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Princess Panties

November 16, 2012

I guess you can only say, "This is the last box of diapers we're buying" so many times before you find yourself with no diapers and no excuses to postpone the inevitable any longer.  It has been a trying couple of days, but potty training our girl, we are.  And to save Greta from any future embarrassment down the road, that's about all I am allowed to say about that.  I am grateful we're finally getting to cross this major milestone (a rite of passage, really) and put all of the just-you-wait-until-you-potty-trains behind us. But really, just you wait. There's lots of pop and peanut butter m&ms and princess panties--it's amaaaazzzinnnnggg.

You know where I'll be this weekend.  What are you up to?

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  1. Instead of having another "potty top seat" that are so yucky (for lack of a nicer word) we went with a new toilet seat with a built in potty training seat. It has worked great for us with our youngest I just wish I had found a toilet seat like this years ago! Good luck with the potty training!

  2. There are a million pictures of myself and my sister at this age (or maybe littler?) running around in undies (or gasp! sometimes nude!) now granted they are not on the interwebs, but I never felt embarrassed about them. You're little. Little naked babies (I continue to call all kids babies) are so cute!

  3. I have kids and LOVE the photo :) What a great idea with the IPad...totally doing this! And yeah, the kiddie seats that sit on top of the regular seat are irritating! For my oldest, we used a seat we found at home depot that had a kiddie seat integrated into the lid and we could pull it down for him to sit on when he was small. Worked great!

  4. I do understand this is a huge milestone. But sorry, but the photo is TMI!!!! Really, keep this for your close friends and family. I remember my mother "sharing" my life events and being so embarrased. Granted, Greta may not have this reaction, but I guess if you feel you can share this post, I think your readers can give you feedback.

  5. Ha! Maybe. I guess I was looking it as me not announcing her successes and accidents all over the blog and Facebook? Let's just hope one cute picture doesn't damage her for good. And you're in good company, the majority of our readers don't have kids. :)

  6. Cute picture. Now don't get me wrong, she is totally adorable... But don't you think you could "save Greta from any future embarrassment down the road" by not posting a pic of her on the toilet on the Internet? I don't have kids, maybe I have no clue what I'm talking about.

  7. Love that picture!!! What a lucky girl to have an iPad to watch shows on while going potty :) Maybe that would have made the process easier for Max...haha Hang in there!!

  8. This is too funny. I don't have any kids, but if I ever have a girl I'll have to remember "princess panties". At first I read the last sentence of that paragraph as "There's lots of poop and peanut butter..." I guess that's true too. Good luck!

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