooooo odd to have it abruptly stop at the crown molding. I have no idea why the original owner/builder designed it this way.

    Same with shutters. Even if they're decorative, they should look as if you could close them entirely across the window. The little skinny ones thus also look super odd.

  20. Green! If you got any kind of mark on the light colored bed - especially with the skirt style to the floor it could ruin look of the entire bed.

  21. The green one! Soooooo many people have some version of the second bed. It's everywhere. The green one has the feel of the room and the house.

  22. I have this rug in my home and I must say I feel so excited to already own something that has Julia Marcums stamp of approval! ????

  23. Hi guys!
    Since I’m pretending this is my bedroom, I would prefer the green headboard. But not with the rug you’ve chosen. Others have stated that it doesn’t have any green in it so I’m not sure how they would work together.
    The slipcovered bed is lovely in the picture but I’m concerned the slipcover would look wrinkled in person.

  24. Team green for a good mix of traditional and modern. But only if it works with the rug.... hard to tell online.

  25. Either bed would work (the clashing comments of the sage green/blue-wrong! Still would work without being too matchy-matchy). Like you, green has been my favorite color for over 35 years...since my two older brother took two other colors I loved. With the correct bedding, you could make the green less autumn/winter and you wouldn't be so similar to the "safe" beds of most blogs. However, both would be absolutely beautiful- you really cannot go wrong!

    1. I agree. Although I'm holding out final judgement until we get the rug in the space, I don't think a color has to be present in a rug to use it elsewhere in the room.

  26. Beautiful options, my vote is the creme bed:) I saw your post for a graphic designer and this is the only time in my life (and probably ever will be) that I WISH I lived in Idaho, lol! But alas my heart and brood are all in Minnesota. I'm sure you would be great employers. Happy Independence Day from my family to yours!

  27. Thanks for the video, showing the actual process. You guys have the best home blog by far. You are so refreshing to watch! I am staying tuned for more in the future!

  28. I’m wondering if you bought the green bed if it would be easy to have a slipcover made? That way you could switch it up

  29. It looks so much better already! Another cheap upgrade would be to get a high heat can of spray paint and paint the gold portions of the fireplace black. Updates it in an instant!

    1. We had those brass pieces on our fireplace for years, until I discovered they were just slide-on things that could easily pop off!

    2. Ohhh...stove paint! Great idea. I used it to "clean up" the beat up antique schoolhouse light fixtures in my house. They are gorgeous now!

  30. Loving stage 1 so far.
    Random thought about the beds. The second one, the cream one, looks like the mattress sits down into the frame some, that could make, making the bed more frustrating. I also like the height of the green one for the same reason, looks higher and easier to, I sound like an old woman... But as for style, I don't think you can go wrong with either choice.

  31. Why choose? Do both!! I think the light linen option would look perfect in your master bedroom with that rug, but maybe you have a guest room that the velvet green would work in. I imagine it in a room with a dark wallpapered accent wall like the girls room at your last house. Love your inspo photo from yesterday with the dark bed too.

  32. I love both beds! Good call ordering swatches, hopefully seeing the color and feeling the fabric in person will help with the decision. Can't wait to see the room when it's all pulled together!

  33. The existing bed base looks like that of a Sleep Number? This is my conundrum: the base is so ugly, I’d love to figure out a way to incorporate the mattress portion into a standard platform bed frame. Are you taking that route, or going for an entirely new bed?

    1. Yes! We have a sleep number. Good eye. In our last bedroom, we just put the entire base inside of our bed frame and it fit perfect and disguised it pretty well. But, I did some research and it looks like as long as it is on a solid base (not slats) the sleep number doesn't need it's base per se. We don't have the one that raises so that could be why.

  34. As usual, I kinda want to combine these two options -tall, but in the lighter fabric..? (though I love the green velvet option a LOT : )

  35. I like the light bed because there are already a lot of heavy dark shapes in the room! What sort of paint color are you going for?

  36. The green! I don't see it enough in interior design, but it's so lovely and bold at the same time.

  37. Such a big difference for such a small, easy change! You should do can lights to replace the pendants. I like the lighter color bed to lighten up the room. Everything else is so dark.

  38. I just received that rug yesterday. It's beautiful, but I could not see a green fabric with it. It leans more blue, blue-green. The second headboard is stunning and would look amazing with the rug. You also have so many colors to pull from for the wall color too!

    1. I have the same rug and I agree with you. The green in the rug is more of a sage green/blue. The lighter headboard looks very classic and would go well with the rug.

      1. Definitely printed. However, super soft unlike any rug I've purchased before. The label says it's actually shipped from Loloi Rugs!

    2. That's exactly what I was thinking just based upon the product photos, the green looks like it would clash horribly with the rug's colors. Glad to hear that confirmed from real life haha

  39. Wondering if you have tried the bed on the wall facing the fireplace (as you mentioned you would do in your house tour video) It seemed to me like that was the wall designed for the bed since there were outlets spaced so that either side of the bed would have access. Also, facing the fireplace seems more pleasing and natural and finally having the bed on that wall would mean that you would not be staring into the bathroom while in the bed!

  40. Go green velvet! It has such an elegant but modern feel and feels like this house a bit more than the other one, although I love the cozy classic of the slipcover bed. The fireplace looks so good now with the mantle gone, but especially those lights, haha!

  41. Wow that made such a huge difference! I love both of your bed options! I personally would choose Option #2, but you can't really go wrong with either. Happy to see you making this house your home!

  42. My opinion: If you’re planning to paint the walls a dark color, to with the lighter bed. If the walls will stay light, go for the green bed. They’re both gorgeous!

  43. The green velvet seems so perfect for this home and it will fit so well with that fireplace. I love the makeunder and I love that you were able to donate the mantle. Someone is going to be delighted to find that!

    The second choice seems more like your last house.

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