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Pregnancy Update: 16 weeks

October 30, 2013
I am just over 16 weeks pregnant and I've recently told Chris, "I feel like I just woke up from a coma."  Pregnancy isn't easy for me. With Greta, I was diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum when I was 12 weeks along and it lasted until about 22-23 weeks.  This time around, it hit right away at 5 weeks and now that I am 16 weeks, I feel like I am starting to finally breathe and semi-function again.  Although the last 11 weeks have been a blur, the hyperemesis seems to have downgraded in the last few days to typical throw-up-a-few-times-a-day morning sickness (knock on wood). A welcomed change!
After giving birth to Greta, I got Bell's Palsy where the entire right side of my face (even my taste buds on the right side!) were paralyzed for about 4 months.  The doctor linked it to the hyperemesis and the extreme weight loss and malnutrition I went through while pregnant.  And unfortunately, since I have had it before and never 100% recovered, the chances of my getting it again are high.  However, we are hopeful that getting all the weight loss and sickness out of the way right off the bat will give me plenty of time to focus on getting my immune system and nutrition in check.  So while that is the focus of this pregnancy, my mind is finally start to be able to think about the fun stuff. Like, there's a baby in there!  This is really happening!
Our conversations now consist of the possibility of a boy or a girl and names, just for fun. At first, it was definitely a boy in our minds and now, we're thinking girl and Greta is adamant that it is a sister. We haven't even scheduled an ultrasound to find out which it is, but we're thinking that will happen sometime at the end of November? And then, of course, the nursery!
When we were buying this house, before knowing we were expecting, this small blue room across from ours with no closet was going to be the office, but now it will be the most perfect nursery.  I've started a pinterest board to collect ideas and we'll most likely get started after the holidays.  Is there anything better than decorating a nursery?
I never thanked all of you for being so supportive and celebratory after our announcement (and really the whole 2.5 years of secondary infertility).  Thank you! It's so fun to share happy news with you, our virtual friends.
Ps. An embarassing story of finding out I was pregnant with Greta.
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  1. Congratulations! Just loved hearing your exciting news! And I just wanted to comment on the Bell's Palsy. My mother had it a few years ago and after some internet research, I took her for acupuncture treatment. It has to start exactly 7 days after first inflicted. My mother was in her 60's, which gave her less chance at full recovery, with acupuncture, she had a FULL recovery in 4 weeks! And to tell you my mother is a skeptic of non-traditional medicine/techniques would be an understatement!

  2. My goodness, I hope you continue to feel better with each passing day. I wonder if your doctor could recommend a nutritionist who might help you have the healthiest pregnancy possible with all that throwing up. Best wishes -Caitlin

  3. I am praying for you to feel better, Julia. I had HG with both of my daughters' pregnancies (17 months apart) and thank heavens the gift you get in the end is worth it, because there were definitely days I didn't think I could make it through. My second daughter's pregnancy was markedly worse, PICC lines (2 of them because my sites went bad and I ended up in the hospital for 5 days and we both almost passed away from infection), IV fluids, IV antiemetics, disability, extreme weight loss, all of it. I am now 38 weeks with #3 (a boy!) and this pregnancy has been worlds different! I also put on a hazel wood necklace the nanosecond I found out I was pregnant, and I don't care if it's a placebo, I swear it's been the reason I haven't been as sick. Hoping and praying that you continue to feel better, Dearie! I am so happy for you all! <3

  4. I'm at 11 weeks with hyperemesis gravidarum too! It's like having chronic food poisoning except for weeks or months on end.... thanks goodness yours is starting to ease now! My doctor gave me some drugs that have enabled me to function and get out of bed most days, which feels like Christmas to me. We refused to take them for weeks until it got so bad that I was too dehydrated to continue. Hope you feel much much better soon!

  5. This is so exciting!!! Will you find out what you are having? and HEY I didn't start out as a virtual friend but it is crazy how life doesn't keep us in the same city. I hope I can see you soon and good luck with feeling better. You can do it!!

  6. Delurking to say that I feel your pain! I suffered from HG from (basically) conception to birth with each of my three kids. It was the worst with my first, and I finally went from all day sick to twice a day around 21 weeks. (I am the quietest vomiter in the world, but any mention of the word 'bile' and I can immediately taste it again.) My second pregnancy was a little better and my third was better, with a little help from my friend Zofran.

    So, I say to you with my uttermost sincerity: I feel for you. Most preggo mums out there don't understand just how debilitating it is to have to sit in a shower because you can't stand for three minutes to bathe, or how hard it is to walk through a supermarket holding on to the trolley for dear life, praying you won't have to be sick as you quickly navigate through the meat department. It's even tougher with a little one who need you, and so I am praying for you and your wee babe and your lovely family -- for strength and the good days to return and the rough days to lessen.

    1. I don't go anywhere without my Zofran. It's always nice to connect with other moms who have gone through what you have or are. Thanks for reaching out, Liz. Even though it is difficult, relating to your story somehow makes it easier.

  7. :-) every time I think about this baby, I smile. And want to cry with joy. Boy or girl, either way, this truly is such a miracle and God really does hear and answer our deepest and most desired and sometime on-our-knees pleading prayer.

    Ah! Can't wait!

  8. I'm super happy for you. A friend of mine had the same condition and I remember how scary her early weeks of pregnancy were with such extreme weight loss. I'm glad you are turning a corner. I'm a mom of three (through adoption and birth) and I know that that each kiddo is worth every ounce of effort (pregnancy, paper work, home studies, etc.) we put in to getting them here. No doubt that you understand the same after all you've been through and your obviously gratitude for Greta and the one on the way.

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