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25 REALLY Cute Crib Sheets

April 18, 2017

I'm so glad that one crib sheet is not enough, because even if it could NEVER be. There are too many cute crib sheets out there to only buy one. And while I'm mostly content with white sheets in my own room, give me all the cutest patterns for the baby's. They add personality and a splash of pattern or color to a nursery, and hey!, they make really pretty photo backdrops too. A few of my go-to sources for crib sheets are Land of Nod, pottery barn kids, Serena and Lily, Anthropologie and this Etsy shop is an absolute gold mine. Here are 25 favorites I'm eyeing for our own in-progress nursery right now:

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photo of sleeping babe found here

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  1. Thank you so much for this post!! I'm expecting my first just a few weeks before your new little one will arrive, and I'm loving all your baby/nursery related posts. I think people are really missing the point here! I'll be splurging on a couple really cute sheets (especially love that they're organic), and then get some cheapies from Target or Amazon too. But even if I couldn't afford any nice(r) sheets, I'd still love this post for inspiration. Everyone needs to relax and realize that just because they do something a certain way, doesn't mean everyone should do it that way too!

  2. My first grandchild is due in less than 2 weeks! I bought a mini crib and bought quality bedding from Carousel Designs - I bought 2 sheets - sailboats & whales along with solid blue skirt, etc. There are so many patterns to choose from. You should check them out. Right now everything is 30% off.

  3. Wow, I can't believe all the negitive comments about crib sheets! My daughter is 3 and still sleeps on a toddler bed that uses crib sheets Those things get washed a ton and they wear out quickly! We probably have 5-10 on hand and I think that is reasonable, especially for a new baby. I would have loved this post when I had my daughter three years ago as I had a very hard time finding cute cribs sheets of any kind, anywhere. Thanks for posting this!

  4. I love this post! I have zero patience for people questioning the number of sheets you buy. I'm feeling completely lost as a first time mom, and so appreciate the options for sources. These nursery posts are so timely to me. Thanks for opening up your home and life to us.

  5. Julia, you're quite kind to those who are quick to judge in the comments above. We all raise our children differently and make a variety of choices about the things we surround them with. Shame on them for shaming you. I think these sheets are adorable and they make me want a third little baby to spoil, regardless of the price.

  6. If you like having 5-7 sheets on hand, and the sheets cost $58 a pop, that's $300- $400 on a sheets alone... Good for you if you have that kind of money and they are very cute. But this just isn't relatable to me at all. Aesthetics is important to me and I disagree with the comment that they're just something to spit up on. I have a set of 2 white sheets from Ikea that look great and I think they cost under $20. But seriously? You really lost me on this one.

      1. Yep, must have missed them! To clarify- I wasn't intending to comment about your advice on the number of sheets to have on hand... surely it depends on the baby and how quick you can get a load of laundry done. Although I would suggest starting with fewer and getting more as needed. My baby really did end up only needing a spare.

  7. Really? This all seems like a waste of money. Think about how much you spend and then think about if you put that money in a savings account for your kid and all the interest over the yrs. I have twins and we have 4 crib sheets and are just fine. People really need to get a grasp on seperating their wants from their actual needs and saving money for their kids future. Who cares what the sheet looks like, they spit up on and sleep on it.

    1. Especially when you've previously had 2 girls, and based on what you're saying, you had 5-7 sheets apiece for each of them. You have 10-14 crib sheets that you're not planning on using again....when this baby is already getting a brand new everything in the nursery?!?!? I like your blog and find it interesting, but my son sleeps on $10 sheets from Target that are just as cute. This is ridiculously unrelatable.

      1. I'm not sure where this is all coming from. I'm definitely not saying I'm buying ALL these sheets. I'm just saying, these are cute sheets! And we have Target sheets, too! Also, our oldest is 7, and our next daughter is 3. Sheets wear out.

      2. What is wrong with a baby getting brand new everything? I find this post completely relatable. It's a roundup of cute options.

    2. You're reading a blog pretty much entirely dedicated to aesthetic/looks. Who cares what sheets look like? I do! And lots of other people, too. They won't change my life, but it's just a nice little life bonus to look at different things in your house and smile. Beyond them being cute, the more expensive sheets are organic, handmade, and support an individual seller rather than a huge business. Those things are important to a lot of people. And, fortunately, many people can buy nice things and still have savings. She's not encouraging people to skip meals to buy nice sheets, geez.

  8. My sister in law, Meredith, is the master mind behind @babiease!!!! She's wonderful to work with. You won't be disappointed. :)

    1. I like to have AT LEAST 5 on hand. They don't all need to be fancy of course, but our girls have both spit up a lot which means we're always changing sheets, sometimes multiple times a day.

  9. So... for my first baby, how many crib sheets do I need? 3? 5? 15??? Before you answer, please know that I'm looking to you for permission to go crazy so feel free to round up :)
    In all seriousness, thanks for putting together such a lovely selection! I hadn't even thought to check etsy or anthro!

    1. I think 5 is a really good, conservative number (feel free to round up!). You could get away with less, but the very minimum is 3 in my book. Of course every baby and household are different. Our babies have all slept in their cribs from about day 6 to age 3! When they are little, a lot of accidents happen. Our girls both spit up a lot so we were constantly changing their sheets, sometimes multiple times a day! The truth is, you can't have too many. 5-7 is a very safe (fun!) number.

  10. They are all very cute. But $50-$60 for a crib sheet just seems so extreme to me. I wouldn't be able to afford diapers after outfitting the crib!

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