Oh dear. This is hard. To catch up any of you that didn't follow along on Instagram (@chrislovesjulia), the house hunt on Monday was intense. I saw everything from a two-story on 6 acres, to a 1960s time capsule in the center of town--twelve houses total. Every one was so different and out of all 12 there was only 1 that I couldn't find one thing that I loved. They were all special in their own way, and really helped me narrow down what we wanted, and definitely didn't want even more. Two really stood out to me as homes that I could see us dwelling in and those are the ones I brought Chris back to after he finished up work.
We toured the first one and he said, "It would be hard to beat this!" And then we toured the second one and we both knew--it was the one. We slept on it, and I dreamt about the house and I woke up with cold feet. I dropped Chris off at work and drove over to the house we deemed "the one" (it's vacant) and walked around the exterior and drove around the neighborhood and felt overwhelmingly sure all over again that this is where I wanted to be. I called Chris, who was waiting patiently for me to renew my confidence, and we called our realtor to make an offer.

That was Tuesday, and we have been waiting to hear back on the offer. A counter? An acceptance? At this point we just want to hear something! They have until today at 10 am MST to respond and while we tried to keep ourselves busy all day yesterday so I wouldn't think about it--it's all I thought about. We started making plans on what needed tackled first, and drove by it a couple more times. So, completely failed at not thinking about it. And while there is a chance we might get our hearts seriously broken, we're sharing this all with you in the name of the house hunting journey. We opted not to share details or photos of the houses on the blog, not even the house, because it isn't really ours to blog about--yet. But once an offer is accepted and the closing date is set, we promise to open the flood gates.
... ... #househunt4 ftw. ;)
oh, I hope there's a positive outcome! Thinking positive things!
My fingers are crossed for you! I think it might already be over the time limit though??
I can't wait to hear what you heard! Gah!! House hunting is so exciting!
gah. the suspense is killing me! cant wait to hear how it goes. good luck!
Good luck! I hate the waiting part! #4 was my favorite!!!
I love #4. Great choice! Fingers crossed! Good luck :)
Crossing my fingers for you guys. We just bought a house a month ago, and I don't envy you the waiting period. With the market as active as it is right now, putting in an offer is way more competitive than it used to be. You'll end up where you're meant to be.
The waiting is the WORST part. I feel for you!
Yay! #4 was my fave too! And totally feeling your pain. We're in the middle of the waiting game right now, too. Sold our townhome on Monday, put in an offer on a new house on Tuesday, and we're stilllll waiting! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY LONGER! I have NO patience! Ahh!!
I hope you hear back soon!! :) Fingers crossed for you!
Sending positive vibes your way! House #4 was my favorite! I really hope this is your home. Good luck! :-)
Sending good thoughts your way! We're in the midst of the stress ball whirlwind of buying our first house, so I've got nothing but sympathy! I can't wait to hear how it all turns out. Hang in there!
umm just fyi, was pretty easy to track down the address of #4 based off the listings of the realtor whose name is on the sign in the front yard. might want to consider taking that picture down if you're wary about stalkers and creepy people =)
Good luck- I loved #4. Now, let's talk about that marble tile in the kitchen... ;)
Oh man, waiting is sooooo the worst!! I remember that stress well from two years ago when we bought our first house. GL!!
sssooooooooo excited for you guys :)
Good luck! I hope it works out :-) Also - it is funny because where I live (Toronto) most people only get 24 hours to respond to offers (if there isn't a bidding war). The wait must be agony!
ohh! i was hoping for 4!
Aaaah! We just bought our first house last summer, and the agony of waiting to hear back about an offer is the worst. Hang in there!
Good luck and I hope the rest of the process goes well for you guys! Sending good thoughts your way!
Fingers and toes crossed for you!
So excited for you!!! I followed along on instagram and loved house #4! I hope you hear good news very soon!
YAY!!!! I loved 4 and I am so excited for y'all!!!!