The coffee table we used, and love so much, in our family room has a look-a-like and I can barely believe my eyes! Last week, on Instagram, one of our readers showed off their new beautiful coffee table and tagged me in the caption saying they were inspired by ours. (Update: It was @wendellswartz. You can see hers here.)
The most insane thing is, they are the exact same dimensions, weight and are both made from Mango wood. The ARTERIORS one on the right (the one that's in our family room) looks a little more distressed but the biggest difference is definitely the price.
Pretty crazy, right?!!! On the left is the Excellent Round Side Table by The Urban Port for $292 (now $337) and on the right is the ARTERIORS Home Jacob Coffee Table on sale for $1085 (plus, free shipping!). Honestly, it adds so much warmth and absolutely made our family room. But that price tag on the left is pretty appealing. Which would you go for?
See more of our family room and all the sources right here.
UPDATE: The Amazon seller keeps raising the price on the dupe and now it's over $500 (grrr). It could go down in the future, but here is a link to one on Walmart for $337 (plus, free shipping).
Back in stock on for $325 with free shipping as of 10/15/2018!
$565 12/2024
Looks like it’s available (and on sale!) at AMB Furniture’s website for $266…but shipping is pretty expensive ($150 in my zip code). Glad to see the less expensive option is out there, though! Beautiful table.
Hi Julia, I was so excited to see the dupe you gave us to consider, but when I read "mango wood", I froze. I bought a sofa table from a reputable furniture manufacturer and loved it. A few weeks later when I spotted wood dust on the lower shelf. I looked into the shelving area and spotted tiny pinholes throughout the wood and dead tiny black bugs. After thorough investigation, I had False Powder-Post Beetles and no way to get rid of them. I just wanted to give you a head's up to look for holes and dust should you have the same issue. I also found out that not all countries treat their woods before being used in manufactuing, hence the pest making it into my furniture. So, it doesn't mean that you will have a problem, but I wanted you to be aware. The beasts also love mahogany, I was told.
That's so gross! We haven't had any issues with ours but definitely something to keep an eye out for.
Geez, it is now listed for $592! That's a crazy fast mark-up algorithm.
I was so hoping you would do a post on this coffee table dupe! Wishes do come true! Too bad the price was bumped up! Love it anyway and hope it doesn't go up much more before I have the funds to get it saved up!
Love them both. Just looked up the one on the Left and the price is now $374 + $30 for shipping ?
that's a pretty killer find!
Crazy that they raised the price right away...ugh
Okay crazy! Glad I snagged mine before the Chrislovejulia affect ????
BUMMER! price jumped up 100 bucks and no more free shipping :( Great find though!
Wait...the link now says it costs $374 +29 shipping. NOOOOOOO! Still good, but I was ready to buy at the other price.
Me too! I put it in my cart for save for later & sometimes the price will go down in a couple days
Yay!!! Ask and I shall receive! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
It looks like the price jumped up after you posted about it!
Grrrrr. I hate it when they do that!
Thanks for the post! It was me! @wendellswartz on Insta!!
Awesome! Thank you so much, Wendi! I'm going to update the post. :)
Thanks for sharing! I've always loved this table but not the price. At the lower price it's a win for me, wooohoo!
I agree with Kirsten! Haha, when I've scrabbled together the money!!!
Given that in no lifetime that I can currently imagine could I spend $1000 on a coffee table, I would definitely go for the one on the left. In fact, I hope to do so, if it doesn't sell out before I've scrabbled together the cash!
Thanks for the source!
I prefer the one on the right but I don't prefer it $800 more. I would go with the one on the left for sure! That's a great find.
Looks like it's available (and on sale!) at AMB Furniture's website for $266...but shipping is pretty expensive ($150 in my zip code). Glad to see the less expensive option is out there, though! Beautiful table.