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Our Dirtiest Secret.

July 19, 2012
Ugh.  The garage.  We don't include it in house tours.  We don't take photos of it.  We rarely open it because we don't want our neighbors seeing this:

Our biggest, messiest, dirtiest secret.  It is mostly one huge pile of renovation debris consisting of old carpet, sheet rock and wood.  Or at least that is what it started out as.  And then when one of the rooms in our basement flooded we moved all the boxes that were being stored down there up to the garage and the mound grew.  And grew.  And grew.  Obviously, we couldn't park our car in here, but it got to a point where we couldn't even walk!

Lucky for us, my mom volunteered to come visit and help me clean it up and get it organized.  So yesterday, we spent some time talking and visiting and playing with Greta and her cousins (and I missed posting and chatting with all of you!) and after Greta went to bed last night, we kicked Chris to the curb couch and us ladies got busy.

We have 24 hours and are spending zero dollars on this much-needed huge task, but do you know how disgusted you feel right now?  You'll feel that same amount of surprise tomorrow.  My mom is a miracle worker.

Do you have any dirty secrets?  Junk drawers HARDLY count.  ;)

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  1. in a one bedroom, my dirty secret is usually that one bedroom...whenever anyone comes over, i toss all clutter in and shut the door! i'm trying to be better about tidying.

  2. I have a junk room... we have a 4 br house for 2 people, so we have a master, an office, a guest room (which we are working on... pictures post-mood board to come in a few weeks...!), and... a junk room. We literally haven't touched it since we bought our house 3 years ago. We just shove random stuff in there if there's a .0009% chance that we may use it at some point in the distant future for some reason. I get nervous when people come over that they are going to randomly open the door (that ALWAYS stays closed...). Ugh.

  3. Ours is our creepy, spidery, soft-finished basement...which is also the "man-den", kitty litter box home, baby-stuff storage (which i really need to sell, but sorta cant bring myself to) and laundry room. Everything we don't know what to do with gets added, and I hate going down there because it's just so....ugh. I have my bestie enlisted to help us tackle it little by little (thank God for her! And your mom!). Can't wait to see how well your garage turns out...I'd kill cats for a two car garage ;) I love your blog! Thank you so much for sharing your life :)

  4. I get many compliments on how I've decorated our condo. It's simple, colorful, quality furniture well-arranged with vintage pieces and sentimental accessories.

    BUT I CANNOT STEP INTO MY SIDE OF THE CLOSET. Since the second day we moved in 11 months ago....

  5. Imagine the Home Alone scene when he puts the after shave on his cheeks and screams.

    I'm doing that right now.


  6. O.k. so this may sound strange but I saw the crazy garage and then I saw your Mom and thought "How beautiful!" So sweet of her to help.

  7. Oh no worries, my garage closely resembles yours. Between my Goodwill DIY project finds and the garage sale pile I've had going for MONTHS...(going to have on in late September thank God!) It is just a mess and I'd never even bother going out there if the laundry wasn't out there...and like I said, it's also where I work on DIY projects. Can't wait to see your organized garage - that's next on my list once the garage sale is over!

  8. This just cracks me up. It's like that Friends episode (I sure hope you watched that show) where Monica has a dirty closet filled to the brim with random junk. It's locked so that nobody but her can access it. Your mom is the cutest!

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