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Cleaning & Organization

Storage and Organization in the Garage

June 24, 2020

While Gladiator® sent us some of the products in this post, they did not pay us to write about it. All opinions are our own. All the products and accessories used are linked at the end of this post.

All right y'all. I've been chipping away at our garage since before Christmas, though it all came to an abrupt halt in January while the contractors used our garage as a workshop. And again in March when everything shut down but we still had piles of building material all over the place. We waited until very last to organize our garage in our last house (check out that beauty, here)--BIG MISTAKE! An organized place for tools (wherever that may be for you) is key in getting projects done smoothly. So over the last couple weeks we've finally been able to get into the garage and turn it into what I've been dreaming it could be.

But let's take a small peek at how this corner use to look, even before hanging any of the overhead storage.

CLJ Garage Before

Yikes. It's a bit rough. Turns out, those shelves at the top of the far window were drilled into the drywall, and nothing else. I imagine it going something like, a-put shelves up, b-place empty cardboard box on shelves, c-shelf partially comes out of wall, d-remove cardboard box, e-"I'll fix that later." And then years pass and here we are.

All of this was born out of repurposing some base cabinets we took out of the guest room in our basement (used as a hobby room by the previous owners). Once we set them in place, we felt like it was a great start, but really needed more. So we filled in all those gaps with Gladiator products, and it's all so perfect!

The first thing I want to talk about is the GearWall panels. We covered almost all of the walls with them (each panel is 8ft wide and 1ft tall) and it gave us so much flexibility on our storage. Plus it goes up super easy and looks almost like siding or shiplap when completed. Really slick.

We also used a couple of their workbenches to extend the worktop, sliding some base cabinets (on casters) underneath that can be pulled out and used as even more worktop space!

Side note - you may notice the vast differences in my outfits in these photos. Funny enough, they were all taken in the same week. That's an Idaho spring for you - 80 degrees one day, snow the next.

Of course let's not ignore the ceiling racks. I added a couple of these to the garage in our last house and they worked so well we used them here too. Many garages have taller ceilings than the rest of the house, and these racks give that space a function. We're using them to store all of our seasonal decor.

The Gladiator GearWall has a bunch of hooks and baskets and accessories that work so well with common garage items. And it feels good to get things off the floor. And to have some visitors pop in to say "hello."

We had a lot more mess to clear up than most people would before we got started, but the installation of the GearWall only took a few hours. Now that everything is in order, bring on the projects!

In the short video below, we walk you through some of our choices and the accessories we used, and let us know in the comments what project you think we should do next. (We have something FUN in mind!)

8 ft. Workbench
66 in. Workbench
Overhead Storage Rack
Tall Cabinet
Storage Cabinet
96 in. Wall Panels
48 in. Wall Panels
Wire Baskets
Bike Hook
Deep Hook
Loop Screwdriver Hooks
J and L Hooks
Twin Hook
Tool Hook
Lawn GearTrack
Bike GearTrack
6 Hook GearTrack
Platform Ladder

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  1. We recently got a new garage door, but it feels out of place with our unorganized garage space. The walls are not finished, and we have thrown a lot of things in there without much care, but now I’ve been itching to redo the whole thing. This post is inspirational, and I think it’s time we get started on our garage remodel. Thanks!

  2. What did you use to frame the Gladiator Geartrack wall? It looks like some kind of edging and completes the look!

  3. Never had a garage at our homes and it is truly the dream for our next one. This is the goal! Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. This looks amazing- inspiring me to do my own garage revamp! Where do you store your larger tools - tile saw, miter saw, table saw, etc.? I am stumped on how to have mine easily accessible without eating up all my counter space!

  5. Where did you end up putting the large Kobalt rolling tool chest? How did you tie that into the rest of your organization?

  6. If a garage ever deserved a wolf whistle ... I love this space. Makes me want all the tools and all the counterspace.

  7. Hi, looks amazing. I have 2 questions. 1. What if your garage walls are cinder blocks, how do you install shelving, brackets, etc?
    2. How do you lock your garage doors?

  8. Hi Chris and Julia -

    Why do you continue to strongly censor comments that are more challenging to you? I simply asked for a cost breakdown and cited that this isn't a financially feasible option for many of your followers. I don't think that falls into the category of a "hateful" comment, yet I can see that it was not approved.

    Do you insist on only letting comments through that agree with your point of view or praise your work? Truly curious, as this is not an inclusive or sincere way to manage a business. Not everyone has to think this storage option is a great solution, when in reality, it's a very expensive and privileged choice.

  9. This garage is beyond beautiful! Not surprising given how lovely everything else is that you do. Question (and apologies if this was addressed and I missed it) - is the garage insulated? Wondering about temperature fluctuations between winter and summer and the impact it has on storing seasonal items and materials like wood glue, caulking etc. Tx!

  10. I love the walls. Our garage has cement walls that don't look great...and I've really struggled with what to do with them and how to either hang anything and/or make them look more finished. I think we're just going to have to go more with free standing shelving units but your garage looks so nice.

  11. I know this was gifted to you, but could Gladiator comment on what the cost would be if we wanted to do this in our home? I’m sure yours is much more extensive than most. Even an average cost would be great.

    1. That would really depend on the size of your space and the accessories you need. We designed the organization that would work best for us and our garage and linked all the products at the bottom of the post so you can see what would work for you. Although Gladiator gifted some of the product, it wasn't all of it and doing a cost breakdown would only be helpful if your garage was the same size as ours.

  12. I’ve been waiting for this post! Thank you :) It’s a dream. When I lived back home I would always organize my grandpa’s garage but after seeing this, I could have done much better haha.

  13. I showed this to my husband and he was so enthralled with this post! Haha. He said this was his dream. Curious though, where do you keep all the scrap wood and left over project materials?

  14. Do you mind sharing what the cost would be for this set up if you were to purchase the items yourself?

    That is definitely a dream garage!

  15. Yessssss!!! I must admit, I was as excited about the garage as I was about the master closet. There's just nothing like a well organized space; turning chaos into order. This must have been so cathartic for you. Three projects I'd like to see now: wall paneling the theatre room or the music room, ceiling paneling in Greta's room or decorative paneling along the front staircase. Later, would love to see you build an outdoor kitchen, in preparation for the next major kitchen reno. Thank you Chris!

  16. Stunning! Since we bought our first home, I've been collecting tools and hardware as I learn how to do things, and this would be PERFECT for getting our garage organized. Bookmarking lots of these products for later!

  17. This is great! I love a well-organized space! As an aside, I know you have some tool posts, but I would love a post about all of those yellow tools Chris has on the wall. As a new home-owner, I'm always working on projects, but I have no idea what tools I need or what tools exist, so an explanation of all the tools in laymen's terms and what they are used for would be wonderful. But that's just a suggestion!

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