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mood board


Back To School | Home Style

Letterboards are all over Instagram (and yet somehow I didn't put them on this list!), so that can only mean one thing--the start of school is among us. It starts tomorrow for us and I rounded up a few things to motivate, organize and decorate your home for the season. (Back to school is totally […]
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August 21, 2018


The Master Bathroom Mood Board!

It feels like a big day around here. After so much planning and preparation and mulling over photos and looking at samples and making so many decisions (and going back and forth on those decision)--we finally have the mood board for the master bathroom! And 99% of of it has been ordered and is on […]
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March 7, 2018


Our Plans to Revamp the Master Bedroom

In this week's podcast, we mentioned that we were going to paint our bedroom! But that's not all. Over the weekend we brought the speckled shag rug up to the cabin--you saw it in the main living room in yesterday's post. While it might not stay in that exact space forever, the cozy shag can […]
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January 17, 2018

Mood Boards

A Fast Bathroom Remodel--On Camera!

A month ago, we got a call from Lowe's that they would like to revamp the how-to videos on their YouTube channel. And by "revamp", they really mean--make them less showy. Isn't that funny? Awhile ago, they invested in a production company, actors, the works (!!!) to film tutorials on how to do basic bathroom projects like: […]
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November 16, 2017

Mood Boards

New Project: A Small Indoor Playhouse!

This project is in partnership with World Market. We've taken on a new design project, and it's a fun one! World Market challenged us to makeover a small space, preferably a kids' space, and we found the perfect candidate. In our own homes' design plans this year, we had the idea of transforming a closet […]
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July 17, 2017

Mood Boards

The Start of a new Nursery: One Room Challenge Week 1!

A few weeks ago, we shared our happy news that we'd be expecting our third child, another little girl, this summer! So when we were asked to participate in the One Room Challenge again this Spring, we knew exactly the room we'd want to tackle in the allotted 6 weeks--the nursery! Which currently looks like […]
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April 5, 2017

Mood Boards

To Baltimore, We Go!

It's hard to believe we leave on THURSDAY for Baltimore to tackle this year's Lowe's Spring Makeover. We've been working double time behind the scenes to make sure everything has been ordered, delivered and designed for the kitchen we'll be making over. There are still a few things we'll have to figure out on location, […]
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March 28, 2017


Bathroom Reno 101: Coming Up with a Design Plan

We're back with another installation of Bathroom Reno 101, where we're taking you all on an in-depth journey while we renovate our daughters' bathroom. Today I wanted to share how we came up with a design plan or "mood board" for the room. This was my first time designing a bathroom and there was a lot […]
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March 14, 2017

Mood Boards

A Quick Turnaround Project!: The Guest Room Plans

In this week's podcast (live now, right here!) we talk a little bit about some upcoming projects we're gearing up to tackle, including the guest room. Our previous guest room, that is now the girls' bunk room, was thrown together in 2 weeks before my sister came to stay with us. It served us well […]
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December 5, 2016


One Room Challenge Week 1 | The Room, The Befores and The Plan

The One Room Challenge starts today! 20 design bloggers will be making over a space in 6 weeks and documenting it from start to finish. We're no strangers to a quick deadline around here--heck, this summer we did a whole kitchen renovation for a family in Pittsburgh in 6 days! And a year ago, we […]
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October 5, 2016

Mood Boards

A Peek at Our DIY Standing Desk + The Home Office Mood Board

We made some exciting strides in our studio over the weekend. After not being overly excited about the standing desks on the market, we decided to build our own. We wanted storage. We wanted it sided so there was room for both of us. And we wanted it about 45" high--the natural elbow height that […]
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August 29, 2016


Ep. 7 Chairman of the Mood Board + My favorite Style Quizzes!

Sorry for my absence over the past week. I had a few posts ready to publish while we were away, but we were, literally, working on the kitchen in Pittsburgh non-stop and I wasn't in a place to answer questions or even hit publish. So, we'll save those for this week! The good news is […]
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June 13, 2016

Mood Boards

All the Kitchen Plans!!

It has been a difficult couple of weeks over here since Chris's surgery hence my lack of posting, but we are trying to focus on when he'll be fully recovered and able to lift more than five pounds. While there isn't a lot of reno going on, there's more planning than ever--which is helping to […]
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February 9, 2015

Mood Boards

10 Pieces I'd Love to Add to the Living Room | Fall Edition

Last Christmas, we were in Target, and I overheard an older couple looking at some plaid Christmas sheets saying, "These would be perfect in the guest room!" I cry-laughed later to Chris telling him the story because Christmas sheets?! For the guest room!? Are we ever going to get to a point where I have […]
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September 25, 2014

Mood Boards

Greta's Feminine Schoolhouse Bedroom Mood Board

We're slowly getting started on Greta's room. I thought for a long time about it, and I interviewed her about what she wanted (not a ton of help there!). Haha. And ultimately, I decided to go for a feminine schoolhouse feel. Of course some of this could evolve as we start putting things together, but here's […]
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August 20, 2014

Mood Boards

Nursery Mood Board: If Faye were a Boy

I recently found a private pinboard I completely forgot about. It was the start of a nursery for a little baby BOY! I started it before we found out Faye was a little girl and I was so certain we were going to have a boy. Ha! So much for intuition. We couldn't be happier […]
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July 15, 2014
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