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What's In My Diaper Bag?

October 23, 2014

This post is sponsored by Oyster.

Before Faye came along, we talked about our diaper bag here. Good news--Chris and I both still love it. I find it incredibly fascinating to see what people have in their purses, and since this bag has become my purse for the past 6 months, today, I am dumping it out to show you what I keep inside.

What's In My Diaper Bag

I would have to have a lot more in there if it wasn't for my phone--which is now my camera, planner, laptop and now I even have all my books on it!! I have been using Oyster (a subscription based app available on iOS, Android, Kindle Fire, Nook HD, and desktop--that gives you access to unlimited ebooks for $9.95 a month. Think Netflix for books!) Up until recently, I used to stash up to 3 books at a time in my diaper bag for when I am nursing or at the doctor's office waiting. Now when I have a minute of downtime, it is so easy to pull out my phone and pick up right where I left off in my book. They have over half a million books in every genre and even have an easy reader feature to help with reading in the dark for Faye's occasional 4am feeding. Let's talk about what I'm reading (and what you're reading! I hope you'll share!) after we look at what else is in my bag.

My wallet, which I have had forever.

This nursing cover is so pretty and lightweight. It also has terrycloth corners on the inside flaps which makes quick wiping easy and fast.

QuestBar for me (Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough is amazing!) and matching Bunny Grahams for Greta.

A friend gifted me a few of these bandana bibs when Faye was born and I have since ordered more here because they are so absorbent, but also cute. Like little baby accessories.

Teething ring, changing pad, wipes--the essentials.

Another friend made the most adorable burp cloths for me I almost couldn't use them. Good thing they wash so well. (Thanks, Chantal!)

Extra outfit. Always. I should probably put an extra shirt in here for me, too. Ha!

Floss picks, bandaids, lotion, Desitin, and Neosporin--all of which I used yesterday. Some items are just-in-case things and then there are these necessities. All of them.

A rattle for Faye and a couple of her current favorite eye-candy books that keep her still throughout all of church.

A tinted chapstick and an untinted minty chapstick. I'm terribly exciting.

So, the books I currently have in my Oyster queue (and technically in my bag) are The Alchemist (I've read this book ten times and love to give it as gifts, too.), It's Raining Cupcakes (Something to read to Greta when she is in the mood), Les Miserables (I read this back in 11th grade, but since the movie came out a couple years ago, I've been wanting to read it again. Also, fun fact, this is Chris's favorite book!), Blog, Inc. (Joy's book has been on my list forever and I am so happy to have access to it along with a bunch of other favs now), Water for Elephants, and The End of Overeating.


Oyster offers personalized book recommendations based on your tastes and activity and I also love that you can get book recommendations from friends on the app, too. I am always looking for my next good book to read. Speaking of, what are you reading these days? Feel free to share the weirdest thing in your bag, too. I think I'm kind of a straight shooter as far as "stuff" goes I think?, but if you are around me and haven't tried a Questbar, I'll probably give you mine. ;)

If you'd like to try Oyster, you can click here to get your first 30 days free.

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  1. Although my diaper bag carrying days are far behind me my life-savers were plastic bags. Like another commenter mentioned I always kept a few gallon size ziploc bags for wet clothes and a couple of plastic grocery bags for dirty diapers. I started to carry extra because I ended up giving them to other moms who needed them!

  2. I think you dumped out the contents of my diaper bag instead of yours. Haha, pretty much everything except the nursing cover (I lost my modesty after a while and she started to hate it), and we use Honest diapers. But everything else- we got it. I know it's so nosy, but I just love posts like this. I'm always curious to know what people actually use.

  3. I just got "The End of Overeating" and look forward to starting it tonight when I get home. The cover even spoke to me... I'd grab that piece of carrot cake long before I'd grab the carrots. Lost 30lbs about 6 years ago and have gained every bit of it back. I'm tall (like you, I'm about 6') but even at my height I can't hide the 30+ pounds I'm carrying. Hopefully this is the jump start I need. Thanks

  4. Ever since we had a diaper blow out, 2 hours from home, at a baby shower with nothing to put the soaking wet, rinsed in the sink clothes in, I always keep a wet bag (or just a plastic bag/ziplock) in my diaper bag to put the clothes in.

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