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Title: Ep 28: RIP Home Blogging, and Your House Looks Cheap
Hot Topic: Is Home/DIY Blogging Dead?
Show Notes: We start with a recap of the year and Julia gives great advice for patching walls and painting over the patches. We discuss DIY blogs compared to other styles of blogs and see why some people think its a dying forum.
Theme song Headphones by Preston Pugmire
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2. Search for "Chris Loves Julia" in the search bar and tap on the podcast title, which is "The Chris Loves Julia Podcast w/Preston Pugmire"
3. On the search results page the top section will list Podcast Episodes. Ignore that for now - first tap on the larger thumbnail (image) under the "Podcasts" section.
4. Once you're on the podcast page, the first thing you want to do is tap the "Subscribe" button. There's no cost to subscribe, and this way you'll receive a notification each week when a new episode goes live.
5. Listen to an episode by first tapping the cloud icon to the right, allowing it to download, then tapping the episode to begin playing.
Just came across the website – and listened to this podcast. Sounds like you are having fun and that’s what makes it enjoyable.
The Cheap-Looks bit was pretty much spot-on; personally I have no problem with reproduction art as long as:
a) …It is not something common or clichéd that you see almost everywhere – like, on the wall in your local TGIFridays or Ruby Tuesdays.
b) …It holds some special meaning for you, or is central to your sense of style; i.e. I have a very large, gold-framed Alma-Tadema print in my dining room (yes, from BBB, as I recall)—but since my dining room looks like it belongs on The Titanic, it’s perfect.
c) …It’s not cheapened even further with a crappy metal or plastic frame.
If I see never Live – Laugh – Love on anything ever again, it will be too soon. I would like to surprise someone with Drink – Barf – Pass Out in the same, beautiful script. Not in vinyl letters, though—rather carved into the fireplace mantel.
Laughed about old carpets looking cheap; then remembered picture of old houses in England where the ancient oriental carpets were worn in spots; the owners then strategically tossed old copies of Country Life magazine onto the floor to hide the worn spots. Looked hilarious but was considered a rather smart solution…
Listening to this podcast today made me belly laugh so bad! Unfortunately, I was listening while my baby was breastfeeding/snoozing and she woke up wondering what the heck is going on. I couldn't stop laughing though, I had to pause the podcast to let her finish eating. Ha. Love your energy, keep it up.
Longtime CLJ reader, and I just started listening to the podcast last week. I really like it! I've been going through all the past episodes. I'll admit that at first Preston's exuberance caught me a little off guard, but he's really good at injecting humor into the discussions and keeping things light and conversational.
The Mariah Carey observation was also pretty cool, because I was thinking the exact same thing at the time, but everyone just wanted to rag on poor Mimi (despite her antics, I'm a huge fan).
I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Chris and Julia seem to have a pretty good sense of humor, since it's not something they really display in their blog posts. I literally burst out laughing as I'm listening to the episodes, and the closet/Narnia thing really had me going because I was so into those books back in the day.
Love the podcast!
You said to contact you with comments/questions/etc but I don't recall HOW you said to contact you. Just a tip: for your bathroom remodel you should definitely consider a bidet seat attachment. I have installed 2 different kinds (one high end, one low end) in my home and feel like EVERYONE needs to be on this bandwagon.
Interesting! That's not a very common thing where we live. Also, you can always email us with podcast questions at
Thanks! They aren't common in my area either, but they should be! Check them out.
Another good article for a hot topic
Love the segment on "your house looks cheap"! As an professional designer, I couldn't agree more! Can I add, any mass produced wall hanging / "decorative shelf" purchased at a certain home store with lots of B's in the name :) My mom always asks, "well if its not in style why do they sell it?" Because people will sell anything to make a buck mom....
And FYI I love your hopper print despite being a reproduction, I say keep it.
Hey there! Love the blog and podcasts and of course I'm an avid follower of your IG feed. I look forward each day to seeing what's new or changed over my morning coffee or nightly tea. ^_^ We have recently built a new home, well about 3 years ago, the novelty hasn't worn off yet. But like everyone with children, work and other commitments, I feel like we're just this past 6 months beginning to decorate and make it our own. Such a slow process but I get so many good ideas between you guys and my other go to fav, House Tweaking.
Just listened to the latest podcast and had a quick question. You mentioned about "having" to post a blog entry the day after the presidential election. Just curious how this works for you. Is blogging your full time job? To post so regularly and do so many renos and updates I would imagine this takes almost all of your time. And if so, do you actually "work" for another person or company where you are bound to a contract of a certain number of posts and so on?
Just curious about these things. Not meaning to pry but to settle my own mind about how "slow" the process is for our family, and maybe others who are wondering the same thing, I was just wondering. hahaha!
Keep up the fabulous posts and projects. Really looking forward to all the new updates in 2017!
What snowblower did Chris get?? We need one too!!
I got this one:
It's a dream. :)
My husband will be so happy for the recommendation. We just moved at the end of last winter. We had all pitched in one year and shared one among neighbors on the old block, but now have to get one of our own ;)
Love your podcast!! How do I submit a Hot Topic idea? thanks!
Send an email to Thanks!
As much as I enjoy your podcast - especially the totally natural laughter - I would make a small suggestion.... For your HOT TOPICS section I think the music is too mellow. HOT topics sounds exciting but the music is kinda blah (don't mean to be meanspirited - just a thought)
Otherwise the three of you are so great to listen to and unexpectedly funny!
Good input!
So glad to have a new podcast episode today! I'm a museum curator and feel compelled to weigh in on the art discussion. I really believe you should hang whatever makes you happy on your walls! It's not an art museum, it's your home, and it only needs to make you happy. That said, if you have the means to support local artists by purchasing original art that you love, I don't think you would ever regret making a meaningful purchase like that.
My bathroom is totally sporting a reprint of Girl with a Pearl Earring and I'm not feeling guilty at all. Although my house also has multiple giant holes in the walls and ceilings so there's that. Haha! Ah well, gotta keep on and carry on with the live, laugh, love motto. Know what I mean?! :P
I keep that Hopper print. Those people are wrong. I have two van gogh prints (not starry night) and I love them.!Large.jpg
Just listened and I have to say - Preston was on his game and sounded like such a pro host. Loved how he concisely guided you guys through the topics. Not as much chit chat which was nice. Loved the topics too!
Was laying on the couch listening while on my lunch break and probably looked like a total weirdo when I sat straight up, wide-eyed, when you mentioned my comment about the "No. 10 the podcast".
Glad to have y'all back! I love Chris's take on the cheap home decoration article. Still, I'm definitely in the no vinyl decal camp. There are just so many better options if you want words on your wall!
i can't find the episode! did it not load to iTunes? am i just going crazy
You guys. My name is Sarah. I jumped in my chair when Chris called out "I'm talking to you SARAH" Hahaha. Oh gosh. Great episode! Between jumping and holding in my laughs, my office mate probably thinks I'm a weirdo ;)
Mariah Carey??!!! Really Preston?! Hahahaha I'll let it slide this time. Love yalls podcast.