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Our Love, Our Lounge

May 7, 2012
This weekend we really, REALLY weekended (it's a verb now).  With the arrival of our new couch that we ordered months ago, we decided to take it for a major test drive.   For the first time in 3 and a half months--we sat on a couch and watched television.  Of course not alllll weekend--but for a good couple hours and it was positively blissful.  We forgot what it felt like to chill. Veg. Relax and just watch television in comfort.
To catch up the newcomers-- a few months back, when we first decided to renovate the family room, we started the hunt for a new couch.  Because Chris and I are both tall (6'4" and 6' respectively), normal couches are only comfortable for us for a short while and we have to be sitting pretty straight or our bums hang off.   Finding a deep couch was the name of the game.  After a few weeks of searching and testing, we landed on Crate and Barrel's Lounge Sofa and ordered it in a light gray microfiber.  That was all back in February.   Crate and Barrel custom made the 93" couch and it arrived in all of its glory for our eager, tired, tall selves on Friday:

In case you are thinking it doesn't look that big, let me put it into perspective:

That's me and my 6' self easily curled up in the middle of the couch.  Chris, who has 4 inches on me, can do the same thing.  Well, he may not be able to cross his legs like that (ha!) but he spent some time curled up on the couch this weekend feeling like a little kid, again.  It's spacious and cozy and we have no regrets dropping the money we did on it--which was initially terrifying because it was pretty much half the budget of the entire room reno.
We set aside $4000 to renovate our family room and the 93" Lounge Sofa on Crate and Barrel's website is listed for $1699.  Tax and delivery brings the price up to $1892.74.   Ouch.  Wanting to conserve as much of the budget as possible, I went on a coupon hunt that landed me on Ebay where there were several people selling 10% off Crate and Barrel coupons for around $5-$7 after bidding ended. Seven dollars may seem extreme for just 10% off, but not when you are dealing with thousands of dollars, so I snatched one up.  The coupon took $169.90 off of the total, leaving us with the final price of $1722.84--around $24 over the listed price--which made me feel better about the couch and the extra pillows I would have money for now.
Here's how he (she?) looks in the room:

Now that the couch is here and in place, we can better assess what the space needs.  We both agree now, the map isn't right for above the couch, so art for above the couch is on our minds.  We are also on the look out for lamp(s), pillows, and possibly even a coffee table to finish up this room.  Here's hoping we can pull it together this week!

Anyone else have a lounge-y weekend?

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  1. What are the dimensions of your room with the sofa? Feeling hesitant ordering the sofa for fear it will not fit right in my living room and will not be able to return it.

    1. I would LOVE to know this too! Considering the Lounge for my smaller TV room and I thought it may be too big, but it looks great in your space.

  2. How many inches is it, depth wise? I'm looking at a 60 inch deep cushions sectional right now and don't know if it's too big. Thanks!

  3. I just came upon your site while looking for replacement cushions for my sofa which is identical to yours that I purchased in May 2012. Back in November, I sat down on the sofa, heard a funny noise and then the seating area sagged deeply. I was at a loss as to what to do and decided to call C&B to see if they could recommend a local repair shop. Lo and behold, they sent out a technician who discovered that the flexinator springs had broken. To my surprise, C&B ordered the part that I needed and the tech came back out to install it this morning, all at no cost to me. Granted, it took almost 3 months to get the part and have it installed but I was quite suprised that they fixed it for me. My cushions are sagging badly and I'm hoping that I can find some replacements. You sound like you've had better luck with your purchase than I've had with mine but kudo's to C&B for standing behind their product.

  4. How is the view fabric holding up? I'm considering this fabric for our active family with small kids. We are also considering the Lounge II, but in Petite! Love your blog and instagram!

  5. They don't sell this one any more at Crate & Barrel, but they have a Lounge II. I'm wondering what the difference is. Can you please tell me how deep yours was? Thanks! Love this couch!

  6. I am also in the market for this same couch. Thanks so much for the detail in your blog. I was wondering if you had any issues when going to eBay for a coupon. Were there some that didn't work even though you bought them? Did you use an email card or did the seller ship you the actual coupon? Thanks so much.

  7. I must unsure regarding the Lounge II sofa but our original Lounge sofa got very saggy in the middle. I LOVED this couch and stalked it for about 6 months before we purchased...but we are now getting rid of it. Just a little heads up for those of you considering this purchase:
    1) Because of the fiber/down blend...feathers do poke through the cushions. This is very obvious if you buy a dark color like we did (walnut).
    2) There is a little edge of the cushion that sticks out on either end that means the cushions are not square; therefore, you are unable to flip them and have even "wear" (This also mean over time that our cushions "dipped" in the middle)

    I just want to make sure everyone things about these things. We loved this couch but because of it, will probably never buy a down-filled OR crate and barrel couch again.

  8. My husband and I have been couch-shopping for weeks and are considering a Lounge II sofa or sectional for our family room. Your blog post has been so helpful! I have two questions for you:

    1) How is your couch holding up? I know you answered this question about 6 months ago, but I just wanted to check if there have been any changes to your answer. How does the couch look and feel now, compared to when you first bought it? Also, have you had any spills/stains on the couch? If so, how easy/thorough was clean-up?

    2) What are the dimensions of the room in your photos? We've been using measuring tape, yarn, etc. to try to visualize the different sofas/sectionals we're considering, but it would be really helpful to hear about your room dimensions to put the couch in your photos a little more in context.

    Thanks so much!

  9. I just ordered this couch in the cement fabric!! My sister in law and I fell in love when we were shopping in the Columbus, Ohio store a few weeks back. Their 15 % sale almost covered my shipping. So happy to have found your blog and more so the recent post that you were still in love with it three years later. I cannot wait for delivery and will probably plan a whole weekend around it too! I see Ohio State football and some movies in my future...

  10. Are there any tags or labels on the underside or bottom of the coach that indicates who actually manufacturered it or other part numbers to figure out how actually makes it? We are interested in a huge sectional of this. We could probably find it a lot cheaper by buying it direct from whoever makes it for CB.

  11. I am shopping around for a sectional for our basement and we are really considering the Lounge 2 from Crate and Barrel. Now that you have had it for 3 years, how has it held up? Are the cushions still in good shape? Any regrets?

    Thanks for the help!

  12. Hi, I love this couch! We are actually considering this couch for our new house and I have a question about the color. I don't see this color listed on their site - The grey "high pile" microfiber looks more two-toned than a flat grey color like yours. Is this the fabric you got or is it a different grey microfiber? Thanks!

  13. This is an old post but perhaps that's a good thing because I'm curious about how the couch has aged over the last two years since your purchase. Can you share your experience so far with how it handles dust, the aging of its comfort, and just how it aged overall? Thank you so much.

  14. My husband and I are going to look at this couch this weekend. I love the idea of it, but I'm wondering about the cushions. Do they stay in place or does the couch constantly look messy?

  15. I have been eyeing this couch for a long time. I LOVE it! What is the color of the fabric you chose and is it easy to clean?

  16. Unfortunately "normal sized" people will need to lean on uncomfortable throw pillows so that their knees reach the edge of the sofa.

  17. Hi - I just wanted to post that we've had this couch for 6 years and about 4 years ago I started just taking the covers off and washing them in the washing machine. I let them air dry and they look brand new. I probably do it way more than I should and the fabric has held up great!

  18. I'm thinking about getting this sofa for my home, and now that you've had it a while I'm wondering how it's held up and if you still love it just as much? I'm especially curious with how the fabric takes to Charly (is she allowed on furniture?) and Greta with scuffs and stains. I've also heard rumors of the fabric piling a bit over time. Thank you!

    1. So glad you asked. We would (and do!) recommend this couch to anyone that is looking for a comfortable and good-looking couch. Charly is not allowed on the furniture, but the Lounge has seen plenty of messes from Greta (and otherwise). During our Halloween party someone's sprayed hair rubbed off all over the couch. Many food spills and cheetos fingers. Everything has wiped off ridiculously easy with upholstery cleaner from the store. Nothing special. It still looks great! As for the piling, we went with the gray microfiber upholstery so haven't experienced that. I can't speak for their other upholstery options though. We give it 5 stars. Truly.

  19. I know this post was forever ago so I hope you see this comment! I'm getting ready to move into my first house next week(eeeeeee!!) and the kitchen and living room are currently peach, yeah, I dont know what he was thinking! I love the grey you used on these walls. Do you know the name of it? Thanks!

  20. Julia, I LOVE this couch! My friend had a similar couch in "eggplant" color and I knew when I saw it I was in trouble in the "envy" category :) I love your blog and all of your great ideas . . . can't wait to see what's next!

  21. My husband and I totally bought that same couch earlier this year!! It's the BEST couch of all time. Seriously.
    We were lucky and got a floor model for almost 50% off the original price tag because they were changing the fabrics they offered or something. We'd had our eye on it already so we were STOKED when we snatched it up. The only downside is that we of course couldn't choose our color, but even though it wasn't the color we would have picked, it was still nice and matched our room so it was a win all around if you ask me.

    Enjoy! I know I am!

  22. omg. I need that couch now. I'm average (5'7"), but since my husband snores, I spend a lot of time sleeping ON the couch and having a 35 pound furball hog up at least half doesn't leave me too much room!

    Also, we veg every weekend. That's what they're for! (but we don't love DIY nearly as much [if at all] as ya'll do)

  23. That looks totally lovely! I'm on the shortish side, but my partner is 6 foot 8. We're not quite at the investment couch stage of our lives yet, but after a lot of research bought the Ikea Kivik - it's lovely and deep for my boyfriend's long legs. Just thought I'd share in case any of your readers are looking for a big sofa on a budget - a three seater for £430 is awesome. When it eventually falls apart (because it's ikea!) in a few years, we'll hopefully be in our forever home and can splurge on something big and beautiful.

  24. unfortunately, no, we had one of those crazy DIY weekends where going back to work and sitting at a desk seems like a welcome rest. however, the next 3 weekends are visitors/traveling, so hopefully some "weekending" will definitely happen!

    Your couch is amazing...looks totally worth what you paid! i am trying to picture my 5'2" self in the center there, pretty much heaven i am sure!

  25. You look so adorable in the most drug-addled way on that couch. Microfiber is a hell of a drug.

    No weekend here, just working! So much filth to get into to get the garden ready for little sister's bridal shower in June! Gaa!

  26. Looks great! There is no way my feet would be able to touch the ground on it though...I'm a little shorty at only 5'3".

  27. Beautiful!!! The couch and you! So glad that it's finally here and that you love it as much as you hoped you would! We definitely wouldn't have room in our house for a huge couch like that...maybe someday :)

  28. Oh my gosh! I love this couch!!! I want a big snuggly guy like that in my living room! So chic and neutral... the design possibilities are endless...

  29. Ooooh, I want to curl up and take a nap on your couch!! it looks AWESOME! So glad you finally get to put your feet up. :)

    1. I am thinking about buying this couch but have read many reviews of feathers coming through the fabric and poking or scratching you. How is your couch holding up if you still have it? Any issues with feathers coming through? Crate and barrel now sell the lounge II. Is that your couch?

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