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Peel and Stick Bathroom Floors

July 8, 2013
This post is a little late. Camera problems. Busy problems.  But I wanted to update you on our weekend. Saturday we had two showings.  We haven't listed our house yet because we still felt like there were things that need to be done, but word got out that we were moving and a couple people from the area were interested in the house.  I think that's all I can say right now.  One couple was very interested. Let's not jinx it.  More information later this week, hopefully.
Anyway, before the showings on Saturday, we knew we wanted to finish up the master bathroom--bathrooms are big selling points, and although ours wasn't new--there were a few things we did that made it look drastically better. We painted the walls and vanity and added some hardware, which did wonders.  But the floor was still ba--ad.

We picked up 46 square feet of these slate-looking peel and stick vinyl tile for both bathrooms and went to work Friday night.

You could grout the tiles to make them look even MORE real, but we were happy just laying them on the existing floor right next to each other.

The difference is pretty great for just over $1 a square foot.  We also did the other bathroom, but that's where the "camera problems" creeped in.  More later!

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  1. I've been thinking about using peel-and-stick tiles for our bathroom makeover, and you just sealed the deal! Your floor looks awesome! I love that you've been able to makeover your bathroom on such a small budget!

  2. This looks great!!! What a drastic improvement for such a small investment. Amazed! :) We're considering the peel and stick tiles...would you share your process for installing? Particularly for how you placed the tiles around the toilet? Thanks! And good luck with the move!

    1. In the hall bath (not shown), we actually had to replace the toilet, so the install went a lot faster--no cutting around a toilet, which is definitely the hardest part. In our bathroom, we did have to install the vinyl tiles around the toilet and we did our best to make a template out of paper first, and then we cut it smaller than it needed to be and continued to trim it down until it fit perfectly, checking after each adjustment. Not sure we have the best method, but it worked.

  3. A serious improvement! Darkening up the floors makes the room look much more sophisticated (along with your other improvements, of course). I get the sense peel and stick tiles have come a long way from when I tested them out in a random basement nook of our first house nearly 10 years ago. Good luck with the potential buyers...

  4. I'm totally amazed at how much better this bathroom looks...and you've spent like, what, $100ish bucks? Gah! I know it's sort of sacrilegious to say this, but I almost wish our bathroom had vinyl instead of tile...this looks way easier than demo-ing 40 year-old mustard yellow tile.

    Hope you get some good news!

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